






チョコボールたかぎ@マンション経営初心者 @UraakaTakagi

デイ・アフター・トゥモローを思い出した。 米で数十の竜巻 50人超死亡か #Yahooニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/pickup/6412171

2021-12-12 04:57:07
折り紙@MMMPP🍅 @pxpppxqq

映画『デイ・アフター・トゥモロー』のワンシーンが現実のものに…😭 news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/9d6c3…

2021-12-11 22:34:02
JJ_Namadeits @gopher33j

A 240 MILE LONG TORNADO PATH?!?! This is some Day After Tomorrow weather event shit twitter.com/capitalweather…

2021-12-11 15:13:41
Capital Weather Gang @capitalweather

1251a: This severe storm southwest of Louisville may well have produced a tornado that has been on the ground for 240-plus miles which would be a record. It has caused several fatalities and the full scope of its destruction won’t be known until daylight. pic.twitter.com/c5ho9I6YmZ

2021-12-11 14:54:06





みつ@うどん @MittuSngyk


2021-12-12 09:10:02
SEIYA🍒 @seiya728

こ、これは・・・ アメリカの竜巻って恐ろしい。 過去に映画『ツイスター』は観たけど 現実はもっとヤバい・・・ #sorayo #竜巻 twitter.com/NPR/status/146…

2021-12-12 08:40:11

Dozens of people are dead after tornadoes and severe storms hit the central U.S., with at least 70 estimated killed in Kentucky alone. In Mayfield, Ky., a candle factory was hit, leading to multiple fatalities. n.pr/3DIJk6Z pic.twitter.com/jNeeaVM8eJ

2021-12-12 02:54:31
むらかみ @sjmrkm

映画「ツイスター」を思い出した。怖いなぁ。 twitter.com/makotokawazu/s…

2021-12-12 08:24:21
アバンギャルド河津 @makotokawazu

アメリカのケンタッキー州で発生した数十個の竜巻により大きな被害が出ています。死者も70人を超えるのではと報道されています。恐ろしすぎます。 pic.twitter.com/2fTMSKY0yk

2021-12-12 07:00:24
ヤブサメくん@type1 @yabusame1350

これはVFXの世界ではない。 米国で現実に起こった複数の竜巻発生。 リアル版「ツイスター」の世界。 こんなことが日本で発生したら、ひとたまりもない・・・😭 twitter.com/chirosan1002/s…

2021-12-12 06:25:29
無學童子 @mugakudouji

ツイスターという映画の竜巻が誇張でないどころか、本物はもっとすごいってのがわかる。。。 米で数十の竜巻 70人超死亡か #Yahooニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/pickup/6412174

2021-12-12 07:29:06
片喰藤火 @touka_katabami

おはようございます。 米国の数十の竜巻って恐ろしい。規模が違う。ツイスターと言う映画思い出した。

2021-12-12 07:57:52
気まぐれぐりこ @froglovesgreen


2021-12-12 07:52:11
Jack @jackenby0

Grew up in mass and we were taught to at least tae shelter in a tornado. That or i learned it from Twister. twitter.com/lisawerkmeiste…

2021-12-12 09:15:22
Anubis Amethyst 𓃢 @AnubisBasically

CGI will never be able to mimic the spine-chilling horror these kinds of shots instill. Twister made a valiant attempt (and did great raising tornado awareness!), but still failed. You cannot properly replicate this digitally. Glad whoever filmed this was safe. twitter.com/mitchell_knigh…

2021-12-12 07:57:50
Decent Trial Lawyer @DecentTrial

@Cato_of_Utica Remember in the movie Twister how the “F5” tornado was like their white whale, the inhuman villain of the film?

2021-12-12 05:36:48
⬡•*•⬡ marcellulose @marcellulose432

@reallygraceful Just a couple weeks ago, we watched two tornado movies on dish and thought how weird it was that there are two movies on about tornados. #13minutes #twister

2021-12-12 08:55:03
MC @Matthew64419849

@FloydLawson78 @Gr8Ivan69 @JamesWi11047973 @NellSco Check the etymology of the word "tornado" It wasn't even coined until winter 2001. That's why 1996's "Twister" was the greatest movie of all time: it predicted a soon-to-be common phenomenon which didn't yet exist.

2021-12-12 08:49:45
The Manager Of ANTIFA @ANTIFA_manager

Remember in Twister when it was basically unthinkable to imagine an F5 tornado? Well thanks to neoliberalism, now you don't have to. twitter.com/nytimes/status…

2021-12-12 08:39:47
The New York Times @nytimes

Some of the worst destruction from the Kentucky tornado was centered in Mayfield, a town of nearly 10,000 people. At least 110 people were huddled inside a candle factory in the area when a tornado ripped through. nyti.ms/3GrWmaS pic.twitter.com/Mh3i3oEzZa

2021-12-12 04:25:50
👑 🦁 King StacksAMilli 💸 💰 🤑 @PerronSlote

There was an exact same Tornado outbreak that was in the same region about 10 years or more ago called the "Super Tuesday Tornado Outbreak" and outbreaks are widely known to happen in the USA. 🌪 Watch the movie "tWiSTER" #Twister

2021-12-12 06:54:22