
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その40 21年6月後半」 togetter.com/li/1731036

2021-07-01 09:03:13
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「トヨタ米共和党への献金で反温暖化ロビー活動のエクソン社なみに注目集める」 togetter.com/li/1738920

2021-07-02 01:24:28
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

@FridaysJapan ぜひこのトゥギャッターまとめを広めてください。 サンライズムーブメントがバイデンのWHを包囲するなか米加太平洋岸はヒートドームの特異日 togetter.com/li/1737858

2021-07-01 04:36:39
EVネイティブ @EV_Native

【❗️EVニュース❗️】 ・トヨタがトランプ支持の陰謀論を唱える議員に多額の献金をしていることが発覚 ✅2021年中の献金→陰謀論者への献金 ✅”日本”企業が最も多くの献金額 ➡️全方位戦略ではなく、”EV以外の”全方位戦略 ・世界の電動化率上昇中 ✅欧州:16% ✅中国:12% youtu.be/t2HoS9LPgW4 pic.twitter.com/A6Oced1a8m

2021-06-29 20:00:01
まとめ ガソリン車販売禁止という政策について、そして2030年石炭火力全廃政策について(社会的ティッピング・ポイント理論を活.. 3次まとめ 元は、欧米のガソリン車販売禁止と都市交通 です。 7484 pv 28 435

目 次
 化石燃料車販売禁止 Fossil Cars


XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

"広報担当者は、監視団体「ワシントンの責任と倫理を求める市民の会」がまとめたデータを引用して、選出された共和党議員37名への5万5,000ドルの寄付を暴露したAxios社に対し、「選挙認証の投票内容だけで議員を判断するのは適切ではないと考えています」と述べた。" この弁明がヒドイとボイコットが。 twitter.com/HuffPostPol/st…

2021-06-30 04:23:50
HuffPost Politics @HuffPostPol

The automaker's terrible excuse sparked calls for a boycott of the company. huffpost.com/entry/toyota-b…

2021-06-29 18:07:52
HuffPost Politics @HuffPostPol

The automaker's terrible excuse sparked calls for a boycott of the company. huffpost.com/entry/toyota-b…

2021-06-29 18:07:52
Kenji Shiraishi @Knjshiraishi

共和党議員の中には、トランプとともに昨年の大統領選挙結果を否定する議員がおり、その否定論は連邦議事堂突入を引き起こした。一部議員のそうした行動に対し、企業はノーを突きつけると期待されたが、トヨタを筆頭に今年も継続して献金が行われたことに批判があがっている。 axios.com/toyota-leads-d…

2021-06-29 17:26:46
boxerconan💛💙 @boxerconan

@rjgeller @martfack 🐢のお膝元のケンタッキーが大きいですよね。外国のカーメーカーのプラントは労組を避けるために赤い州にありますよね。

2021-06-29 11:54:52
REPotter @REP18514242

I am a long time customer and US Army veteran as well and have the same question @Toyota. twitter.com/davidmweissman…

2021-06-29 20:33:27
David Weissman ✡️ @davidmweissman

Good morning @Toyota, As a United States Army veteran who took an oath to defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and DOMESTIC, I really want to know why you continue to fund the Republican Party who assaulted our Democracy and freedoms.

2021-06-28 22:08:40
Adeline (Recognize Trumpism as cult worship)🇺🇸 @HonorDecency

It was easy to decide that I will never - ever even consider buying a Toyota. It was harder, since I drive/love my Lexus, to make the decision NEVER EVER AGAIN BUY A LEXUS. I don't do business with people who support the attempted overthrow of our country. NO LEXUS - NO TOYOTA

2021-06-30 02:05:24
The ReidOut @thereidout

Toyota gave $55,000 to 37 Republicans who objected to certifying the election, according to an investigation by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. @JoyAnnReid critiques these findings in Monday's edition of THE ABSOLUTE WORST. #reiders trib.al/oIROVX2

2021-06-29 21:02:06
Occupy Democrats @OccupyDemocrats

BOYCOTT TOYOTA! Toyota is now FUNDING the insurrectionists who incited the January 6 attack 😡😡😡 pic.twitter.com/YWFoZhHR3O

2021-06-29 21:10:52
11th Hour @11thHour

Toyota is facing some uncomfortable questions about donations the carmaker made to some Republican lawmakers. Learn more: on.msnbc.com/3x3VO6T #11thHour pic.twitter.com/jihhCQdqGR

2021-06-29 21:00:01

"Toyota put out, what is to my memory, the worst statement in the past couple years of corporate PR," Brian Williams says on Toyota defending donations to Republicans who voted against certifying the 2020 election. on.msnbc.com/36ehS2V

2021-06-29 21:14:03
PoppaBear @APoppaBear

Toyota thinks it's OK to support insurrectionists. Common sense tells you it's a good time to sell the stock before it keeps sliding. Toyota Motor Corp 176.62 USD −0.45 (0.25%) today #BoycottToyota

2021-06-29 23:00:00
The ReidOut @thereidout

Toyota gave $55,000 to 37 Republicans who objected to certifying the election, according to an investigation by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. @JoyAnnReid critiques these findings in Monday's edition of THE ABSOLUTE WORST. #reiders trib.al/ZGDocnX

2021-06-29 12:02:07
Citizens for Ethics @CREWcrew

Some are calling for a boycott of Toyota over donations to lawmakers who refused to acknowledge the 2020 presidential election results. miamiherald.com/news/politics-…

2021-06-30 04:00:38

"The construction has been halted on the museum of bad corporate PR, so that a new wing can be designed and named for Toyota," Brian Williams says on Toyota defending donations to Republicans who voted against certifying the 2020 election. Watch more: on.msnbc.com/3w3vRCX pic.twitter.com/yTqdGGEFbn

2021-06-30 02:44:04
katherine ✌🏻❤️🎸🌎🧚🌺🌼💔🆒 @katherineOma

When purchasing a car, please bear in mind Toyota supported 37 GQP candidates.

2021-06-29 12:37:43
Citizens for Ethics @CREWcrew

Toyota has given $55k to 37 Sedition Caucus members since the insurrection. Just in case you were considering buying a Toyota. citizensforethics.org/reports-invest…

2021-06-29 21:30:21
Stampede253 @FreewayCommuter

@B52Malmet I am not surprised by Toyota--and won't be when we find out what other automakers have also donated to those slimes. I think it's a good thing to get this info out there and start letting them get a taste of public scrutiny.

2021-06-29 22:35:58
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