XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その31 21年2月前半

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Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive

Kicking the can down the road —the Cormac McCarthy Road, or something analogous, it seems, if we don't seize power from the delayers and decarbonize our economies pronto. Real zero, not "net zero," NOW.

2021-02-10 13:18:54
Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive

And sure Biden has signed a ton of EOs and is developing an administrative state for climate, but the only climate *legislation* Congress has passed centers on funding for carbon removal R&D.

2021-02-10 13:15:44
Dr. Genevieve Guenther @DoctorVive

Weird how we were supposed to cut emissions 50% by 2030, and now there are nine years to go and everyone—right, left, and center—is increasingly talking about carbon dioxide removal. twitter.com/noahpinion/sta…

2021-02-10 12:59:50
Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇦 @Noahpinion

Carbon removal is how we make climate change fair. It's how rich countries can pay for the harm we've caused, even as we ask developing countries to cut their emissions. noahpinion.substack.com/p/carbon-remov…

2021-02-09 15:26:01
議員ウォッチ @giinwatch

#核兵器禁止条約 政党別賛同率(2/11) 自民 2%(賛同9名 / 現職389名) 公明 23%(13 / 56) 立憲 70%(106 / 152) 維新 4%(1 / 26) 共産 100%(25 / 25) 国民 38%(6 / 16) 社民 100% (2 / 2) れいわ100%(2 / 2) 希望 0%(0 / 2) N国 0%(0 / 2) 無42%(14 / 33) pic.twitter.com/uNXmt23ogy

2021-02-11 15:00:55
Climate Justice Coalition @CJ_Coalition

The oil industry has been lobbying the Scottish Government on “the importance of balanced messaging” ahead of COP26. Hmm. theferret.scot/oil-firms-lobb…

2021-02-11 06:25:45
やなぎさわまどか🌗 @madoka_yng


2021-02-11 18:27:19

#IPCC is celebrating #WomenInScience day For the first time in IPCC’s history, 2 of the 3 IPCC Vice-Chairs are women. 30% of #AR6 authors are #WomenInScience. In 2020, the IPCC adopted its Gender Policy to ensure that all have equal opportunity. ➡️ bit.ly/2TG0y0K pic.twitter.com/MLKePCmW6L

2021-02-11 17:51:59
Dr Charlie Gardner @CharlieJGardner

We're in a climate emergency, and in an emergency we must stop what we're doing and take urgent action. So why is conservation just plodding along as it always has? Here's my provocative talk about where @JMBecologist and I feel we should be headed youtube.com/watch?v=6QuNVm…

2021-02-12 03:18:01
Rainforest Action Network (RAN) 🌴 @RAN

Burst glaciers, landslides, and mass flooding like the tragic and catastrophic destruction in the Himalayas may become more common as climate change gets worse. Our hearts ache for the loss of life. usatoday.com/story/news/wor…

2021-02-12 05:01:50
Fridays For Future Sendai(Japan) @fffsendai

明日2月12日(金)18:00~19:30 オンラインイベント「FFF横須賀、神戸、仙台で取り組む石炭ゼロアクション」開催🌎 地元で石炭火力発電所に反対する活動を行うFFFメンバーで今後どのような取り組みをしていくのかを議論します🔥 #私たちは石炭ゼロを求めます @FFFYokosuka @FFFKobe pic.twitter.com/oZvmIrZd8D

2021-02-11 18:51:08
どかいしょなし @NonAbility

停止・低下容量積上げグラフはもうちょっと ・Excel処理チューニング・・・一部ユニットで重複 ・元データ補正・・・廃止情報が反映されていない? が必要なので、詳細版のimgurのリンク先はいったん削除します。 (ガンチャートの方も同様です。) twitter.com/NonAbility/sta…

2021-02-11 19:37:37
どかいしょなし @NonAbility

電力取引所の発電情報公開システム(HJKS) hjks.jepx.or.jp/hjks/ Excel集計をさらにチューニングして、補正もかけて 2016年4月から停止・出力低下の容量を日時で積み上げたグラフ。 詳細はimgurリンクをPCブラウザ等で、拡大して横スクロールを。 全国-詳細 i.imgur.com/q9uQQMr.png pic.twitter.com/PZSjOkifLa

2021-02-11 07:46:23
Rupert Read 🌍 @GreenRupertRead

And the chances of all countries meeting their ‘nationally determined contributions’?: about 0.1%... We are voyaging into an unknown, dangerous, killing world. #RiseUp twitter.com/gretathunberg/…

2021-02-11 20:21:18
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

"On current trends, the probability of staying below 2°C of warming is only 5%, but if all countries meet their nationally determined contributions and continue to reduce emissions at the same rate after 2030, it rises to 26%" As if a 26% chance was good. nature.com/articles/s4324…

2021-02-11 15:24:09
気候危機・自治体議員の会 @CEDgiin

「現在の傾向では、温暖化の2°C未満にとどまる確率はわずか5%ですが、すべての国が決定した貢献を満たし、2030年以降も同じ割合で排出量を削減し続けると、26%に上昇します。」26%の確率が良かったかのように。 (26%では解決できない・・・100%でもまだ2°C未満、本当は1.5°Cでなければってことだ) twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2021-02-11 23:42:34
350 Tokyo @350Tokyo

(耕論)気候変動、私はどうする 小野りりあんさん、吉永明弘さん、中村桂子さん:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/DA3S1…

2021-02-11 21:00:40
Rainforest Action Network (RAN) 🌴 @RAN

These communities are fighting for their rights — and sometime their lives — in the face of Indonesian #palmoil giants' greed. ran.org/the-understory…

2021-02-12 02:03:11
前衆議院議員 みやかわ伸(千葉13区)@立憲民主党 @Shin1Miyakawa

「気候危機と倫理」のお話をしました@鎌ケ谷倫理法人会。子どもたちの世代に台風で住めないような負の遺産を残すべきではなく、しっかりと先行投資して温暖化対策+イノベーションを進めるべきです! pic.twitter.com/EJHOJeOtA9

2020-11-07 11:15:41
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