Week 20211003 to 20211009

Perpetual Protocol (✨🔴_🔴✨) @perpprotocol

.@VisorFinance, an active liquidity mgmt platform for @Uniswap v3, has joined our Liquidity Program to make liquidity provision on Perp v2 easy! Users will be able to earn tx fees (in USDC) 𝗮𝗻𝗱 $PERP rewards simply by depositing USDC to the pools for Perp v2 on Visor. pic.twitter.com/7Z4Ur0ZsKP

2021-10-06 22:00:20

Perp x Woo


WOO Network 🤝 Perpetual Protocol $WOO has partnered with $PERP, expanding our support for on-chain derivatives trading, bringing institutional liquidity to @perpprotocol, and more volume and token use-cases for WOO Network Read more here 👇 medium.com/woonetwork/woo…

2021-10-06 23:36:22

Loopring explorer チラ見せ

Loopring💙 @loopringorg

ICYMI💙 A fresh new, fully-featured block explorer is on the way for Loopring Layer2 Now you'll be able to download/export all of your #L2 transactions with ease Read about this + many more updates in our Q3 update👇 medium.com/loopring-proto… pic.twitter.com/kDN6Pc9Rp1

2021-10-07 00:14:33


Yudai Suzuki🦇🔊 - reblock.eth @9dai_5

設計は面白いですね。Layer2/Sidechain BridgeとAMMをアグリゲーションしたMovr Networkが登場。 A chainにあるX tokenを、B chain上のZ tokenに一挙動で替えてくれるという代物。 twitter.com/movrnetwork/st…

2021-10-07 07:57:48
Socket @SocketDotTech

We are glad to introduce our first product, FundMovr, in the Movr interoperability stack for a multi-chain world! FundMovr enables seamless cross-chain bridging! 🌉 Thread 👇 medium.com/movr-network/i…

2021-10-06 23:25:17

Fei v2

Fei Protocol @feiprotocol

Introducing Fei v2 🎉 medium.com/fei-protocol/i… This is a HUGE upgrade to the Fei mechanism! Highlights include 👇

2021-10-07 05:44:52


mistX - MEV Protection + Cashback + Best Prices @mistXlabs

NEW: Send transactions with front-running protection directly from your wallet🤯 A quick video on how to add Flashbots Protect RPC to your MetaMask and trade on any DEX or send any transaction. $mist ⚗️ pic.twitter.com/sVGbGT7r99

2021-10-06 22:31:54
yorozunouchu @yorozunouchu

Flashbots Protectのパブリックベータが公開 ・Flashbots Protect API:開発者が自分のアプリケーションに組み込むことができるAPI ・Flashbots Protect RPC:ユーザーが自分のウォレットに入力して、TxをFlashbots Networkに送信するためのRPCエンドポイント link.medium.com/qkxpbrfs8jb

2021-10-07 19:19:42
LongLong.finance @longlongfinance

1/ Built on top of @AndreCronjeTech 's Liquidity Mining V2 (with idea from @PodsFinance and @josephdelong, according to the medium post). Pushing #LMAO (Liquidity Mining As Options) out to gather some feedback. github.com/longlong-finan…

2021-10-07 20:53:51
墨汁うまい(Bokujyuumai) @bokujyuumai

BTC速報:テザー社はビットコインを担保にCelsius Networkなどの仮想通貨企業へ数十億ドルを貸し付けているとBloombergが報道。10億ドルの借入に対し、金利を5〜6%支払っているという bloomberg.com/news/features/… #ビットコイン #仮想通貨 #Bitcoin #Tether #USDT #DeFi #イーサリアム

2021-10-07 21:31:11
Premia Blue 💎 🦉 | DeFi Options @PremiaFinance

We are excited to announce that we will be launching our Implied Volatility Oracle through the use of @chainlink nodes. This means bringing our options volatility data on-chain for the entire DeFi market! Check out the article below to learn more 👇 premia.medium.com/premias-volati…

2021-10-07 22:01:17
McKenna @Crypto_McKenna

An interesting DEX deriv protocol is @MonteCarloDEX and is in fact the first project I spoke to earlier this year. They have a novel AMM design presented in the V3 whitepaper more details here below & currently deployed on Arbitrum & BSC: docs.mcdex.io/amm-design

2021-10-08 02:54:54
Leohio / 極度妄想(しなさい) @leo_hio

zkRollupのtxcalldataのgasコストを90%ほどカットし、かつzkpでは実装できないとされていた秘匿スマートコントラクトの機能も構築可能にする方法を発表しました。 以前2月に発表したzkRollupでのzkp検証のgasコストを70-80%ほどカットする方法と合わせることもできます。 ethresear.ch/t/a-zkrollup-w…

2021-10-08 15:31:17
Hegic @HegicOptions

Introducing Coupon De Grâce 🗡️ Hegic's First Fixed Income Product Deposit 10,000+ $USDC for a fixed period of 30 days and earn up to +16% APY 💸 with 100% principal protection 🎟️ Subscription #1: 3M USDC 🎟️ Live Now on Hegic.co 🎟️ Open for 36 hours Learn more 👇 pic.twitter.com/IPChtmN1mW

2021-10-08 21:15:39
Polygon | Aggregated @0xPolygon

🤩 Swap for Gas - One stop solution for MATIC on Polygon 🙌 Swap for Gas is a simple and easy-to-use solution for sourcing $MATIC on Polygon Mainnet. Let's say goodbye to exchanges & unnecessary bridging costs. 🌐 Read more: bit.ly/Swap-for-Gas-T… 🔄: bit.ly/Swap-for-Gas pic.twitter.com/05hdqInP7U

2021-10-08 22:46:06
Wadé @wadepros

Squeeth is going to change the game for DeFi derivatives. Here's a smooth brain 🧵 about why I'm excited! Evolution of the concept: Everlasting Options → Power Perpetuals → "Squeeth" (ETH²) h/t @_Dave__White_ @danrobinson @snarkyzk @andrewjleone @AlexisGauba @aparnalocked pic.twitter.com/qksqt5GYjO

2021-10-04 00:45:23