#RECP 問題と『 2019.11.6 日米貿易協定批准反対 院内集会』 #IWJ #日米貿易協定 #TPP #日米FTA

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内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

The newest article reports that RCEP countries gave up the conclusion at the summit meeting on the 4th. The draft of joint statement of the summit states that all countries “pledge to sign” the 2020 RCEP round in Vietnam. nishinippon.co.jp/item/o/556356

2019-11-03 01:54:35
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

Hopes fade for RCEP deal this year bangkokpost.com/thailand/gener… India's attitude continues to be doomed to a conclusion.

2019-11-03 02:02:30
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

#RCEP corporate #trade deal talks continue in secret at #ASEAN summit in #Thailand. The People of #Asia have the right to know what is being negotiated in our name. #norcep #tradejustice pic.twitter.com/eCR8gi8Giz

2019-11-03 05:27:14
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

RCEP ministers make 'big progress' at Bangkok talks but likely to give up on trying to seal free trade pact by yearend | The Japan Times japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/11/0…

2019-11-03 05:39:35
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

RCEP to commit to signing free trade deal in 2020: source english.kyodonews.net/news/2019/11/8… Unclear if it’s to conclude remaining market access negotiations by February 2020. Or if it’s to sign in February 2020 as one report below says.

2019-11-03 19:38:04
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

Abe leaves for Thailand to attend ASEAN-related summits japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/11/0… They gave up to conclude the deal in Bangkok, but The 16 countries “are committed to sign RCEP agreement in Vietnam,” according to a draft of a joint statement.

2019-11-03 20:12:02
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

Vietnam will hold the chairmanship of ASEAN in 2020 and so the RCEP round that the report is talking about might coincide with one of the ASEAN summits which are usually held in April and November. Anyway we can't know for sure without seeing tomorrow's statement.

2019-11-03 20:15:36
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

【重要】日米貿易協定・国会審議日程 国会全体は流動的ですが審議予定が固まったようです。 ●外務委員会:6日(水)午前、8日(金)午前 ●農水委員会との連合審査:7日(木)(時間未定) この週に集中的に審議し(それでも時間は到底十分ではありません)、翌週採決というのが政府与党の目論見。

2019-11-03 21:57:46
日付切取線 @krtr_date

✄----------- 11/4(月休) ----------✄

2019-11-04 00:00:01
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

World's largest trade deal RCEP faces delay as India pushes back against China theguardian.com/business/2019/… Not only tariffs, but also E-commerce, investment and IP which Japan and other developed countries have been demanding 'high level rules' are matters.

2019-11-04 10:42:46
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

Japan braces for US pressure on services in next trade talks bilaterals.org/?japan-braces-… The question is what areas will be included in the "second stage" and whether they will be TPP+. ex. USMCA has 12 years bio pharmaceutical data protection period, which is much longer than TPP.

2019-11-04 12:09:04
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

Huge Asia Pacific trade deal is set to be signed in 2020 cnb.cx/2oOoG5a India's isolation stands out, but so far there has been strong resistance from farmers, women and workers in ASEAN countries & India.

2019-11-04 20:30:32
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

In particular, it is harmful for people that Japan & Korea have endorsed strong IP provisions, ISDS, and many e-commerce rules that will bring Global Big Tech huge profits. (And most of them are already included in TPP and Japan-US deal on digital trade).

2019-11-04 20:34:07
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko


2019-11-04 21:03:42
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko


2019-11-04 21:12:44
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko


2019-11-04 22:26:28
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

India decides to not join RCEP agreement, Modi says deal does not address our concerns indiatoday.in/india/story/in… Modi said "The present form of the RCEP does not fully reflect the basic spirt and the agreed guiding principles, and does not address satisfactorily India's concerns"

2019-11-04 22:29:34
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

Joint Leaders' Statement of RCEP is available here: 4 November 2019, Bangkok asean.org/storage/2019/1…

2019-11-04 22:43:03
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

バンコクでのRCEP首脳会合後、首脳声明が出された。 asean.org/storage/2019/1… 重要部分は「RCEPの15か国は、20章とすべての市場アクセス問題についてテキストベースの交渉を終了し、2020年の署名に向けリーガルスクラブを命じられた。インドには重要な未解決の問題がある」。

2019-11-04 22:53:43
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

RCEP、インドが撤退表明 15カ国で発足めざす:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/ASMC4…

2019-11-04 23:58:38
日付切取線 @krtr_date

✄------------ 11/5(火) -----------✄

2019-11-05 00:02:03
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

RCEPは日本でほとんど知られておらず政府の説明も不十分です。RCEPは関税分野のみの協定でも中印の対立だけでもありません。むしろ日本の提案に各国の人々は抵抗してきました。(再掲)「RCEPとは何か―日本など先進国が求める自由貿易ルール 」http//uchidashoko.blogspot.com/2019/11/blog-post.html

2019-11-05 01:14:04
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

Civil society group welcomes failure to sign RCEP; calls it 'bad deal for democracy' m.businesstoday.in/story/civil-so… @BT_Indiaから great works by indian colleagues!!

2019-11-05 06:19:42
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

反応の以前に、安部首相はインド撤退の直前にモディ首相に協定に残るよう説得していただけに面目潰れの状態です。今後は、インド離脱に他のASEAN諸国も続いたり、様々な要求をして合意が崩れないよう各国に圧力をかけていくと思われます。インドが抜ければ大きく協定の条件は変わりますので。 twitter.com/atsumori5834/s…

2019-11-05 06:28:42
内田聖子/Shoko Uchida @uchidashoko

共同声明文に書かれたRCEPの20章: 1) 冒頭の規定及び一般的定義、2) 物品貿易、3) 原産地規則(品目別原産地規則の付属書含む)、4) 税関手続及び貿易円滑化、5) 衛生植物検疫、6) 任意規格・強制規格・適合性評価手続、7) 貿易救済、8) サービス貿易(金融、電気通信、専門職の付属書含む)(続く)

2019-11-05 07:15:59
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