
二次まとめ。XR日本のツイートよりその22 から抜粋。 9月22日〜。
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Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

[10/10] Developing and poor countries deserve better international fiscal space. A global agreement on debt relief and cancellation in line with financial solidarity interventions and co-responsibility should be initiated immediately READ➡️ #UNGA

2020-09-21 15:47:25
Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

[9/10] Governments and the private sector should invest in a Just transition away from the production and use of fossil fuels, embedding this within the investments for the economic recovery plans

2020-09-21 15:46:05
Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

[8/10] All economic stimulus packages henceforth must be aligned with the objectives of the #ParisAgreement #UNGA

2020-09-21 15:45:42
Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

[7/10] With rising impacts, Loss & Damage requires urgent and increased political attention and additional finance through specific mechanisms #UNGA

2020-09-21 15:44:59
Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

[6/10] Rich countries must honour their climate commitments, including by providing their fair share of climate finance towards poor countries and the USD100bn by 2020 #UNGA

2020-09-21 15:43:31
Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

[5/10] The international community needs to enhance the collaborative process to measure human wellbeing in an adequate way. Gross Domestic Product, while useful for many years, is biased and we need to create a functional and science-based indicator for people's wellbeing #UNGA

2020-09-21 15:43:04
Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

[4/10] Record-breaking climate impacts around the world serve as a daily reminder that the poor and marginalized are at the forefront of the climate emergency. Efforts to build resilience and adaptation must be a high priority for governments #UNGA

2020-09-21 15:42:25
Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

[3/10] The climate emergency requires ambitious nationally determined contributions (NDCs) which must serve as the backbone of economic recovery into the coming years. It is critical that major economies submit their NDCs this year in line with a 1.5C degree pathway

2020-09-21 15:41:48
Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

[2/10] Governments must engage civil society at every stage in the development and implementation of national climate policies geared towards addressing the needs of the most vulnerable

2020-09-21 15:41:18
Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

[1/10] Major emitters step-up and show climate leadership starting by committing to climate ambition & finance in line with principles of equity and fair-shares. It is noteworthy that vulnerable and developing countries have shown more climate leadership in this regard

2020-09-21 15:40:53
Climate Action Network International (CAN) @CANIntl

As the first virtual @UN #UNGA75 and #ClimateWeekNYC begin today, we ask that world leaders put the people first and commit to a #JustReboot from the multiple systemic crises: #COVID19 pandemic, severe inequalities, and the #ClimateEmergency Here are our 10 demands (a thread):

2020-09-21 15:40:08
Saleemul Huq @SaleemulHuq

World's richest 1% cause double CO2 emissions of poorest 50%, says Oxfam…

2020-09-21 13:58:36
リンク BBC News Climate Week: Prince Charles calls for 'swift' action on climate change Covid-19 provides an opportunity to "reset" the economy for a more sustainable future, he says. 1574
Prof. Peter Strachan @ProfStrachan

#ClimateWeek Prince Charles calls for 'swift' action on #ClimateChange "Without swift & immediate action, at an unprecedented pace & scale, we will miss the window of opportunity to 'reset' for a more sustainable & inclusive future" #ClimateEmergency…

2020-09-21 07:33:08
March For Science @MarchForScience

Wow. NYC just turned the Metronome in Union Square into @theclimateclock, which counts down the 7 years and 102 days we have left to dramatically reduce carbon emissions.

2020-09-21 06:27:29
Dr. Lucky Tran @luckytran

Remember that huge digital clock in Union Square in NYC that always confuses onlookers? Artists just transformed it into the world's largest #ClimateClock. The clock counts down long it will take to burn through our carbon budget & keep warming under 1.5 degrees C. Time to act!

2020-09-20 09:42:02
CLIMATE CLOCK @theclimateclock

BREAKING: NYC just turned the giant Union Square clock into a #ClimateClock to hold governments and corporations accountable. We have 7 years and 102 days to dramatically reduce carbon emissions. Let’s do this! ClimateClock.World #ActInTime #GreenNewDeal #ClimateWeekNYC

2020-09-20 08:22:59
António Guterres @antonioguterres

During these unprecedented times, this year's #UNGA will be unlike any other. The stakes could not be higher. This is the moment when the international community must come together and make a new collective push for peace.

2020-09-20 06:39:37
Patricia Espinosa C. @PEspinosaC

Was a pleasure to join the #UNGA side event on #LandDegradation, #ClimateChange and #SDG, co-organized by @commonwealthsec & @UNCCD. Congrats @PScotlandCSG @ibrahimthiaw for this great collaboration! This is key to build a clean, green, healthy and sustainable world for all.…

2020-09-18 19:35:15
UN Climate Change @UNFCCC

Today, UNFCCC Executive Secretary @PEspinosaC urged Commonwealth countries to present updated national #ClimateAction plans (NDCs) this year and called on industrialized nations to mobilize the promised USD100bn climate finance a year for developing countries.

2020-09-17 21:34:59
国連大学 @UNU_Japan

国連大学の研究者も執筆に携わった国連の経済学者らによる新たなレポートShaping the Trends of Our Timeでは、今世紀の世界の #メガトレンド となるのは #気候変動 、自然環境の悪化、都市化、人口の急増、そして技術革命であるとしています。関連プレスリリース(英語)

2020-09-18 17:30:00
国連広報センター @UNIC_Tokyo

9月19日夜10時(日本時間)に、ドキュメンタリー「Nations United」が公開されます!世界で活躍する俳優や歌手、研究者なども出演します。皆さん、是非国連 @UN のYoutubeチャンネルからご覧ください! 👉🏾… #SDGs #NationsUnited #UN

2020-09-18 17:13:59
dadajiji39 @dadajiji

エネルギー世界大手英BPは9月15日、2025年までに再生可能エネルギーの新規設備容量を2019年同社比8倍の20GWまで引き上げるための具体的な方向性を発表した。 20GWとは、単純に言えば、原発20基分である。 発電コストは、自社で1円以下、送電線で3円。末端使用者ヘは、10円程度。蓄電費加算か。

2020-09-17 22:53:51
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