国際会議 #ESWC2021 まとめ/Compiled list of tweets on #ESWC2021

国際会議 ESWC2021 (The 18th Extended Semantic Web Conference) のツイートまとめ 開催日:2021/06/06-10 場所:オンライン 詳細:https://2021.eswc-conferences.org/
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Andreas θαλ🔨 @thalhamm

I created the w3id.org/303 property. It helps machines to identify the canonical representations of a real-world resource and the RDF document describing it (wout looking at redirect chain). Not sure sth already existed but I felt it was really needed... #RDF #eswc2021 pic.twitter.com/gCQQxqdHZR

2021-06-10 05:35:53
alessandro @aliossandro

@eswc_conf Will a recording of her talk be made available?

2021-06-10 06:35:28
ESWC Conferences @eswc_conf

Thank you to our Bronze Sponsor @metaphacts for supporting #ESWC2021 this year! pic.twitter.com/DGG6QavcIZ

2021-06-10 18:14:34
ESWC Conferences @eswc_conf

We kicked of the last day of #ESWC2021 with a thought provoking keynote by Luc De Raedt @lucderaedt pic.twitter.com/O5CbYZkKg7

2021-06-10 18:32:20
ESWC Conferences @eswc_conf

Live now: Do Embeddings Actually Capture Knowledge Graph Semantics? by Nitisha Jain et al RETRA: Recurrent Transformers for Learning Temporally Contextualized Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Simon Werner et al Convolutional Complex Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Caglar Demir et al

2021-06-10 18:46:55
ESWC Conferences @eswc_conf

HDT Bitmap Triple Indices for Efficient #RDF Data Exploration by Maximilian Wenzel et al Processing #SPARQL Property Path Queries Online with Web Preemption by Julien Aimonier-Davat et al KOBE: Cloud-native Open Benchmarking Engine for Federated Query Processors by Troumpoukis +

2021-06-10 18:48:57
Manning Publications @ManningBooks

Hey @eswc_conf! Save 35% on #NLP, #AI, #neuralnetworks, and other books, liveProjects and videos with CODE ctweswc21 at mng.bz/G6AO

2021-06-10 19:18:20
Tek Raj Chhetri @tekraj_14

@eswc_conf @lucderaedt Thank you so much, @ucderaedt, for such a wonderful and insightful keynote speech.

2021-06-10 19:37:11
Luc De Raedt @lucderaedt

Thanks for having me @eswc_conf. It was an honor and a pleasure. And I am sure I ll be back as regular participant ! There are many challenges for neurosymbolic and StarAI in the semantic web. twitter.com/eswc_conf/stat…

2021-06-10 19:49:01
Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz @ejimenez_ruiz

@ChenJiaoyan1 is presenting our @eswc_conf paper "Augmenting Ontology Alignment by Semantic Embedding and Distant Supervision" (Session #13: Embeddings) in 30 min! github.com/KRR-Oxford/Ont… twitter.com/ejimenez_ruiz/…

2021-06-10 20:23:03
Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz @ejimenez_ruiz

Enjoying @eswc_conf. Very nice talks, with even papers describing KGs to support Autonomous Driving! Although the best paper comes tomorrow :-) Session #13 (Embeddings 2): Augmenting Ontology Alignment by Semantic Embedding and Distant Supervision, presented by @ChenJiaoyan1 pic.twitter.com/TCbI6Fbta6

2021-06-09 22:23:03
ESWC Conferences @eswc_conf

🔊 Dear #ESWC2021 attendees, please join us for the closing session at 15:00 CEST with @RubenVerborgh @HoseKatja @heikopaulheim and @johndmk

2021-06-10 20:51:58
ESWC Conferences @eswc_conf

🔊 🧧🎁 Awards: Best Research Paper, Best Resource Paper, 10-Year Award, Best Poster, Best Demo Next year: 🌍 location and 🤹 new chair

2021-06-10 21:02:15
ESWC Conferences @eswc_conf

Thanks to all volunteers who helped make this virtual conference a success! #ESWC2021 pic.twitter.com/iViiaiXRCb

2021-06-10 22:09:02
ESWC Conferences @eswc_conf

And thank you to all the Research Track Area Chairs! pic.twitter.com/DFI2Fn1nhi

2021-06-10 22:12:05
Anisa Rula @AnisaRula

And like everything that comes to an end, the #ESWC2021 is closing. This was a very exciting experience! Thank you @azra_vi @hauschke @HeyPieter and to all the volunteers!!! See you all next year @eswc_conf twitter.com/eswc_conf/stat…

2021-06-10 22:17:41
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