2011/07/27 UN HLM on YOUTH 3日目会議 未整理

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UNYouth @UN4Youth

#youth11 In today's event "Youth Philanthropy", Secretary General is delivering a speech. Watch it live goo.gl/DiCWT. Channel 5, UN Web TV

2011-07-28 00:11:00
Voices of Youth @voicesofyouth

Overarching message of HLM: time to take young people seriously! #VOYbackstage #youth11 http://fb.me/1cGo400LY

2011-07-28 00:11:39
Aram Barra @AramBarra

@unyouthyear: #youth11 In today's event "Youth Philanthropy", Secretary General is delivering a speech. Watch live goo.gl/DiCWT. Channel 5

2011-07-28 00:11:52
Carolina Azevedo 🇺🇳 @carogazevedo

UN Sec Gral Ban Ki-moon: Being here w/ u I see a better future already, with your vision and leadership. http://ow.ly/i/eV2A #youth11

2011-07-28 00:12:01
Peace Child Intl @PeaceChild

What were the #UN High-Level Meetings on #youth about? + good quotes http://ow.ly/5OA8r #youth11

2011-07-28 00:15:02
Aram Barra @AramBarra

Ban Ki Moon talking to entrepreneurs: Helps us advance sustainability and build bridges btw youths around the world. #youth11

2011-07-28 00:16:12
Aram Barra @AramBarra

Whenever I talk to audiences filled with young people, I stress the power of the individual to make a difference: Ban Ki Moon #youth11

2011-07-28 00:16:49
Aram Barra @AramBarra

We see through great technology innovation an inspiration for mobilization: Ban Ki Moon #youth11

2011-07-28 00:18:11
Aram Barra @AramBarra

Never lose your faith in the ability of the individual to make a change in the lives of others: Ban Ki Moon. #youth11

2011-07-28 00:18:43
Erin Mazursky @emazursky

#youth dont like to deal in theory. They are looking for practical solutions. #Exchange20 #youth11

2011-07-28 00:18:46
Aram Barra @AramBarra

By helping other to lift themselves, we too lift ourselves and we too are empowered: Ban Ki Moon #youth11

2011-07-28 00:19:05
Aram Barra @AramBarra

The UN can only be successful when we are supported so that we can support other, says Ban Ki Moon at #youth11

2011-07-28 00:19:38
Joao Scarpelini (he/him) 🇧🇷🇮🇹 @joaoscarpelini

"Never ever loose the faith that 1 person can create change" by Ban Ki Moon @ "Giving it back, passing it on" Youth HLM side event. #youth11

2011-07-28 00:19:57
Jenna Arnold @JennaArnold

"When we provide opportunities for others, we increase opportunities for ourselves" says #UN SG. #nexusummit #YearofYouth #youth11

2011-07-28 00:21:19
Aram Barra @AramBarra

I count on your leadership and strong commitment to walk together with the UN to make this a better world: Ban Ki Moon #youth11

2011-07-28 00:21:42
Aram Barra @AramBarra

Delegate of Libya asks Ban Ki Moon how to reconcile top-down prescription strategy of IMF and WB vs poverty and hunger in Africa #youth11

2011-07-28 00:23:47

@YPARD @voices_of_youth @unyouthyear http://t.co/ualYXkk CH5 Giving it Back, Passing it on: Corporate Engagement and #Youth11 Philanthropy

2011-07-28 00:23:52
Carolina Azevedo 🇺🇳 @carogazevedo

Never lose your faith in the ability of individuals to make a change in the life of others, UN SecGral Ban Ki-moon #youth11

2011-07-28 00:24:34
Monique Coleman @gimmemotalk

Im moderating right now from the UN Headquarters http://bit.ly/onM3Wm Very important forum about our youth... live stream

2011-07-28 00:24:51

@vwajen #GeneralAssembly will convene tomorrow in an all-day event to continue the #HLM on #youth11

2011-07-28 00:26:20
Aram Barra @AramBarra

Ban Ki Moon: Unfortunate that we have not been able to resolve this situation in Libya. #youth11

2011-07-28 00:26:22
Red Eye @RedEyeInc

Honored 2 be part of Philanthropy Summit @UN @UNDP = Excited 2 see what we can do together! #UnitedNations #youth11 #NexusSummit

2011-07-28 00:35:09
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