辞意を表明した安倍晋三首相に寄せられたツイート集 #安倍総理ありがとう

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Narendra Modi @narendramodi

Pained to hear about your ill health, my dear friend @AbeShinzo. In recent years, with your wise leadership and personal commitment, the India-Japan partnership has become deeper and stronger than ever before. I wish and pray for your speedy recovery. pic.twitter.com/JjziLay2gD

2020-08-28 21:55:06
India in Japanインド大使館 @IndianEmbTokyo

親愛なる友、安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo 首相、貴方の健康問題を知り、心を痛めています。近年の貴方の賢明なるリーダーシップのもと、印日パートナーシップはますます深化され、強化されました。早期のご回復をお祈りしています。: @NarendraModi 首相 🇮🇳🇯🇵 @PMOIndia @kantei @MEAIndia @MofaJapan_jp twitter.com/narendramodi/s…

2020-08-28 22:19:56
World News @coronatruemovie

安倍首相の退陣を受け、インドとの強力な関係発展に寄与した政権として5分以上に渡り紹介するインドのメディア。 今後国際連携すべき国は、このような恩を義で返す発想を持った国が望ましい。 #インド #安倍総理ありがとう pic.twitter.com/WbXbdYwH4T

2020-08-29 08:06:54
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

I am deeply touched by your warm words, Prime Minister @narendramodi. I wish you all the best and hope our Partnership will be further enhanced. twitter.com/narendramodi/s…

2020-08-31 18:26:15
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-08-31 18:26:15


Boris Johnson @BorisJohnson

Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


Boris Johnson @BorisJohnson

.@AbeShinzo has achieved great things as PM of Japan - for his country and the world. Under his stewardship the UK-Japan relationship has gone from strength to strength in trade, defence and our cultural links. Thank you for all your years of service and I wish you good health.

2020-08-28 18:32:30
🇬🇧UK in Japan🇯🇵 @UKinJapan

英国政府は、安倍首相が2012年の就任以来、日英関係強化のために行ってこられた全ての功績に感謝の意を表します。英国と日本は最も親密な友人でありパートナーとして、安倍首相在任中に発生した様々な問題で協働しています。安倍首相の今後のご活躍をお祈りいたします。 pic.twitter.com/gLgqisr3OG

2020-08-28 17:24:33
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Thank you @BorisJohnson for your warm message. I am sure the Japan-UK relationship will further advance with you. My heartfelt gratitude for your cooperation and friendship. twitter.com/borisjohnson/s…

2020-09-01 12:11:40
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo


2020-09-01 12:11:41
Paul Madden @PaulMaddenUK

AsiaPac Business Advisor and Visiting Professor. Former British Ambassador to Japan (until Feb 2021). Ex High Commissioner to Australia and Singapore.

Paul Madden @PaulMaddenUK

安倍総理は長年に亘り国際的な政治家として世界の繁栄と安全保障に大きな貢献をされました。歴代の英国首相と親しい関係を作りました。お身体お大事にしてください。 pic.twitter.com/mbIhBauwOy

2020-08-31 14:32:47


Joe Biden @JoeBiden

Husband to @DrBiden, proud father and grandfather. Ready to finish the job for all Americans. Official account is @POTUS.


Joe Biden @JoeBiden

I am grateful for your friendship and leadership, @AbeShinzo. I’m sad to see you step down, but I know the strong alliance between our countries and peoples will continue for generations to come. Wishing you good health in the years ahead, my friend. pic.twitter.com/M0cMT5y9Dd

2020-08-29 04:27:00
Secretary Pompeo @SecPompeo

This account has been archived. You can follow former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at @mikepompeo. For U.S. State Department updates, follow @StateDept.


Secretary Pompeo @SecPompeo

The United States deeply values the contributions of Prime Minister @AbeShinzo to the U.S.-Japan Alliance and his work on advancing the Indo-Pacific Strategy. As a good friend, I will miss his sage advice and hope he gets well soon.

2020-08-30 07:29:41
アメリカ大使館 @usembassytokyo

ポンペオ国務長官「安倍首相の日米同盟への貢献と、自由で開かれたインド太平洋を推進する取り組みを、米国は心から評価している。良き友として、彼の賢明な助言を得られなくなるのは寂しい限りだ。彼の早期回復を願っている」 twitter.com/SecPompeo/stat…

2020-08-30 14:45:16
アメリカ大使館 @usembassytokyo

「私の偉大な友人である安倍晋三首相に最大の敬意を表したい」――トランプ大統領 pic.twitter.com/OXh9DUnExV

2020-08-29 16:02:52
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

45th President of the United States of America🇺🇸


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Just had a wonderful conversation with my friend, Prime Minister @AbeShinzo of Japan, who will be leaving office soon. Shinzo will soon be recognized as the greatest Prime Minister in the history of Japan, whose relationship with the USA is the best it has ever been. Special man!

2020-08-31 12:03:34
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Donald, thank you for honoring me with your kind words. Since I first met you at Trump Tower in New York four years ago, we have developed a deep relationship of trust and had so many bilateral meetings and phone calls. twitter.com/realdonaldtrum…

2020-08-31 18:21:40
安倍晋三 @AbeShinzo

Our partnership has made the Japan-U.S. relations more robust than ever before. My friendship and trust with you, Donald, means so much. I appreciate your friendship from the bottom of my heart.

2020-08-31 18:21:41
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