XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その21 20年9月上旬

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Switch It Green @switchit_green

We all have a choice. Do we keep our money in banks and energy companies causing harm, or do we switch it to those building a better world? Visit switchit.money and make your choice. #SwitchIt #SustainableFinance #BankingOnValues #EthicalBanking pic.twitter.com/9lyqXdx8VP

2020-08-10 18:09:22
Prof Nick Cowern @NickCowern

Peter Gleick: "What we’re seeing now is just the beginning of the climate changes to come". Note: global mean surface temperature is now approaching 1.1°C above preindustrial levels. That may be 1.5°C later this decade, with intolerable consequences. theguardian.com/environment/20…

2020-09-12 16:58:08
International Energy Agency @IEA

🗣 "We have grounds for increasing optimism about the world’s ability to accelerate clean energy transitions and reach its energy and climate goals. Still, major issues remain." @IEABirol discusses the pathway to a sustainable energy future → iea.li/3bN0unu pic.twitter.com/RsUbyviE9w

2020-09-11 17:30:06
再生可能エネルギー @mi3518ki

長崎大が浮沈式装置開発 奈留瀬戸で潮流発電 成功 低流速に対応 実用化目指す #SmartNews this.kiji.is/67680857512049…

2020-09-11 18:10:05
Clive Carter @Clive_Carter

🌎 A timely reminder about that other issue, currently on the back-burner. Remember #ClimateCrisis? As retweeted by @FFFinBD : Fridays for Future Bangladesh | @ExtinctionR @GretaThunberg @FFF_Sweden @fff_europe @FFFRussia @XrXrjapan @XRCamden @DoctorsXr @xr_cambridge @fff_tui | twitter.com/Mainlineteasta…

2020-09-11 01:35:44
I know nothing, but I'm learning @Mainlineteastat

If you don't believe climate change is real, come and talk to some of us over on the West Coast - we're living it, just like people in Bangladesh and in small island nations around the world. We are your canaries, ignore us at your peril (climate change does NOT discriminate) twitter.com/ByMikeBaker/st…

2020-09-11 00:38:27
リーガン美香 MikaR@toot.blue @Mika_Regan

エイリアン襲来しても、の話を娘としていたら、「いや、むしろエイリアンにここより良い惑星に連れて行ってほしい」と。 いやー、本当にそうだねえ😭 twitter.com/Mika_Regan/sta…

2020-09-10 04:34:52
リーガン美香 MikaR@toot.blue @Mika_Regan

ジェリー・ブラウン前知事の言葉が重い。 世界中のリーダー、地元の議員や市長や知事はもちろん、習、プーチン、モディ、皆が揃って行動を起こさなければ間に合わない。 エイリアン襲来しても、映画と違ってお互いにケンカして纏まらないとはよく言われるけど☹️ twitter.com/propublica/sta…

2020-09-10 03:32:09
Brad Johnson SUBSCRIBE TO HILLHEAT.NEWS @climatebrad

@pmagn Pollution is definitionally harmful. Emissions is not.

2020-09-09 22:00:59
Cormac O Rafferty @CormacORafferty

@climatebrad I think it’s important to distinguish between ghg emissions and old-style pollutants like nitrous oxide. After all, they have different effects.

2020-09-09 16:31:43
Brad Johnson SUBSCRIBE TO HILLHEAT.NEWS @climatebrad

@CormacORafferty Yes, it is important to distinguich between greenhouse pollution and nitrous oxide pollution. All pollutants have different effects.

2020-09-09 22:02:43
Brad Johnson SUBSCRIBE TO HILLHEAT.NEWS @climatebrad

One could make the (tortured) argument that before Massachusetts v EPA greenhouse gases weren't officially recognized as pollutants by the United States. But that ship sailed in 2007. Greenhouse "emissions" are harmful, deadly pollutants.

2020-09-09 05:41:43
Brad Johnson SUBSCRIBE TO HILLHEAT.NEWS @climatebrad

Hey folks, you don't have to use the word "emissions". The word "pollution" is better.

2020-09-09 01:58:46
Jason Hickel @jasonhickel

Somehow we have come to think of "democracy" as absolute individual freedom, even if that freedom harms others. This has nothing to do with democracy. Democracy should be understood as a radical act of caring, cooperation and solidarity with others who you do not know.

2020-09-10 00:30:46
緑の党 グリーンズジャパン @midorino_to

<欧州緑の党プレスリリースより>   欧州緑の党はベラルーシ市民に連帯:自由で公正な大統領選のやり直しを! 2020.8.28  ルカシェンコ政権に対する抗議とストライキが続いています。ベラルーシ市民にとって、特に、平和活動家にとって、状況は悪化しています。 全文➡greens.gr.jp/world-news/288… pic.twitter.com/H3RDj4aSG9

2020-09-08 20:52:45
ブルームバーグニュース @BloombergJapan

【ロンドン外為】ポンド下落、「合意なきEU離脱」シナリオ再び戻る trib.al/49FKPsv

2020-09-08 05:24:36
Gabrielle Swaby @GabSwaby

It was a pleasure to review this new @IIED paper from @SejiPatel & @BinyamGebreyes. It explores LDC national practice & experience in #climate #adaptation, highlighting examples of best practice and drawing out some key lessons from the LDC Group. Well worth the read! twitter.com/IIED/status/13…

2020-09-07 19:56:05

DOWNLOAD: What is effective climate adaptation? Case studies from the Least Developed Countries --> pubs.iied.org/10209IIED The LDCs, from the frontlines of climate impacts, are pioneering large-scale and innovative #adaptation responses. #PubsFriday pic.twitter.com/i9bHbx0MkC

2020-09-05 00:30:00
Kazuto Suzuki @KS_1013

う〜ん、ボリス政権と保守党は何を考えているんだろう。EUとの合意ではアイルランドと北アイルランドの国境は税関を置かないことになっているが、新たな国内市場規則では税関を置くことになるとのこと。これは離脱交渉、10月までにまとまらないぞ…。 ft.com/content/9906e0… @financialtimesより

2020-09-07 11:43:55
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