XR日本/XRJapanのツイートよりその48 21年10月後半

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Extinction Rebellion Deep Water @xrdeepwater

If you or your group are taking part in #DeepWaterRising this weekend, don’t forget to share your pics! 📸 Tag @xrdeepwater here and on Instagram, use #DeepWaterRising, pop them in our Telegram channel or email them to deepwater@extinctionrebellion.uk. See you on the streets! pic.twitter.com/lAQv7WKqEY

2021-10-30 15:21:37
Health for XR @DoctorsXr

Back at @jpmorgan again today, the #worldsdirtybank. Doctors and nurses will keep protesting outside your offices until you stop harming our health #NoNewFossilFuels pic.twitter.com/o43XGYc4tp

2021-10-29 23:20:29
Nic 🌿 @Parlarla

Spent yesterday sitting on a silo at ExxonMobil's oil refinery with some wonderful rebels, peacefully protesting against new investment in fossil fuels and the expansion of this site. Ahead of COP26, it's vital governments act now and wake up to the climate emergency. pic.twitter.com/l7mfFBMxD5

2021-10-29 21:29:55
Extinction Rebellion NYC 🌎 @XR_NYC

We are here today to tell @potus: We will not stand by and watch our city drown! He pledged to cut US emissions in half by 2030, but now his climate agenda is on the brink of collapse in Congress. @joebiden must fight to fit the full climate agenda in #BuildBackBetter for COP26 pic.twitter.com/VrwmoBTVSh

2021-10-25 21:41:52
Extinction Rebellion Australia @XRebellionAus

@XRNewcastleAus 💥 UPDATE 💥 Mia from Newcastle has blocked the trainline to the worlds largest coal port for 3 hours this morning. They have now come down with NSW Search & Rescue. They protested @sussanley's appeal of her #DutyOfCare to protect our children from climate harm. pic.twitter.com/UsCxIIoxYl

2021-10-18 08:12:30
Extinction Rebellion Australia @XRebellionAus

Police have just arrived onsite. Follow @XRNewcastleAus and the livestream below for further updates. facebook.com/XRNewcastleAus…

2021-10-18 06:05:05
Extinction Rebellion Australia @XRebellionAus

Mia said earlier that: “While the government fails in its duty of care for children, youth and future generations, I feel my own duty to draw attention to this failure and demand the climate action that scientists, my generation and the rest of the world are pleading for.” pic.twitter.com/BE26PT8f5s

2021-10-18 06:05:04
Extinction Rebellion Australia @XRebellionAus

💥 BREAKING 💥 Rebel Mia (20) is blocking the train line to the WORLD'S BIGGEST coal port in Newcastle. The blockade comes as the Environment Minister @sussanley appeals a High Court decision that she has a #DutyOfCare to protect our children from climate harm. pic.twitter.com/YEGYackqTj

2021-10-18 06:05:03
Extinction Rebellion Nederland @NLRebellion

Today the Dutch Police (again) violently cracked down on peaceful rebels from Extinction Rebellion taking part in a blockade demanding #climatejustice *Trigger warning* People were thrown around, hit with fists, choked, dragged accross the street, some held by their face. twitter.com/NLRebellion/st…

2021-10-16 03:44:54
Extinction Rebellion Nederland @NLRebellion

Wat begon als een krachtig statement voor klimaatrechtvaardigheid eindigde in #politiegeweld. De politie gooide mensen hardhandig op de grond, stompte ze en sleepte ze over het asfalt, soms aan hun gezicht. Draadje met triggerwarning. (1/7) pic.twitter.com/QwrSHpl3NN

2021-10-16 02:28:00
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

Issue 56 of the XR GLOBAL NEWSLETTER is out FRIDAY! Featuring rebellions in MILAN, ZURICH and NEW YORK & actions across S. AMERICA and AFRICA. Global Newsletter! A feast for the eyes & fuel for the soul! SUBSCRIBE to get it in your inbox every month! actionnetwork.org/forms/newslett… pic.twitter.com/O6OntMtPOS

2021-10-15 08:47:25


Svein Tveitdal @tveitdal

COP26 Cartoon of the day: Hpoing for COP27! By Johan Chakravarty pic.twitter.com/NSPi0xGbfv

2021-10-30 22:17:05
Christian Aid @christian_aid

We’ve joined @YCCNetwork for the final part of the Relay to #COP26 - preparing to march with other pilgrims into Glasgow. #PrayForCOP26 #ClimateJustice pic.twitter.com/lsUEPZTntl

2021-10-30 22:11:38

グレタさん「化石燃料への資金提供やめて」 ロンドン金融街での抗議デモに参加 COP26控え英国入り COP26の開幕前に、スウェーデンの環境活動家グレタ・トゥンベリさんが、英ロンドンの金融街シティーでデモに参加し、金融機関に化石燃料への投資を止めるよう訴えた。 tokyo-np.co.jp/article/139850

2021-10-30 20:04:56
Maverick! @kodomosince2012

Greta Thunberg joins climate protest in London ahead of Cop26 theguardian.com/business/2021/…

2021-10-30 17:55:58
Frankie The Dino @frankiethedino

This was the closest to flying I ever got!! ✈✈Unfortunately, I didn’t make it through security. But that’s okay because I’m not going anywhere until we save this planet! 🌎 #DontChooseExtinction dontchooseextinction.com twitter.com/UNDPEU/status/…

2021-10-30 07:14:16

.@frankiethedino took over @BrusselsAirport to tell us that we can no longer ignore the climate crisis. Let’s take #ClimateAction before it’s too late: dontchooseextinction.com #DontChooseExtinction pic.twitter.com/Zxi4MGfl62

2021-10-28 16:52:40
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