XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その11 20年4月前半

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Jade Shih @youfoundjade_

So happy to have spent the morning helping @FoodForAllHQ and @ExtinctionR @XR_Sustenance cook and feed London’s homeless and vulnerable today! Thank you for all that you do! 🙏 #coronavirusuk #viralkindness #COVID2019 #EasterMonday pic.twitter.com/uiPEXX5ZTG

2020-04-13 22:59:04


doraneko @doranek57939239

世界最大サンゴ礁に異変 大規模な白化現象 豪(時事通信) - Y!ニュース #Yahooニュースアプリ 海も陸も空も全てつながっているのです。 綺麗な海も、ゴミだらけの海も全部つながってます。 全部やったことが返ってきます。 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20200328-…

2020-03-28 16:04:08
Ben See @ClimateBen

You deserve to know the truth: 1 Most bird species will soon die off 2 Mammal & fish survival is in doubt 3 Rainforest tipping points are here 4 Coral reefs are doomed 5 100,000s insects face extinction 6 Arctic ice will melt to zero by 2029 But none of this is front page news.

2020-03-30 04:23:18
Extinction Rebellion Vic @XR_Vic

"If the bushfires told us anything about changing climate, it’s that we’ve run out of time to sit on our hands, there’s no debate... We must act now or risk offering an uninhabitable and unsustainable planetary inheritance to our kids." sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/rebellion…

2020-03-30 09:04:00
Ben See @ClimateBen

The Arctic is set to be essentially ice-free during summer for the first time between 2024 and 2033 according to satellite observations which show an accelerating rate of melting in recent years. ncei.noaa.gov/news/arctic-ic…

2020-03-31 05:08:21
Ben See @ClimateBen

2023 is possible but seen as unrealistic, whilst 2034 is identified as the most likely year (according to new projections which echo an earlier paper), however, that ignores the recently observed acceleration in melting, hence an ice free summer looking likely between 2024- 2033.

2020-03-31 05:21:04
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

ベン  “近年の融解速度の加速を示した衛星観測によれば、北極海は2024〜2033年には本質的に海氷がない海になる。" twitter.com/climateben/sta…

2020-03-31 05:40:16


炭素会計者 @Sustainadriven

加えて新型コロナの影響も。 パリ協定、後ろ向き続出 温暖化ガス削減に温度差: 日本経済新聞 nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO…

2020-03-23 05:49:12
Naoya Mori @b4mori1

バイデンではトランプと1対1の喧嘩はできない。バイデンは他の候補があきらめ、タナボタで優位にいるだけ。トランプは「アウトサイダー」サンダース、crazy Sandersの方が怖いと思う Bernie Sanders: An Outside Chance | by Fintan O’Toole | The New York Review of Books nybooks.com/articles/2020/…

2020-03-28 08:21:20
一般社団法人Change Our Next Decade @COND_2020

小さなことでも、 皆が行動すれば、 大きな影響を与えます。 世界中からの そして、世界中へのリレーに参加しませんか? #アースアワー twitter.com/WWFJapan/statu…

2020-03-28 16:19:18
WWFジャパン @WWFJapan

【今日は #EARTHHOUR 🌏】おはようございます!今日の20:30~21:30は、世界中で電気を消して、地球を想う1時間です。写真は昨年の #アースアワー の様子。お家で電気を消して、いつもと違った雰囲気を楽しみましょう! #地球とつながる wwf.or.jp/campaign/earth… pic.twitter.com/amnPNaurzg

2020-03-28 09:00:12
Naomi Klein @NaomiAKlein

"While you were distracted by the growing pandemic, three states passed laws criminalizing fossil fuel protests, handing the industry big victories." huffpost.com/entry/pipeline… via @HuffPostPol

2020-03-31 01:31:50
Kosuke Hatta 八田浩輔 @kskhatta

気候変動対策で最も大切なもの。それは気候変動について語ること。今こそ The most important thing you can do to fight climate change: talk about it (Katharine Hayhoe | TEDWomen 2018) ted.com/talks/katharin…

2020-03-31 05:57:49
中山 俊宏 🖋 Toshihiro Nakayama @tnak0214

フォローしているTwitterのアカウントに限って言えば、アメリカの平均的なジャーナリストはサンダースよりも左という暫定的な結果。 twitter.com/a_centrism/sta…

2020-04-01 09:43:51
Mike Berners-Lee @MikeBernersLee

Government set to make decision on UK's largest coalmine bit.ly/2wSuChr If Covid 19 were used as an opportunity to push decisions like this through while no-one is looking and while protest is not possible, it would be an unthinkable abuse of the lockdown.

2020-04-01 19:43:11
BBC News Japan @bbcnewsjapan

BBCニュース - 感染していたチャールズ英皇太子が回復 「奇妙で腹立たしい」経験を語る bbc.com/japanese/video… pic.twitter.com/QaISMy5LNc

2020-04-02 12:52:56
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Understandable postponement of COP26. However, while Paris was a notable achievement, 25 years of COP talks have so far spectacularly failed to stop the #ECOCIDE behind climate crisis. Genuinely safeguarding life on Earth requires CRIMINAL LAW #COVIDー19 theguardian.com/environment/20…

2020-04-02 14:22:28
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Official statement from the UK Govt: "Dates for a rescheduled conference in 2021, hosted in Glasgow by the UK in partnership with Italy, will be set out in due course following further discussion with parties" gov.uk/government/new…

2020-04-02 15:40:57
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

"It is expected that the conference will now take place by the middle of next year. The decision to move COP26 was taken by UN officials, inc UN climate chief Patricia Espinosa and UK Business Secretary Alok Sharma, who is president-designate of the mtg" bbc.co.uk/news/science-e…

2020-04-02 16:11:27
FeralX @x_feral

COP26 Climate Summit postponed until 2021 as coronavirus fears grow businessgreen.com/4013442/ via @businessgreen

2020-04-02 20:00:41
Kosuke Hatta 八田浩輔 @kskhatta

COP26延期は妥当との声が広がる。米国の大統領選が終わり「トランプ後」のパリ協定復帰への期待感も一部に。 Delay may refocus climate talks on coronavirus recovery, away from US election – POLITICO politico.eu/article/delay-…

2020-04-02 20:07:44
FeralX @x_feral

'Red flag for COP26': Most high carbon firms shooting 'wide of the mark' for a 2C world businessgreen.com/4012794/ via @businessgreen

2020-04-02 20:10:19
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