
Fire Emblem: Three Houses fanarts - Part I

FE3H doodles and comics (mostly Dimitri and Dimileth)
Meansary✨Commission on Vgen @meansary321

Not having to dump the entire feral big cat into the washing machine was the best QoL update Byleth could ever ask for. #FireEmblemThreeHouses #DimitriAlexandreBlaiddyd pic.twitter.com/VHmXtK9HAP

2019-09-11 12:01:37
Meansary✨Commission on Vgen @meansary321

#Dimileth headcanon: after the S support scene everyone in the monastery searched for them until late night because Dimitri wasn’t mentally prepared for anything beyond holding hands. pic.twitter.com/Z4VqhrpiAz

2019-09-14 01:24:54
Meansary✨Commission on Vgen @meansary321

虽然我对自己的渣画力总有一万个借口但发现把整坨黄色都涂到线条图层时真的想原地去世(躺 pic.twitter.com/uj3OVQJ9GF

2019-09-15 21:57:22
Meansary✨Commission on Vgen @meansary321

Probably a day late even in the west but I just saw the @Dimilethweek week thing half an hour ago and quickly whipped this doodle out ||| #dimileth (Also probably not doing the other days because wip) pic.twitter.com/00ZDGJwCnZ

2019-09-23 12:58:02
Meansary✨Commission on Vgen @meansary321

I was so bothered by the grammar error I kept coming back to this tweet... twitter.com/meansary321/st… pic.twitter.com/rjCHgdZRsz

2019-09-27 20:29:52
Meansary @meansary321

Tbh I have been curious about Dimi’s waist cape in this card Did he accidentally tore his fur blanket into two or was he wearing such to pair with f!Byleth’s

2019-09-27 14:27:45
Meansary✨Commission on Vgen @meansary321

Tbh I have been curious about Dimi’s waist cape in this card Did he accidentally tore his fur blanket into two or was he wearing such to pair with f!Byleth’s

2019-09-27 14:27:45