“Celebrating the summer/winter equinox w/ kawaii doodles : ) ” …そのとき!

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Shoko Egawa @amneris84

恠恠奇奇(カイカイキキ)は16世紀の画家狩野永納の書いた『本朝画史』という当時の批評本からの引用で、「怪しく、しかし魅了される」という意味なんだと書かれていたにゃ。 → @marusa99 村上隆さんの「かいかいきき」 http://bit.ly/iUzuB5

2011-06-22 14:30:03
strangehome @strangeemoh

Loving Takashi Murakami's google doodle for the winter soltice. @takashipom

2011-06-22 13:02:31
정중동 @jeongjungdong

@Haneunkyoung 뤼비통과 콜라보 작업도 했던 무라카미 타카시(@takashipom)가 그린 거라고 하네요..

2011-06-22 13:13:13
Nara W. @naraws

RT @google: Celebrating the summer/winter equinox w/ kawaii doodles by artist Takashi Murakami (@takashipom) http://t.co/XS8UimG

2011-06-22 13:25:55
Quayn Pedroso @QuaynP

RT @googledoodles: Two super fun, superflat doodles today created by one of our favorite artists Takashi Murakami (@takashipom) http://yfrog.com/kiu4k9j

2011-06-22 14:00:54

本日(夏至)限定でロゴが変わってますね @takashipom http://t.co/EztdH0f きたぁ〜!日本も!!!

2011-06-22 14:11:43
Voon @xivoontan

RT @googledoodles: Two super fun, superflat doodles today created by one of our favorite artists Takashi Murakami (@takashipom) http://yfrog.com/kiu4k9j

2011-06-22 14:26:06
Fo0d (フード) @tmusha

Googleロゴが村上隆「カイカイキキ」デザインに 夏至限定 http://t.co/eS8vJ7H via @fashionsnap @takashipom : この話、去年のニコ生からさかのぼって著作読んできたから嬉しい。感慨深いというか。

2011-06-22 14:27:47
Avi @itsavivo

RT @googledoodles: Two super fun, superflat doodles today created by one of our favorite artists Takashi Murakami (@takashipom) http://yfrog.com/kiu4k9j

2011-06-22 14:48:12
Kylie Minogue @kylieminogue

Loving @takashipom for google! Takashi makes us happy!!! Ichiban!

2011-06-22 15:15:16
Wonka ;} @Jhowonka

RT @kylieminogue: Loving @takashipom for google! Takashi makes us happy!!! Ichiban!

2011-06-22 15:16:28
Rychie @Rychietei

RT @kylieminogue: Loving @takashipom for google! Takashi makes us happy!!! Ichiban!

2011-06-22 15:16:31
Albert 🐰 @alberto_suriano

RT @kylieminogue: Loving @takashipom for google! Takashi makes us happy!!! Ichiban!

2011-06-22 15:17:02
Noctambuliento @Noctambuliento

RT @kylieminogue: Loving @takashipom for google! Takashi makes us happy!!! Ichiban!

2011-06-22 15:17:03
Marcell @acelustrator

RT @kylieminogue: Loving @takashipom for google! Takashi makes us happy!!! Ichiban!

2011-06-22 15:17:07
KeisukeNagayama @KeisukeNagayama

RT @kylieminogue: Loving @takashipom for google! Takashi makes us happy!!! Ichiban!

2011-06-22 15:17:09
Borja @jhezusb

RT @kylieminogue: Loving @takashipom for google! Takashi makes us happy!!! Ichiban!

2011-06-22 15:19:56

RT @kylieminogue: Loving @takashipom for google! Takashi makes us happy!!! Ichiban!

2011-06-22 15:20:42
nikhil @nikhil_sahni

RT @google: Celebrating the summer/winter equinox w/ kawaii doodles by artist Takashi Murakami (@takashipom) http://t.co/XS8UimG

2011-06-22 15:27:03
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