国際会議 #ISWC2019 まとめ/Compiled list of tweets on #ISWC2019

国際会議 ISWC2019 (The 18th International Semantic Web Conference) のツイートまとめ 開催日:2019/10/26-30 場所:Auckland, New Zealand 詳細:http://iswc2019.semanticweb.org/
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Daniele Dell'Aglio @dandellaglio

More than 30 "ppl" voted for the best #iswc_conf demo in less than one minute... And the total number of voters is higher than the number of attendants. Maybe are we using the wrong platform to trace preferences? pic.twitter.com/fA7xFxbDhJ

2019-10-29 06:47:09
ilkcan @ilkcankeles

I thought the best paper will be determined by just the voting but apparently, they will use reviews and minute madness together with the votes. So, I was wrong on my criticism. I apologize for that and I want to thank @gong_cheng and @iswc_conf for the clarification. #iswc_conf twitter.com/ilkcankeles/st…

2019-10-29 07:00:31
ilkcan @ilkcankeles

I have to point out that the voting for the best demo/poster paper @iswc_conf is completely unfair to the authors from small research groups since the voting is open to the public and everyone can vote with the event code. We should fix this before it is too late! #iswc_conf

2019-10-28 17:41:15
Gianluca Demartini @eglu81

Slides of my talk "Knowledge Graph Quality Management" opening the @sewebmeda workshop at #iswc_conf 2019 are now available online: gianlucademartini.net/research/KGQua…

2019-10-29 07:04:14
Diego Moussallem @DiegoMoussallem

@zafarhabeeb presented his research paper entitled “Unsupervised Discovery of Corroborative Paths for Fact Validation” at @iswc_conf #iswc_conf #iswc2019 @DiceResearch pic.twitter.com/YbJ8tWXZIk

2019-10-29 08:07:42
Muhammad Saleem @saleem_muhamad

@ClausStadler presenting Sparklify framework for SPARQL query execution over distributed knowledgebases . #iswc2019 , #iswc_conf 2019. @akswgroup @SDA_Research pic.twitter.com/d4inULqIo6

2019-10-29 08:08:37
ilkcan @ilkcankeles

@Chraebe from @DaisyAAUdk is now presenting his research paper "Decentralized indexing over a Network of RDF Peers" at #iswc_conf pic.twitter.com/zlMTjAlYiR

2019-10-29 08:09:15
Jens Lehmann @JLehmann82

Do you want to know why Microsoft spent $7.5 billion Euro for acquiring GitHub and how semantics can increase the value of GitHub data? Attend the talk at @iswc_conf by Dennis Kubitza or read the paper at dgraux.github.io/publications/S… - #github #knowledgegraphs #iswc2019 pic.twitter.com/prM86kszP8

2019-10-29 08:14:59
Ghislain Atemezing @gatemezing

#Vlog is your new rule engine for Knowledge Graphs. Why? For these 5 reasons: expressive rules, scalable, data federation, community oriented and ideal for #SemWeb. Great work of David Carral and al., . #ISWC2019 pic.twitter.com/mzlZBmyqYa

2019-10-29 08:15:15
International Semantic Web Conference @iswc_conf

@evabl444 or posters and demos, the first criterion chosen by the chairs is "review score + reviewer nomination + presence at minute madness" and then they consider the votes.

2019-10-29 08:19:33
International Semantic Web Conference @iswc_conf

@dandellaglio or posters and demos, the first criterion chosen by the chairs is "review score + reviewer nomination + presence at minute madness" and then they consider the votes.

2019-10-29 08:20:17
Juan Sequeda @juansequeda

Brilliant keynote by Jerome Euzenat. Providing a journey of Knowledge and making a call for brains that we have lost focused on the evolution of knowledge. #iswc_conf pic.twitter.com/fdtflgdWJD

2019-10-29 08:20:24
Juan Sequeda @juansequeda

VLog, a new rule based reasoner on Knowledge Graphs. Definitely need to dig into this. #iswc_conf github.com/karmaresearch/… github.com/knowsys/vlog4j pic.twitter.com/lHm40pLTZP

2019-10-29 08:22:53
Daniele Dell'Aglio @dandellaglio

@iswc_conf That is good. However, tomorrow we will not be able to assess what #iswc_conf participants really liked. Next years it would be better to go back to more controlled systems (as in ISWC 2017), using identities or tokens to avoid what's happening these days.

2019-10-29 08:32:39
Muhammad Saleem @saleem_muhamad

Ali Hasnain presenting Sportal service for profiling and cataloguing the contents of live SPARQL endpoints. #iswc_conf 2019 . #ISWC2019 pic.twitter.com/adtO8UHe0l

2019-10-29 08:33:43
Mauro Dragoni @maurodragoni

the ISWC 2019 Mentoring Lunch will be in the Decima Glenn room at third floor. The lunch is open to ALL STUDENTS attending the conference. #iswc2019 #iswc_conf @iswc_conf

2019-10-29 08:38:16
Laurent Lefort @laurentlefort

@gatemezing Ditto #Vlog #iswc_conf #wishIwasthere + I'm curious to learn how VLOG4J has reused / extended / modified the GRAAL work graphik-team.github.io/graal/ (just spotted the dependency on the GitHub repo) + I recommend Markus Krötzsch's talk at the EDBT summer school edbtschool2019.liris.cnrs.fr/program.html

2019-10-29 09:02:14
Mauro Dragoni @maurodragoni

the room is full for the mentoring lunch!!! many nice discussions are in progress... #iswc2019 #iswc_conf @iswc_conf #semanticweb pic.twitter.com/w0mSVcRhiM

2019-10-29 09:31:58
Fernando @ferneutronn

Today I attended the conference about Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration at #iswc_conf , team @koneksys pic.twitter.com/2joDy5Ee3f

2019-10-29 09:37:29

Open Access: The Semantic Web Journal (SWJ) @SW_Journal is going for gold. We will provide full Open Access starting January 1st, 2020; see semantic-web-journal.net/blog/open-acce… #semanticweb #ISWC2019 #iswc_conf @iswc_conf @IOSPress_STM @pascalhitzler

2019-10-29 09:59:27
Semantic Web Journal @SW_Journal

Open Access: The Semantic Web Journal (SWJ) is going for gold. We will provide full Open Access starting January 1st, 2020; see semantic-web-journal.net/blog/open-acce… #semanticweb #ISWC2019 #iswc_conf @iswc_conf @IOSPress_STM @pascalhitzler @STKO_UCSB

2019-10-29 10:02:53
stlab @stlab_cnr

Interested in empirical analyses of lod? Don't miss @LguSpree presentation of bit.ly/2XJzTEq, room 098 time: 3:20 pm @iswc_conf #iswc_conf #LOD #ISWC2019

2019-10-29 11:00:00
Albert Meroño @albertmeronyo

Observing LOD using Equivalent Set Graphs: @LguSpree poses whole-LOD RQs: how much are classes/properties linked? What is the shape of the ontological hierarchies? How are classes/properties instantiated? @WGJBeek @FrankVanHarmele @paolociancarini @vpresutti #ISWC2019 #iswc_conf pic.twitter.com/ObDVUZUIvL

2019-10-29 11:43:33
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