
Franak Viačorka @franakviacorka

Belarusian lieutenant colonel addressed the military. "Our boys are now sitting in the woods of Belarus, probably preparing to attack Ukraine. Some won't come home alive. This is not our war. Find a way not to follow criminal orders. Sometimes saying "no" takes the most courage." pic.twitter.com/1RxkdlLdJD

2022-02-27 21:27:14
its me, n-n-naitru @Knythrou

@franakviacorka translation (from russian, longread): "...that my compatriots, guys in "blue vests" [means paratroopers], the same as i wore all my life, are sitting in the forest on the border with Ukraine, and it looks like they are going to take part in a very bad deed...

2022-02-27 22:28:24
its me, n-n-naitru @Knythrou

@franakviacorka ... that could have catastrophic consequences in the near future for our country [Belarus], and finally bury the glory and traditions of the troops that many generations of paratroopers mined [means developed]. and, perhaps, not all will return to their homeland alive.

2022-02-27 22:29:54
its me, n-n-naitru @Knythrou

@franakviacorka the Russian army, which has vast experience, has been in hell for three days. the number of those killed [soldiers] is already in the thousands, captured [soldiers] are in the hundreds, and hospitals and civilian hospitals in the border zone are overflowing with the wounded.

2022-02-27 22:33:32
its me, n-n-naitru @Knythrou

@franakviacorka no goals of the operation have been achieved, at the moment it has not been possible to take either Kyiv or any of the [other] regional centers. russian army is already quite exhausted, and the Ukrainians, having withstood the most difficult first 72 hours,..

2022-02-27 22:34:55
its me, n-n-naitru @Knythrou

@franakviacorka successfully mobilized, organized, debugged logistics, received support from the whole world - both moral, and the flow of military-technical property, and most importantly - they saw they were attacked by ordinary mortal people, ceased to be afraid, felt the taste of victory.

2022-02-27 22:36:00
its me, n-n-naitru @Knythrou

@franakviacorka this [ukrainian] army will not retreat or surrender. russians simply became victims of their own propagandists, who promised that the people of Ukraine would meet them with bread and salt as liberators. but you already know everything.

2022-02-27 22:36:54
its me, n-n-naitru @Knythrou

@franakviacorka although you are forbidden to have smartphones, but you while you were at home, in contact with family and friends, you had time to evaluate and comprehend everything. does anyone have doubts that your entry into Ukraine will be better than the new years storming of Grozny in 95?

2022-02-27 22:38:35
its me, n-n-naitru @Knythrou

@franakviacorka information warfare is a terrible thing. propagandists have so cleverly learned to make a substitution of concepts, to pass off "white for black" and vice versa. I don’t want to get into politics, politics has always been far from me, but any thinking person should understand...

2022-02-27 22:39:45
Aki @aki_akiaki

ベラルーシの中佐が、参戦に反対する演説をしているところだそうです。リプライで英訳してくれている人がいるので、それを以下に和訳します。独裁国家でこのような演説を公開するのは、そうとう勇気のいることだと思います。ツイートが8つ続きます。 twitter.com/franakviacorka…

2022-02-28 00:52:25
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 00:52:48
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 00:53:03
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 00:53:16
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 00:53:30
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 00:53:43
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 00:53:56
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 00:54:12
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 00:54:27
Aki @aki_akiaki

(演説はさらに続きがありました。これに続きます↓) twitter.com/aki_akiaki/sta…

2022-02-28 02:46:11
Aki @aki_akiaki

少し前に上げたベラルーシ軍の中佐の演説は動画が途中で切れていて、さらに続きがありました。続きも以下に訳します。 twitter.com/kopiganja/stat…

2022-02-28 02:42:29
Aki @aki_akiaki

少し前に上げたベラルーシ軍の中佐の演説は動画が途中で切れていて、さらに続きがありました。続きも以下に訳します。 twitter.com/kopiganja/stat…

2022-02-28 02:42:29
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 02:42:50
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 02:43:04
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 02:43:18
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 02:43:31
Aki @aki_akiaki


2022-02-28 02:43:46