2020/06 CHIPTUNE Vol.6

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BBC Micro 🦉 @acornproton

Around The World In 40 Screens (Repton 3) Published by Superior/Acornsoft, Superior/Blue Ribbon in 1987 - bbcmicro.co.uk//game.php?id=8… #bbcmicro #retrogaming pic.twitter.com/eNzdntsepK

2020-06-09 03:04:27
Aubrey Anodyne @AubreyAnodyne

Tune done, lyrics written. It's songbird time. ~Washed Away~ pic.twitter.com/RffTxrsERb

2020-06-09 00:35:43
Antler 🦌 @4ntler

Screwin' around with the newer versions of #lsdj to try and get some music going for possibly a future album. I don't know what I'm doing. Come join! twitch.tv/4ntler

2020-06-09 04:16:05
Jakk @JAKKchiptune

Man, @Twitch is messing up hard. To all my friends and mutuals, if you need music for your streams, I give you full permission to use my music. twitter.com/JuniorAndChill…

2020-06-08 22:16:13
Junior | WideJoyAndChill @JuniorAndChill

Hey all @Twitch streamers out there. These are the updated music TOS guidelines that dropped but most only heard about due to bigger streamers getting bans. Long story short, no more old school rap/hip hop. No more anime openers. No more KPop. You get the idea. Tell a friend. pic.twitter.com/mvGYGzVItY

2020-06-08 07:01:16
amateurLSDJ 👾 tabula rasa @amateurLSDJ

here’s hoping i can get back into the groove of making music so i can finish my album 😩 #chiptune #lsdj #gameboy pic.twitter.com/aC0Ft665MW

2020-06-09 06:11:13
uctumi sid @uctumiok

(most of) my saturday's set is online on youtube now, for those who may have missed it and wanna take a listen. a bit of #chiptune #demoscene #popmusic #reggaemusic all mixed together :) youtu.be/RgdDhrt8IKM

2020-06-09 00:00:09
AL82 @Al82_Retro

Cybernoid II is a fun game, but what a tune!! Another corker from Jeroen Tel! #c64 #chiptune pic.twitter.com/oNv5X5OSrl

2020-06-09 06:12:29
Game-Movie @GAMEMOVIE2

(GBA)ファランクス/Phalanx-Soundtrack youtu.be/nt7lV4_lcTU @YouTubeより

2020-06-09 00:18:07
Game-Movie @GAMEMOVIE2

(GBA)なかよしペットアドバンスシリーズ1 かわいいハムスター/Nakayoshi Pet Advance Series 1: Kawaii ... youtu.be/ptl-JXX3cTU @YouTubeより

2020-06-09 00:14:05
Game-Movie @GAMEMOVIE2

(GBA)なかよし麻雀 かぶリーチ/Nakayoshi Mahjong: Kabu Richi-Soundtrack youtu.be/FYfjy-yf6CM @YouTubeより

2020-06-09 00:11:20
kumatan🎎 @kumakumakumaT_T

#mml2vgm TAG232 Core K053260,OPNA(ADPCM),OPNA2(ADPCM0,1,2) PCM定義文のbaseFreqパラメータが適用されるように修正 github.com/kuma4649/mml2v…

2020-06-09 06:46:46
Game-Movie @GAMEMOVIE2

(GBA)ハムスター物語2 GBA/Hamster Monogatari 2 GBA-Soundtrack youtu.be/MW2D55oh-Ec @YouTubeより

2020-06-09 00:05:36
ChipMood @MoodChip

#chiptune artists! Share your Bandcamp account and ill check it out!

2020-06-09 07:16:11
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

(GBA)ハローキティコレクション ミラクルファッションメーカー/Hello Kitty Collection: Miracle Fashion... youtu.be/qI8PeJGJQGw?t=… BGM #4 、Monsquaz?

2020-06-09 13:29:43
🍌🍔 banana burger 🍌🍔 @bananamanzero

LSDj v8.6.2 now out! * various UI changes in phrase screen:  - fixes for noise note input - noise phrases look tidier - mixed kit/wave looks tidier - less flickering when changing selection - new bugs?

2020-06-09 03:36:56
Game-Movie @GAMEMOVIE2

(GBA)ハローキティコレクション ミラクルファッションメーカー/Hello Kitty Collection: Miracle Fashion... youtu.be/qI8PeJGJQGw @YouTubeより

2020-06-08 23:57:44
uynet (ゆいねっと) @uynet

現存する最古の曲からいままでのuynet詰め合わせを作ってみました⚡ 2011(中2)から2020まで約10年分あります pic.twitter.com/sO805H7ZND

2020-06-06 11:42:48
ゲーム音楽館チャンネルbot @game_melody_com

Mysterious Dimension(ハイドライド3) youtube.com/watch?v=KBDSqx… 投稿: わんにゃ~☆ 掲載: 2012/04/29 SMAFタイプ: MA3 [40和音] -- 作品ページ game-melody.com/n.cgi?n=93348 pic.twitter.com/tKPm0isLoA

2020-06-09 13:06:06
a cool guy @xxcatskullxx

Looking for help to draft a code of conduct for Catskull Records. Just something I can publish and ask anyone I work with to agree too (including myself). I really like what they've come up with here: lwlvl.com/about

2020-06-09 13:07:31
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