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坂本一八 @Tagomago715


2022-01-21 22:59:04
Kohei Kawaguchi=Sunada @mixingale


2022-01-21 22:58:40
DeLong🖖 @delong

...back to the mid-1700s and to Richard Cantillon's "Essay on the General Nature of Commerce". But it is not one that is highlighted in most economics courses—that the market listens to you more-or-less in proportion to your disposable wealth. That is instead... 224-slouching/

2022-01-21 22:58:25
楽天FX @rakuten_fx

ドル円、113.67円付近まで下押し 米10年債利回りは1.76%台まで低下 #fx

2022-01-21 22:57:40
DeLong🖖 @delong

...owners of valuable pieces of property as much of what the rich want as possible." The idea that the market economy is a societal machine for satisfying the desires not of the people, but rather of the people with disposable income—that is an old one, dating ... 223-slouching

2022-01-21 22:56:56
DeLong🖖 @delong

...in fact satisfy their [the non-rich's] needs and desires. But if it did so, it did so only by accident: only if satisfying them happens to conform to a maximum-profitability test performed by a market economy that is solving the problem of getting the... 222-slouching/

2022-01-21 22:55:34
Giles Wilkes @Gilesyb

...my suspicion is that this is the trick being played (unconsciously) ... It is not just this government. It must have happened under the Coalition too. 2/2 (Apologies for scrawl) pic.twitter.com/E57QmU68Jw

2022-01-21 22:55:17
DeLong🖖 @delong

...worth anything only if their property is valuable]—they think that those who do not own valuable property should have the social power to be listened to, and that societies should take their needs and desires into account. Now the market economy might... 221-slouching/

2022-01-21 22:54:52
DeLong🖖 @delong

"Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the 20th Century". Forthcoming from Basic Books on September 6, 2022. 65th-67th Sentences < bit.ly/3pP3Krk>: "But people think they have other rights [than property rights, which are themselves only... 220-slouching/

2022-01-21 22:54:08
Giles Wilkes @Gilesyb

It would be good if someone qualified from a think tank might evaluate this kind of statement, because it sounds doubtful, once you take into account the massive cuts to local authority budgets, the end of the RDAs, and so on ... 1/ twitter.com/ClaireCoutinho…

2022-01-21 22:50:55
Claire Coutinho MP @ClaireCoutinho

2/ So it might be worth pointing out that - despite being one of our most rebellious MPs - as a Conservative, @Christian4BuryS got more money for Bury South than Labour had delivered in decades, including £20 million to level up in October.

2022-01-21 20:46:20
楽天FX @rakuten_fx

スイスフラン対ユーロで堅調、ウクライナ情勢でフラン買いが進行 #fx

2022-01-21 22:50:38
ロイター @ReutersJapan

ウクライナ東部親ロ地域の独立承認、ロシア議会が検討へ=議長 reut.rs/355ar0p

2022-01-21 22:50:22
Kohei Kawaguchi=Sunada @mixingale


2022-01-21 22:49:07
こーえん@まつろわない @jinkowen


2022-01-21 22:48:51
本石町日記 @hongokucho

選択と集中か、あるいは万遍なくやるか、どちらが正しいとも限らないですね。 twitter.com/hijisune2017/s…

2022-01-21 22:48:22
ブルームバーグニュース @BloombergJapan

アマゾン、衣料品の実店舗を年内オープン-ロサンゼルス地域に trib.al/eYyzUn7

2022-01-21 22:48:00
こーえん@まつろわない @jinkowen


2022-01-21 22:47:53
こーえん@まつろわない @jinkowen


2022-01-21 22:47:29
ぜく @ystt


2022-01-21 22:47:17
あんどう裕(ひろし) 前・衆議院議員 @andouhiroshi

地味にすごいニュース。物価は上がる。年金は下げる。すごい政府だ。国民の生活よりも国家財政のほうが大事。破綻もしないのに。いったい誰のための政府なのだろう。 nordot.app/85706933388897…

2022-01-21 22:47:11
匿名希望bot @karl_popper_


2022-01-21 22:46:01
滝田洋一 @yoichitakita

東京都のワクチンの在庫:「Ⓐ供給量-Ⓑ接種回数=Ⓒ未接種分(≒在庫)」とすると、 ①ファイザー Ⓐ16,586,310-Ⓑ15,385,078=Ⓒ1,201,232 ②モデルナ Ⓐ10,129,600-Ⓑ5,300,289=Ⓒ4,829,311 ーー都知事は21日も国にワクチン供給を要請。一方、②モデルナの在庫482万回分をなぜ積み上げたままに? pic.twitter.com/M32Da4WkSh

2022-01-21 22:45:33
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