XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その17 20年7月前半

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Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

XR: An Umbrella Canopy Pt 2! Kofi Mawuli Klu, Joint Coordinator of the Extinction Rebellion Internationalist Solidarity Network (#XRISN), talks to & Esther Stanford-Xosei, XRISN Media & Communications Team Coordinator. #ExtinctionRebellion #XR youtube.com/watch?v=4qrR9Q…

2020-07-10 02:50:06
LawyersforXR @XRlawyers

We are starting up our Twitter account after a period of silence and are starting to regroup for planning. Meeting details will be announced here soon.

2020-07-09 02:44:43
Prof. Rupert Read @RupertRead

📕 You can read an excerpt of my new book, Extinction Rebellion: Insights from the Inside, via the link below. #XR #nonfiction #OutNow resilience.org/stories/2020-0…

2020-07-08 04:30:00
Clover Hogan @cloverhogan

We discuss when to rebel, how solving the #climatecrisis depends on community, and why the flipside of how royally we’ve messed up the planet is how many ways there are to help it. You can also watch it here >> youtube.com/watch?v=cjrWzl… #Leadership #ClimateAction #NVDA #future

2020-07-08 00:24:28
Clover Hogan @cloverhogan

Have you listened to the latest @fon_xyz episode with @farhanaclimate? apple.co/3eJO2Wx Farhana has been at the highest level of int'l climate negotiations for 25+ years. Yet in early 2019, she joined @ExtinctionR to glue herself to the pavement outside Shell in London. pic.twitter.com/1eW7kixUOS

2020-07-08 00:24:28
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

Come along to the virtual book launch of 'Extinction Rebellion: Insights from the Inside' on July 16th with @MikeBernersLee & @alisong. 👉🏽 eventbrite.co.uk/e/rupert-read-… @davidgraeber #ExtinctionRebellion @XRebellionUK pic.twitter.com/TKoJn0qdYf

2020-07-07 18:15:57
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

These amazing actions have stopped government logging of ancient forests in Australia in their tracks. twitter.com/knittingnannas…

2020-07-07 08:08:44
KNOT (Toolangi) @knittingnannasT

See the tiny platform suspended from that tree? See the ropes holding it in place? This is love of country This is conservation This deserves respect #stoploggingcountry #loggingiscriminal in a #ClimateEmergency pic.twitter.com/97mSQSjqrI

2020-06-29 13:07:20
KNOT (Toolangi) @knittingnannasT

See the tiny platform suspended from that tree? See the ropes holding it in place? This is love of country This is conservation This deserves respect #stoploggingcountry #loggingiscriminal in a #ClimateEmergency pic.twitter.com/97mSQSjqrI

2020-06-29 13:07:20
Extinction Rebellion Berlin @XRBerlin

Statement zum Freispruch: „Auch Wissenschaftler*innen sollten zivilen Ungehorsam leisten. Als Klimaforscher*innen & Ökolog*innen wissen wir, wie groß die Probleme sind & wir sollten nicht nur weiter Studien veröffentlichen, sondern auch auf die Straße gehen.“ Dr. @clairefrwordley pic.twitter.com/o8YJBft3tc

2020-07-06 18:25:42
Holly-Anna Petersen @HollyAPetersen

I'm not ashamed that I cry in this video. This #ClimateEmergency should make us cry. This is why, as a Christian, I take part in the climate uprising. Bring on the next @XRebellionUK - September 1st. youtu.be/A-p4Pz70wSs pic.twitter.com/xmbCfCeBi7

2020-07-04 23:16:26
Tara Greaves @taragreaves

New book > Extinction Rebellion: Insights From The Inside by @GreenRupertRead and @thedownshifters is out today. The book is available on a 'pay-what-you-can' basis with any profits donated to #xr. #ExtinctionRebellion #nonfiction #outtoday 249897.e-junkie.com/product/166864… pic.twitter.com/DOE4kBD1f7

2020-07-04 21:58:19
Extinction Rebellion Brent (London) @XRBrentLondon

📗📕A new book by @GreenRupertRead is out now, 'Extinction Rebellion, Insights from the Inside', profits donated to @XRebellionUK "takes us deep inside the debates, tactics, & passion that have bound XR together from its founding days" 👇🏿👇🏻Download now 249897.e-junkie.com/product/1668648 pic.twitter.com/gTWk4Vt0XC

2020-07-04 21:37:49
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

Any support that you can offer - whether it's in-person or behind the scenes - could make a world of difference. Find out how you can get involved here: rebellion.earth/uk-rebellion-2…. #WeWantToLive

2020-07-04 21:04:33
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

[XR Magdeburg 20.06.2020] Demokratie-Update: Bürger:innenversammlungen! youtu.be/Vg21xlNmFro @YouTubeより ドイツ語なのでこの劇の意味は理解出来ていませんが面白そうな。

2020-07-04 08:41:18
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

WE WANT TO LIVE - UK REBELLION SEPTEMBER 2020 | Extinction Rebellion youtu.be/jJbN1jW0nPs @YouTubeより 9/1の行動の予告。

2020-07-04 08:03:56
リンク Extinction Rebellion UK Rebellion 2020 - Extinction Rebellion 2020 has been a year of tipping points. Everywhere you look, a collective rage is growing. People know the truth: the Government is failing to do what’s necessary to keep us safe. They ignored the warnings about coronavirus and let tens of thousands die. 310
@XRCardiff @XRCardiff

1 September: @XRebellionUK to launch next UK Rebellion with plans to peacefully blockade Parliament when it reopens, until the Government promises that the first thing they’ll do is debate our 3 demands. Wales will be joining the rebellion in Cardiff. rebellion.earth/2020/07/03/we-…

2020-07-03 18:24:21
XR Rebel Every Day @XRRebelEveryDay

Add you voice to the DIGITAL REBELLION against the Bank of England @bankofengland is BAILING OUT planet destroying industries 💀airlines 💀car industry 💀pesticide companies Email & phone today & tomorrow Guide ➡️ digital-rebellion.earth/boe Image dsleeter #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/8DcIcd2obt

2020-07-03 00:32:03
Extinction Rebellion Kensington & Chelsea 🍃 @xr_kensington

Outside the Bank of England Now! 🌏Bail out the environment not the pollutants 🌍 pic.twitter.com/1jkppir5KJ

2020-07-03 00:31:13
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

Govts, listen to your people: they're speaking LOUD + CLEAR. They know the truth about what we're heading for. And the people are brave enough to call for real change. Govts, do the right thing and #BailoutThePlanet. Because it's the only option we have left. #NoGoingBack twitter.com/tveitdal/statu…

2020-07-03 00:15:05
Svein Tveitdal @tveitdal

Just 6% of UK public 'want a return to pre-pandemic economy' Poll comes as 350 union, business and religious leaders issue call for fair and green recovery theguardian.com/world/2020/jun…

2020-07-02 06:54:06
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

🙌👇🤟 twitter.com/ScotlandXr/sta…

2020-07-03 00:05:27
XRScotland Mastodon @xrscotland@kolektiva.social @ScotlandXr

Glasgow: In solidarity with @XREurope we demand govs #JustRecovery and #BuildBackBetter rather than bailing out the polluters. The tragic crisis of the last few months is also our opportunity to #BuildBackBetter - and we're telling them to take it. #NoGoingBack #BailOutThePlanet pic.twitter.com/bMnhAtDhNc

2020-07-02 22:25:24
Extinction Rebellion Scotland @ScotlandXr

Glasgow: In solidarity with @XREurope we demand govs #JustRecovery and #BuildBackBetter rather than bailing out the polluters. The tragic crisis of the last few months is also our opportunity to #BuildBackBetter - and we're telling them to take it. #NoGoingBack #BailOutThePlanet pic.twitter.com/bMnhAtDhNc

2020-07-02 22:25:24
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