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国立環境研 対話オフィス @taiwa_kankyo

無作為抽出の札幌市民20名等が #温暖化 についてオンライン会議で議論。脱炭素化への対策や未来のまちの姿を話し合いました↓ www3.nhk.or.jp/sapporo-news/2… "2050年排出実質ゼロ"に向けて対話が重要と国も強調。市民の声を聞く取組みが全国に広まりますように💫 企画に関わった江守副センター長と🐰ぐら

2020-12-21 17:46:28
福岡範行@気候危機🖋👶7y3y @f_norida

政府のフォーラムにはもっと本気度を、という指摘に賛同します。 個人的には、全国津々浦々で地域ごとの"本気の"気候市民会議も開いてほしいと思っています。 その開催ノウハウや資金を政府が提供すれば、本気で国民的動きを作ろうと感じられると思います。 twitter.com/ginga_tamura/s…

2020-12-20 11:14:11
田村銀河 Ginga Tamura🌍 @ginga_tamura

こちらを議論すべき👇 "政府のフォーラムにはもっと本気度を見せて欲しかったというのが本音です。今後は、より透明性と公開性を高くして、国民を巻き込んだ議論の場を作って欲しいと思っています" トラウデン直美さんの「環境に配慮した商品ですか?」発言に飛び交う批判huffingtonpost.jp/entry/story_jp… #

2020-12-20 09:20:25

【デモクラシーのいま】106 イングランド北東部のノース・オブ・タイン合同行政機構が、気候変動市民議会の開催を決定。無作為抽出による50名の市民が、2~4月の計約30時間、オンラインで協議する予定とのこと。 chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-eas…

2020-12-18 18:07:55
竹之下惟基/yuiki @yuiki8812

小規模だけど今まさに札幌で気候市民会議が行われてる。 【気候市民会議さっぽろ2020】 札幌市民全体の縮図となるよう無作為抽出(くじ引き)で募った市民20人*による「気候市民会議さっぽろ2020」を開きます。 citizensassembly.jp/project/ca_kak… #まだ気候変動は止められる #気候市民会議 @ChooselifePj

2020-12-17 21:04:45
Kosuke Hatta 八田浩輔 @kskhatta

マクロン大統領が気候変動への取り組みに関する新たな条項を憲法に盛り込むかどうかを問う国民投票を検討。 脱炭素への取り組みを検討するため抽選で選ばれた市民で構成する気候市民会議が提案していた。 france24.com/en/live-news/2… @FRANCE24より

2020-12-15 07:43:44
リンク France 24 Macron plans referendum to add climate clause to constitution - France 24 Macron plans referendum to add climate clause to constitution 743
Artists For Future #FightFor1Point5 @artists4future

Please support the installation of a citizen assembly for climate in Germany. Sign the petition from @KMitbestimmung . English how-to on this page: fffutu.re/mGffPs Petition: fffutu.re/hbmceJ

2020-12-13 22:57:01
Aufstand gegen das Aussterben 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @XR_Aufstand

Please help us spread the word! We have 5 days left to mobilise 30,000 people to sign ✍️ this petition to the German #Bundestag. Anyone can sign. Thx! 💚 @Fridays4future @parents4futureG @Strike4Youth @ClimateBen @ap4ca @media_xr @XrXrjapan @XrBrasil @XrArgentina @ScotlandXr

2020-12-12 18:49:12
Aufstand gegen das Aussterben 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈 @XR_Aufstand

This one goes out to all the citizens in the World! 🌍🌎🌏 Please help Germany to endow its parliament with a #CitizensAssembly on climate! 🙏 twitter.com/ExtinctionR_DE…

2020-12-12 18:43:48
Extinction Rebellion DE #Frühlingsrebellion @ExtinctionR_DE

Germany & #ParisAgreement? It's complicated. We wish we had a #citizensAssembly on climate! The initiative @KMitbestimmung filed an official petition exactly on this, due Dec 17. ⭐ No matter what's your country or your age - YOUR signature counts! ✍️ epetitionen.bundestag.de/content/petiti… pic.twitter.com/1JDgOJ7mAg

2020-12-12 16:14:20
Extinction Rebellion DE @ExtinctionR_DE

Germany & #ParisAgreement? It's complicated. We wish we had a #citizensAssembly on climate! The initiative @KMitbestimmung filed an official petition exactly on this, due Dec 17. ⭐ No matter what's your country or your age - YOUR signature counts! ✍️ epetitionen.bundestag.de/content/petiti… pic.twitter.com/1JDgOJ7mAg

2020-12-12 16:14:20
Chris Bettles @ChrisBettles1

Democracy must be at the heart of our global response to the climate crisis 👇 twitter.com/_GlobalAssembl…

2020-12-10 20:18:52
Mhairi Reed @ReedMhairi

Do our world leaders operate in a system that restricts them from making far reaching decisions for fear of collapsing their own power? What if we could make those difficult decisions for them? #globalassemblyCOP26 pic.twitter.com/pFsaujAnsH

2020-12-10 20:06:50
Global Assembly @_GlobalAssembly

Watch a short film which explains what the #GlobalAssemblyCOP26 is about. It’s an ambitious project, but one we think matches the situation we are in, that we hope inspires you to get involved. youtube.com/watch?v=4dvAu2… 6/6

2020-12-10 18:46:25
Global Assembly @_GlobalAssembly

Distributed events will mirror the 1,000 person group, and will be run by anyone anywhere (e.g. communities, schools, organisations). The aim is to encourage wide participation with anyone who wants to engage. globalassembly.org/engaging-milli… 4/6

2020-12-10 18:46:25
Global Assembly @_GlobalAssembly

The heart of the #GlobalAssemblyCOP26 will be 1000 people, a snapshot of the world's population broken down by gender, age, economic background and geography chosen by lottery. Meaning that anyone on earth could be selected, including you. globalassembly.org/the-plan 3/6

2020-12-10 18:46:25
Global Assembly @_GlobalAssembly

In 2020, the #GlobalAssemblyCOP26 was co-designed with citizens, institutions, climate and social movements. It is a truly bottom up initiative. In line with this ethos, we are launching a #crowdfunder crowdfunder.co.uk/global-assembly 2/6

2020-12-10 18:46:24
Global Assembly @_GlobalAssembly

Today, we are launching @_GlobalAssembly in the lead up to #COP26: a global #CitizensAssembly on #ClimateChange and the ecological crisis. Find out more: globalassembly.org #GlobalAssemblyCOP26 THREAD 1/6 pic.twitter.com/hoN0qE4u5g

2020-12-10 18:46:24
Global Assembly @_GlobalAssembly

The Core Assembly will be digital, but distributed events could take place in person based on local Covid19 regulations. A toolkit will be available to support organisers run their own process. It will be self organised & self funded by local groups. globalassembly.org/get-involved 5/6

2020-12-10 18:46:25
Cecilia Keating @cecilia_keating

A supersized citizens' assembly is being planned ahead of COP26 businessgreen.com/news/4024757/r…

2020-12-10 18:41:48
Extinction Rebellion Wimborne @XRWimborne

💚Thursday 26th @ 7.30pm 💚People’s Assembly on Dorset Council’s draft climate and ecological emergency strategy 💚dtaction.co.uk/assembly/ #ClimateEmergency #Ecocide #Dorset #DorsetCouncil pic.twitter.com/Ozz3cjT7Ha

2020-11-26 03:10:38
Extinction Rebellion Horsham @XRHorsham

Australia, California, UK... The #ClimateEmergency is already very apparent in other parts of the World. We (UK) will start to become more aware of it’s impacts in the next months & yrs. #ActNow @CEEbill_NOW @XrSouthEastUK twitter.com/fbunational/st…

2020-11-25 22:21:33
Fire Brigades Union @fbunational

Large wildfires, previously rare in the UK, are becoming commonplace. The government talks big about a "green industrial revolution" but unless they use today's spending review to invest in frontline firefighters, they're leaving the country to burn. pic.twitter.com/SfkPRDlkVl

2020-11-25 16:10:42
ScientistsForXR @ScientistsX

20 NOV deadline Short survey on 3 topics recommended by the Climate Assembly. Let’s show the UK Government that there is a public appetite for Citizen Assemblies smartsurvey.co.uk/s/A464RU/

2020-11-19 21:05:01
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