
Bwuny 🏳‍⚧ @bwunyfrens

black ..coded..... Velho o knucles é um ouriço VERMELHO blz ser hc mas editar artes dos outros é pnc d+ twitter.com/MysticMaryy/st…

2021-03-24 01:26:43



EDIT: 絵師に対する謝罪も入ってきたので追加。

💫 Pearl 💫 @MysticMaryy

So, last night I edited a picture of Knuckles someone drew of him to be black. I was under the impression what the artist had done was white washing. I was wrong, and I'm sorry. I was under the impression- pic.twitter.com/Z80JqznxkR

2021-03-24 03:30:05
💫 Pearl 💫 @MysticMaryy

-the artist's work was racist and I was able to edit it because of that. I know now I'm not able to decide what is and isn't racist, and my judgment was wrong here. I'm sorry to all the black people I've hurt by doing this. I truly, thought I was doing the right thing and I-

2021-03-24 03:30:06
💫 Pearl 💫 @MysticMaryy

-clearly wasn't. I need to do better not jumping to conclusions about what's racist as my perspective is one of a white woman. I need to do better at listening to voices of color, to black voices, before I do something regarding race.

2021-03-24 03:30:06
💫 Pearl 💫 @MysticMaryy

Pls don't feel afraid to drop ur ko-fis or venmos or whatever if ur black and in need of money. I can't guarentee I'll be able to donate to everyone but I will RT and boost all of them.

2021-03-24 03:32:07
💫 Pearl 💫 @MysticMaryy

I also called your art "shit" and I absolutely didn't mean it as a means of calling it "shit" quality. I was using it synonymously with "stuff." Regardless the language was still very rude and could easily be interpreted as the former. So I want to apologize for that as well.

2021-03-24 04:49:39

