エコサイド(環境破壊)を国際犯罪にStop ECOCIDEと化石燃料不拡散条約という企て

二次まとめ XR日本のツイートより 過去1年ほどのものを束ねました。
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Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

On November 19th @JenicaAtwin #GreenParty member for Fredericton, NB, presented a #petition to the Canadian parliament and House of Commons supporting the international criminalisation of #ecocide through an amendment to the #RomeStatute. Join our campaign stopecocide.earth/become pic.twitter.com/oALGE9pFIX

2020-12-07 23:31:17
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Lake Tota, in Colombia, has been given rights by a Civil Court twitter.com/StopEcocidioEs…

2020-12-06 06:07:09
Stop Ecocidio España @StopEcocidioEsp

El Lago de Tota, en Boyacá, ha sido declarado como sujeto de derechos para así proteger los derechos a la vida, la salud, al agua y al medio ambiente sano, así como su conservación, mantenimiento y restauración inmediata. vanguardia.com/colombia/lago-… #StopEcocidio @EcocideLaw

2020-12-05 19:23:54
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

@jasonhickel When Govt ministers can no longer issue permits for it, when insurers can no longer underwrite it, when investors can no longer back it, when CEOs can be held criminally responsible for it, the harm will stop #Ecocidelaw is the missing piece to create climate & ecological justice pic.twitter.com/MOKmzTaXwt

2020-12-04 22:31:06
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Event: Wed 9th December, 6-7pm UK time. 'Is killing nature a crime?' With Stop #Ecocide co-founder @Jojo_Mehta. Discover how Jojo is leading a truly unique campaign using grassroots movement building and high level advocacy to drastically change the rules eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-fortnight-…

2020-12-04 22:15:00
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Vanuatu was also the first country to ask @IntlCrimCourt member states to consider making #ecocide an international crime. They are not afraid of new legal avenues. thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2… pic.twitter.com/005GLffnJa

2020-12-04 05:36:01
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Expert panel convened by Stop Ecocide Foundation on Legal Definition of #Ecocide. A real honour to work with Judge Slade with his direct experience as a former @IntlCrimCourt judge & profound understanding of climate impacts on the most vulnerable nations stopecocide.earth/expert-draftin… pic.twitter.com/vtbrLvYcvX

2020-12-04 02:49:00
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Change The Rules Change The Law Protect The Earth Make #Ecocide a Crime Can You Imagine? stopecocide.earth pic.twitter.com/CYAipJUyal

2020-12-03 22:47:30
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

Ecocide Law 101 youtu.be/bNyNB0jWoyE via @YouTube FFFスウェーデンの若者たちへ說明する動画。

2020-12-05 22:20:57
Jojo Mehta @Jojo_Mehta

At the @FFF_Sweden school strike outide the parliament building in Stockholm: the striking students told me "we want you to be a teacher. Explain this to us"... so I did. @Fridays4future Watch here: youtu.be/bNyNB0jWoyE Video: Martin Hedberg. twitter.com/EcocideLaw/sta… pic.twitter.com/na9luBSHin

2020-12-03 22:25:25
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Essential viewing about protecting the future of life on Earth What is #ecocide law, how would it work & how can it be put in place? @JojoMehta explains to school strikers in a street lecture outside Stockholm Parliament @GretaThunberg @Fridays4future youtu.be/bNyNB0jWoyE

2020-12-03 04:44:01
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

When Govt ministers can no longer issue permits for it, when insurers can no longer underwrite it, when investors can no longer back it, when CEOs can be held criminally responsible for it, the harm will stop #Ecocidelaw is the missing piece to create climate & ecological justice pic.twitter.com/QP2A0SleZA

2020-12-03 16:32:01
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan


2020-12-01 02:10:49
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

法律家XR "国際法の法律家たちのパネルが国際法上の犯罪を構成する「エコサイド」の法的な定義について起草している。世界の生態系に大きな被害を与え破壊することを個人的な犯罪の責任を問える犯罪に変えるためにだ。"ガーディアン紙記事より。 twitter.com/xrlawyers/stat…

2020-12-01 02:08:44
LawyersforXR @XRlawyers

A panel of international lawyers has been set up to draft a legal definition of ’ecocide’ as an international crime to criminalise mass damage and destruction of the world´s ecosystems with potential individuals criminal responsibilities. lawgazette.co.uk/law/work-begin…

2020-12-01 01:43:40
LawyersforXR @XRlawyers

A panel of international lawyers has been set up to draft a legal definition of ’ecocide’ as an international crime to criminalise mass damage and destruction of the world´s ecosystems with potential individuals criminal responsibilities. lawgazette.co.uk/law/work-begin…

2020-12-01 01:43:40
Jason Hickel @jasonhickel

Some good news today: An international team of lawyers are drafting a legal definition of "ecocide" that would be punishable under international criminal law, alongside crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide. theguardian.com/law/2020/nov/3…

2020-11-30 20:31:01
Jojo Mehta @Jojo_Mehta

Prof @CharlesJalloh, a member of the Intl Law Commission & strong supporter of addressing environmental crimes in international law. Honoured and delighted that he's on the expert panel for defining #ecocide! twitter.com/CharlesJalloh/…

2020-11-29 06:11:50
Charles C Jalloh @CharlesJalloh

It’s an honor to have been invited to be part of this important and timely initiative. I look forward to working with this absolutely stellar group of IL scholars and practitioners. Congratulations are due to @EcocideLaw for its pathbreaking work on this critical global issue. twitter.com/EcocideLaw/sta…

2020-11-25 23:24:27
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Rodrigo Lledó, former legal head of Chile's Human Rights Program, now director of renowned judge Baltasar Garzon's international foundation @fibgar_ will join the Expert Panel convened by Stop Ecocide Foundation for the Legal Definition of #Ecocide stopecocide.earth/expert-draftin… pic.twitter.com/eCMkv6cpDK

2020-11-29 02:37:43
Jojo Mehta @Jojo_Mehta

.@philippesands 'recently appointed co-chair of a panel convened by the Stop Ecocide Foundation to draft a legal definition of “ecocide” as a potential international crime. "The function of law, in part, is to change consciousness.” says Sands.' Catherine Baksi @thetimes twitter.com/EcocideLaw/sta…

2020-11-27 04:48:17
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

"The function of law, in part, is to change consciousness” Philippe Sands in @thetimes @philippesands is co-chair of a legal panel recently convened by the Stop #Ecocide Foundation thetimes.co.uk/article/britai… pic.twitter.com/sSUEVmPoOm

2020-11-27 03:47:02
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

"The function of law, in part, is to change consciousness” Philippe Sands in @thetimes @philippesands is co-chair of a legal panel recently convened by the Stop #Ecocide Foundation thetimes.co.uk/article/britai… pic.twitter.com/sSUEVmPoOm

2020-11-27 03:47:02
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

A growing conversation in NL around criminalising #ecocide - Party for the Animals is including it in their election manifesto, & major newspaper Trouw has an interview with Stop Ecocide's @Jojo_Mehta trending on their site today @StopEcocideNL trouw.nl/buitenland/hoe…

2020-11-27 00:24:04
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Privileged to have the participation of Justice Florence Mumba as co-chair of the Independent Expert Panel, bringing decades of experience as an international judge. The panel is convened by the Stop Ecocide Foundation for the Legal Definition of #Ecocide stopecocide.earth/expert-draftin… pic.twitter.com/LIyzPm3nvw

2020-11-26 04:30:35
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Professor Jalloh is a member of the UN International Law Commission & Editor in Chief of the Journal of African Legal Studies & African Journal of International Criminal Justice. Honoured to have @CharlesJalloh on our expert #ecocide law drafting panel stopecocide.earth/expert-draftin… pic.twitter.com/hj3RetwN2h

2020-11-24 22:24:06

20年11月 フランス政府国内法でエコサイドを規定案

350 Tokyo @350Tokyo

仏 環境破壊を犯罪とする法改正を予定 ccijf.asso.fr/ja/news-france…

2020-11-24 21:18:12
Stop Ecocide International @EcocideLaw

Weakened use of “#ecocide” by French gov’t @gouvernementFR is not aligned with the demand of the Citizens Climate Assembly @Conv_Citoyenne, who intended to remove the impunity of big polluters acting in full knowledge of the risks to ecosystems: Read stopecocide.earth/press-releases… pic.twitter.com/soSi30FcI4

2020-11-23 23:29:18
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