
まとめ 指輪物語の『サウロンの眼』が今度は宇宙の果てで発見される 冥王サウロン=旧支配者説2 6093 pv 13
グリ子@🔯🍎🍣🔱🐟🍠🍆🍃 🏞🌙☃️🔱 @GuricoV

兎鞠「ヌードオブザリング/王の股間っていう映画がってぇ…。」 俺「そんなんあるわけないやろ…。」 俺「」 #兎鞠まり pic.twitter.com/XpQMCY9oGQ

2020-09-30 22:58:19
そらまる(´へωへ`*) @EROYP

こういう洋物AVのタイトルめっちゃ好き ロード・オブ・ザ・リングのAVで王の股間とかふたつのマラとかあったよなw pic.twitter.com/Dg5IZQQWZW

2020-11-12 11:36:10


Hola Unblocker @HolaUnblocker

Learn more: Merry and Pippin almost shared a nude scene in The Lord of the Rings movies | EW.com ew.com/movies/merry-a…, see more tweetedtimes.com/HolaUnblocker?…

2021-07-01 06:19:38
リンク EW.com Merry and Pippin almost shared a nude scene in 'The Lord of the Rings' movies Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd told Stephen Colbert about a cut scene that would've brought their hobbits closer together than ever. 219

"'So when Merry and Pippin are up Treebeard, he gets afraid and shakes his branches, which makes you guys fall.' This has all been printed in the script. 'It makes you guys fall and as you hit all the branches on the way down, by the time you hit the ground, you're naked.' And Merry turns to Pippin and says, 'it's cold, isn't it?' and Pippin says, 'hold me, Merry.'"

An unsettled Boyd called Monaghan to discuss the scene, but found that the Merry actor was surprisingly interested.

"I was kind of into it, because I have a really fantastic ass, and I thought now this is the time to get it out," Monaghan said.


MRAD @TheGalacticDude

Let's put this over the top. I hope Gary sees this. Amazon Prime: KEEP NUDITY OUT OF AMAZONS LOTR SERIES. - Sign the Petition! chng.it/JybbhBSj via @Change. @doomcock @Nerdrotics @ginacarano @LadyGravemaster @JosiahRises @justsomeguycc @XrayGirl5

2021-06-18 04:38:16
Chloë @dekashoko

lotr had no nudes. lotr needs no nudes. pic.twitter.com/Nfen8hzzPr

2021-06-18 18:14:04