
嫌儲ちゃった @fMSkWqLDFLTHCsd

【悲報】ホロライブの潤羽るしあさんの配信画面にまふまふ「帰る準備してる」と映り込む… 284 風吹けば名無し 2022/02/10(木) 23:08:14.56 ID:gA2yP6LEa 今度は何が冷めるんや?

2022-02-10 23:18:59
墨ス💫🧪🌸🏴‍☠🖋️🐧holoFes stage1 @DimensionKonis

トレンドおすすめ くそ笑った 『この恋だけは誰にも引き裂けない』 『潤羽るしあ』 『るしあとまふまふ』 『結婚を発表』 『ガチ恋勢』 『容態急変』 こんなんもう完璧だろ

2022-02-11 07:20:56
潤羽るしあ【活動終了】 @uruharushia


2022-02-10 23:11:46
Unknown @AlexanderSpeedx

@uruharushia Its alright rushia it was a very wild & fun colab, had alot of fun & good laugh tho the ending was pretty rough, still appreciate the effort u & miko chan put into the colab so thank you, remember to get some rest & don't stress urself💕

2022-02-10 23:17:44
Kevin Kline🍎🏮⚓🌙 ⚔🚑🏴‍☠️💫🌲 @TLerKevin3126

@uruharushia [EN] OtsuMikoRushiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!♥️ It was so much fuuuuuuuuun!!!! Since the second half of the stream was a little rough, I'm going to keep it private for now and discuss it with Mane-chan☺️✨Please be patient😭!!! #RushiaEN

2022-02-11 00:42:04
Masako @masako_yang

@uruharushia 喜歡露西亞跟她是不是單身一段關係都沒,真愛粉應該是包容祝福的態度去看的吧?怕就怕現在對方狂粉要來了……好擔心會畢業啊……

2022-02-11 01:50:45
Gerald Flores 🐱🔔/🍓/🪡❤️‍🩹/🍮👑/🦋☠️/🍭 @Gerald_Flores13

@uruharushia You are the best Rushia, dont matter what others says. You are the great necromancer as you are 💚😎

2022-02-11 09:17:41
ZnWizy☄️😈♌ @ZevanAditya_N

@uruharushia Hope you ok Ru-chan, no matter what happen i will still support you You still have many fans and your friend that will love you. If it's your happiness then it's my happiness too☺️ Please stay strong💪

2022-02-11 11:50:44
sorrowの梦想家 @sorrow120000

@masako_yang @uruharushia 18年就知道的绯闻两人也都否定过,两人私下关系好是新闻?现在搬出来当正义斗士给开挂闹事者洗地,贱不贱啊,而且之前apex的联动也有追着闹事的,也是看到私讯穿越回去的?给开挂闹事洗地的和开挂畜生半斤半两

2022-02-11 12:06:00
雷歐桑🦀💚💫😈 🕳️ @A282090221

@uruharushia 在露醬出面說明事情前 依舊喜歡露醬的,即使是偶像戀愛也沒問題的!反而倒是有人能好好照顧露醬我們更能感到開心哦!

2022-02-11 13:25:19
派西斯 @pisces3005

@uruharushia 只能說幫露醬加油 有男友也蠻正常的啦 雖然不是粉屍 但還是有時會看露醬 也蠻喜歡露醬的 加油~

2022-02-11 13:37:59
❤️ @Kono_suta

@uruharushia いいじゃないですか、プライベートがあるんだから。みんなが幸せになればいいし、応援している人は、あなたの面白い人柄や頑張る姿が好きな人たちです。

2022-02-11 14:04:49
❤️ @Kono_suta

@uruharushia 私は外国人ですが、-Hololive-と-Holostar-を両方見ているので、-Holostar-がここまで来るのにどれだけ努力したかは知っています。ただ、彼らが一生懸命生きている姿は嬉しいので、自分も頑張ろうと思います。人が増えるのはいいことだと思うんです。

2022-02-11 14:05:01

@uruharushia no matter what happen,no need care about what anti said Fandead love you and always be with u💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 GOOD LUCK!

2022-02-11 14:05:07
Just Ithi 🐙 @Ithius2

@uruharushia Most of your fan won't care about your private life. They can distinguish between that and the online persona they know and love. There may be some loud minorities, sure, but don't let them discourage you. Hope you don't take it so hard and come back strong, Rushia.

2022-02-11 14:53:29
Chicken man @PepeMaster69

@uruharushia Rushiaaaaa, whether you are able to see this tweet and understand it or no, one thing that is to be stated is that, as a person, negativity is everywhere, but I genuinely believe you have the power to ignore that and live a good happy live. Sometimes ignorance is a bliss.

2022-02-11 16:56:03
Angel Montoya @FaladinerZ

@uruharushia No matter what happens,a LOT of people still love you and will continue to support you no matter what Including me Greetings from Mexico

2022-02-11 17:00:26
ガラパゴス毛胃体 @JB5mJRy6UAaNyFA

@uruharushia 今まで170万人でるしあちゃんのこと共有してきたんだから1人増えたくらい関係ないよなあ?

2022-02-11 17:46:45
堂々犬 @dodo_inu

@uruharushia I often watch Rushia's videos, they are really interesting👍 So I want to say: "Don't be knock down by a little group of irrational people's criticize!" Hope I can see your new videos lately🐶🐶

2022-02-11 18:36:49