2011/07/25 UN High Level Meeting on YOUTH ユースに関する国連ハイレベル会合 day 1

2011年7月25日(ニューヨーク時間)に開催された、ユースに関する国連ハイレベル会合1日目のまとめです。国連機関と発表/参加者周辺を拾いました。 映像の視聴はUn WebCastでできます。 http://www.unmultimedia.org/tv/webcast/
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UNYouth @UN4Youth

youth is the most vibrant, dynamic, active part of the population" says the Indian #youth Minister, co-chair of panel discussion 1 #youth11

2011-07-26 00:22:04
UNYouth @UN4Youth

The floor goes now to the Minister of #youth & sports of #morocco. "ICT changed the way young people think and act" #youth11

2011-07-26 00:28:03
Monique Coleman @gimmemotalk

Streaming Live now: Me, Alek Wek, and others address Youth Unemployment & Youth–Led Uprisings @ UN High-Level Meeting http://bit.ly/onM3Wm

2011-07-26 00:30:29
UNYouth @UN4Youth

The minister of #youth of #morocco talks about youth from a sociological perspective: greater freedom, more social interactions.. #youth11

2011-07-26 00:30:57
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11 1st panel discussion, co-chaired by Minister of #youth in India and Director of the Mexican Youth Institute http://t.co/OlGDiSG

2011-07-26 00:31:12
UNYouth @UN4Youth

Minister of #youth of #morocco calls for greater cooperation around youth issues w/ Morocco's neighbors in Magreb. #youth11

2011-07-26 00:35:18
江戸川子どもおんぶず @ekombuds

[国連ユース年]いよいよ「国連ハイレベル会合」がNY国連本部で始まりました。TLがにぎわっています!開式に際し、オスロで亡くなった若者に黙とうを捧げた模様。ハッシュタグは→ #youth11 メインアカウントは→ @unyouthyear でフォローできます。

2011-07-26 00:41:12
UNYouth @UN4Youth

"every young person deserves access to #education" in a population close to 7bilions, young women need to be targeted in priority #youth11

2011-07-26 00:42:16
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11 A rep from Kenya, "Soon, more than a third of the world's population will be young people. 90% in the developing world."

2011-07-26 00:43:02
Susan Rice -Archived @AmbRice44

Welcome to all those participating in the UN High Level Meetings on Youth in NYC #youth11

2011-07-26 00:43:09
UNYouth @UN4Youth

"Youth"is defined by the UN as people as people aged 15-24. #GeetaRaoGupta insists on the younger cohort of this age group: 15-19 #youth11

2011-07-26 00:47:52
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11 Geeta Rao Gupta calls for governments to advocate youth policies across the board and not just through a youth ministry

2011-07-26 00:50:18
UNYouth @UN4Youth

"It is time that young people decide for themselves" "It is time to take action rather than just remain at the rethoric level #youth11

2011-07-26 00:50:43
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11, Geeta Rao Gupta believes there is a lack of data on youths to aid in policy implementation. "We must engage with our youth."

2011-07-26 00:51:31
Atlantic Impact @atlantic_impact

How are young people driving social change in 2011? Personal stories from around the world: http://t.co/17IXVto #youth #youth11 @unescoNOW

2011-07-26 00:51:34
UNYouth @UN4Youth

The European #Youth Forum is part of ICMYO:Intnal Communication Meeting of Youth Organisations. + http://t.co/fxLLtXU @FalkoMohrs #youth11

2011-07-26 00:53:47
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11 Next up, @FalkoMohrs from the European Youth Forum. Here's what they do; http://t.co/d9u4IgL

2011-07-26 00:55:41
UNYouth @UN4Youth

"Some see the recent events of #ArabSpring as a threat, when they actually represent an offer" @FalkoMohrs #youth11

2011-07-26 00:56:02
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11 @FalkoMohrs calls for education curriculum to match the skills requires by current jobs and to include non-formal #education.

2011-07-26 00:57:16
江戸川子どもおんぶず @ekombuds

[国連ユース年]国連ハイレベル会合の中継は @UNwebcast で観られます。中継はチャンネル1,2,3 http://t.co/NOqxX33 さきほど終了した開会式記録は http://t.co/cYANKCX #youth11 @unyouthyear

2011-07-26 00:57:39
UNYouth @UN4Youth

Leila Yasmin Mucarsel, from CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation takes the floor http://t.co/1VJsQ8t #youth11

2011-07-26 00:59:55
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

#youth11, we are now joined by Leila Yasmin Mucarsel, representing CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation

2011-07-26 01:00:47
Women Deliver @WomenDeliver

Adolescent girl & young woman r the most vulnerable. Should be focus of development going forward says @BabatundeUNFPA @UNFPA #youth11

2011-07-26 01:01:25
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