
自分用に、自分で行った沖縄論争をまとめました。その時まとめられるサイトなど知らず、自分の発言ばかりで申し訳ありません。 俺用だからだ、あきらめろ! (#futenmaに詳しい人に議論ふっかけた。) なんと平和主義者に人間扱いされないなどのハプニングに遭遇。 ソーシャリストもどきって時に血が通ってないね、だらしないね。 続きを読む
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tajima @tajima03

中国の潜水艦発見と関連がありそうだ。 RT @pino428: 今日はこんな時間までヘリが飛びまくり。何事だろう #futenma #hutenma

2010-04-14 00:02:39
tajima @tajima03

#jppolitics Currently, Lib Dems supporters and Dems supporters both sides irritated by Hatoyama's ability.

2010-04-14 12:16:09
tajima @tajima03

#jppolitics On Twitter, I was discussion "against U.S. bases in Japan".

2010-04-14 12:38:57
tajima @tajima03

#jppolitics # "futenma" use. the peace front man two, liberal one people (me), and conservative two people.

2010-04-14 12:39:19
tajima @tajima03

#jppolitics They confronted the military in okinawa. Military powers is denied. What we say, how effective a deterrent...But, I was denied.

2010-04-14 12:43:13
tajima @tajima03

#jppolitics He said ... do you know how much the people of Okinawa have suffered so far! You are an imperialist!

2010-04-14 12:45:04
tajima @tajima03

#jppolitics Hmm...I should do abuse toword his military ignorance? He live in near Futenma base 20 years.

2010-04-14 12:51:34
tajima @tajima03

#jppolitics I'm not like that taste...anyway, the government has been trampling on their feelings.

2010-04-14 13:04:01
tajima @tajima03

昨日、一昨日在日米軍論争したけど、平和狂信というか、抑止力とか絶対に認めず軍隊を排除すべき!で私は疲れた。 RT @konukopet: うにゅ、そんななの? RT @tajima03: @konukopet 小猫ちゃん、あんまし突っ込むと危ないよ(電柱に隠れながら)

2010-04-14 22:09:03
tajima @tajima03

Futenma: Hatoyama, "End" to "give it a certain direction," said began. What? What is vague to say the Japanese? S… http://twishort.com/aakxl

2010-04-15 14:56:55
tajima @tajima03

Can you read Japanese? U.S. army can not admit by Military planning and political circumstances in Japan. @Saidani_SeeTell

2010-04-15 16:48:45
tajima @tajima03

@Saidani_SeeTell #jppplitics #japan I advocate JSDF. will hope you Understand… For us, an army a necessary evil,… http://twishort.com/aak75

2010-04-15 23:14:15
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