2020/07 CHIPTUNE Vol.3

Modern Chair @m0dernchair

Big shoutouts to the crew at @TheBigFreshNZ for putting this one out!!! 100% Piggy Goodness!!!! pic.twitter.com/YoVNTMj4Um

2020-07-03 12:00:39
SkittlesBeats! on 💙⛅️ fulltime @squiddlesbeats

My friend @Dachampster put some of his singles and our collabs on one big EP! Please check it out and consider donating on this Bandcamp Friday! Y’all are great! ✨💙✨ twitter.com/dachampster/st…

2020-07-04 01:55:42
dinny @DinaariAudio

Good morning, and happy Bandcamp Friday once again! I’m running another fundraiser- this time for Emancipate NC and the Okra Project. Dont make Kirby sad! Grab one of these albums today! dachampster.bandcamp.com/album/heart-re… pic.twitter.com/xCQVgaDUIH

2020-07-03 23:01:02

Good morning, and happy Bandcamp Friday once again! I’m running another fundraiser- this time for Emancipate NC and the Okra Project. Dont make Kirby sad! Grab one of these albums today! dachampster.bandcamp.com/album/heart-re… pic.twitter.com/xCQVgaDUIH

2020-07-03 23:01:02
ms. wendy @sirthisiswendy

i don't think anybody understands you the way i do pic.twitter.com/JT0M7D2kTI

2020-07-05 11:08:20
Vin @VinsCool022

I finally managed to get the sound blend exactly as I wanted. Now all I need to figure out is some workaround with the detuning on higher notes, mainly heard in the arps. pic.twitter.com/qCv32tp6L7

2020-07-05 10:06:17
患者長ひっく @hicchicc

ドットで文字入れたり打つ人向けプチ講座 カタカナ編 pic.twitter.com/i003RXToa9

2020-07-04 23:36:46
Chip Tanaka / たなかひろかず @tanac2e

🤨💧いやね、自分が就職した時代、初めて使ってたのは、こんなコンピーター端末😱そもそもモニターなかったからね、あるにはあったけど数限られてた。アセンブルしたプログラムを左端にある紙テープで出力して、みたいな。こんな穴の開いた2〜3メートルのテープ引きずりながら社内うろうろしてた。 pic.twitter.com/Qku35iJiIy

2020-07-05 10:57:17
Pinci @MrPinci19

even if I finished my job in his hack, I had alot of fun composing for it and I'm glad I joined also I uploaded 2 more compositions on YT so go check em!! also check my SMWC C3 thread smwc.me/1538561

2020-07-05 12:37:59
Pinci @MrPinci19

I did this for @heragaaa's BS Super Mario World, probably my best compo yet aaaaa youtube.com/watch?v=crSFd9…

2020-07-05 12:36:57
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao

音に反応して画面を眩しくするエフェクトはVJソフトのResolume 6があれば一発録りで作ることが出来ます twitter.com/to6okegao/stat…

2020-07-04 21:27:45
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) 3/4 New Release @to6okegao

[TBK-005] "parallel experiments LSDJ" by @exilefaker [#TBKgao (label)] exilefaker.bandcamp.com/album/parallel… #CHIPTUNE FREE JAZZ NOISE!!! In this release, I'm letting GAMEBOY's compositional software "LSDj" be buggered by the programming language "Python" to play GAMEBOY Art: @Klirre8bit pic.twitter.com/Qk6IzZvN0J

2020-07-03 16:10:28
leSYN @lesyn255

これはいいアルバム! このグループは他にもニヤリとさせられる架空サントラだしてますね~ twitter.com/to6okegao/stat…

2020-07-05 09:42:26
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) 3/4 New Release @to6okegao

Downforce by Karl Brueggemann | Super Marcato Bros. supermarcatobros.bandcamp.com/album/downforce バンド的サウンドをメインにFM fusion等の架空のレーシングOST? サーフミュージックまであるのヤバい #chiptune #postchiptune #fm #fusion #serf pic.twitter.com/EHyPJ6gv7C

2020-06-26 12:29:27
leSYN @lesyn255

Super Marcato Bros.のライブアルバム「Live From the Lair 」 選曲が素晴らしい supermarcatobros.bandcamp.com/album/live-fro…

2020-07-05 09:48:19
SonyaFx🍊 @sonyavos

It's day 4! Today I tried to make some cool drum sounds and make them dancy. Using the Δ-track for some oomf on the kicks seems to be working quite nice. Tomorrow I'll experiment with the DPCM, haven't touched it yet, fun stuff!! #21daysofvgm #chiptune #famitracker #8bit pic.twitter.com/DgdUAzt9wQ

2020-07-05 05:28:05
とぼけがお & TBKgao(label) @to6okegao


2020-07-05 05:25:13
Deniz @sirakumon

CONFIRMED CONFIRMED CONFIRMED CrossCode Original Soundtrack 𝗘𝗫 Get ready! pic.twitter.com/W8ISDmHJFh

2020-07-05 04:34:10

Quick update - SUPER CHIPFUNK (my new chiptune jazz/funk album), is now on Spotify (and other streaming platforms). open.spotify.com/album/4Rk0uzpQ… #chiptune #jazz #funk #8bit

2020-07-05 04:17:19
1 ・・ 4 次へ