
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「IPCC第六次、ワーキンググループ2報告書の公表」 togetter.com/li/1852471

2022-04-02 09:49:57
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その57 22年3月後半」 togetter.com/li/1859580

2022-03-21 01:31:26
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

まとめを更新しました。「XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その55 22年2月後半」 togetter.com/li/1847000

2022-02-28 07:58:44

目 次
科学 Science
 ティッピング・ポイント系 Tipping Points
 北極の熱波 Heatwave in Arctic
 温暖化懐疑派/絶滅否定派 Climate Denier
絶滅 Extinction
気候災害 Climate Disaster
 海面上昇 Sea level rise
 熱波 Heat Wave
 竜巻 Twister, Tornado
 山火事 WildFire
 難民移民 Climate Refugee, Migration
 蝗被害 Locust
適応策 Adaptation measures

小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

XR ”化石燃料=死 気候アクションの遅れ=死 今日のIPCC報告書では、高排出国の企業と政府のせいで数十億人の人命が危機にさらされていることを明らかにした。 では、COP26からの3ヶ月間で彼らは何を「始めた」か?” 画像「2100年までに極端な高温多湿による生命の危機に人口の5〜7割が曝される。」 twitter.com/ExtinctionR/st…

2022-03-02 07:41:57
Extinction Rebellion : XR Global @ExtinctionR

Fossil fuels = death. Delay on climate action = death. As today's IPCC report made clear, billions of lives are at risk thanks to corporations and governments of high-emitting countries. So what *have* they done in the three months since COP26? pic.twitter.com/R2HwC1Gqmv

2022-03-01 06:03:23
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

Fossil fuels = death. Delay on climate action = death. As today's IPCC report made clear, billions of lives are at risk thanks to corporations and governments of high-emitting countries. So what *have* they done in the three months since COP26? pic.twitter.com/R2HwC1Gqmv

2022-03-01 06:03:23


Thread Reader App @threadreaderapp

@alonsobarros Hi! please find the unroll here: threadreaderapp.com/thread/1498288… Share this if you think it's interesting. 🤖

2022-03-01 04:19:30
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

A really great point and a good step 2.5: twitter.com/SoBrgr/status/…

2022-03-01 00:27:13
Dr Sophie Berger @SoBrgr

@wormmaps don't forget about the Frequently Asked Questions, which are the only parts of the IPCC reports explicitely targeting a lay audience. See what we did for the report released in August. twitter.com/SoBrgr/status/…

2022-03-01 00:25:45
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

It's scientists' and journalists' job now to help translate all of those 34,000 studies to policymakers and the public, but it never hurts to be curious about the science. Maybe reading this report will spark a question that you can study and answer for the next report!

2022-02-28 22:25:42
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

It's okay to be overwhelmed by the scope of this report. There's 34,000 scientific studies' worth of information presented in it, and you don't need to know all of it. Think of it like a climate almanac: look up the parts you care about, not just today but any time you're curious pic.twitter.com/X5YQuM89Ce

2022-02-28 22:25:41
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

Step 5⃣. Please read beyond the zoomed-out "climate change has to be stopped" articles, but... take your time. I wrote a few hundred words of this thing, and I won't even make it through reading the whole report in the next few weeks or, probably, ever. No, really.

2022-02-28 22:25:40
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

Quick sidebar on those statements in italics: they're telling you how sure scientists are about something overall (confidence), the degree to which studies find the same or different results (agreement), and how much something has been studied + in what depth (evidence)

2022-02-28 22:25:39
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

Before you read a whole chapter, you can always look at the key messages at the top to get a sense of what you're looking for. Here's the key messages on health in the Africa chapter - notice how it points me to sections 9.10.1 and 9.10.2. pic.twitter.com/gfQEGv97pU

2022-02-28 22:25:39
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

Step 4⃣. Look for the parts you care about. I work on climate change impacts on infectious disease, so I'll start with the health chapter (Ch. 7). But I also know there are regional impacts I care about in Ch. 9 (Africa) and relevant info in Ch. 8 (poverty)

2022-02-28 22:25:37
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

Step 3⃣. Read the summary for policymakers (37 pages). It's not as technical as it sounds. Think of it as what scientists would tell the President's staff over an afternoon briefing - e.g., where do we see which impacts, and how strong is the evidence? pic.twitter.com/JzSv4HYAqA

2022-02-28 22:25:37
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

Step 2⃣. Read the headline statements - the 3,675 pages boiled down into 2 minutes of reading. This is what you would tell the President if you found yourself on an elevator ride together. ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2…

2022-02-28 22:25:35
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

Step 1⃣. Hear about the report from the scientists and global leaders themselves in today's press conference (if you weren't up at 6am sipping coffee at your standing desk in the dark) youtube.com/watch?v=JpK7ee…

2022-02-28 22:25:35
Colin Carlson @ColinJCarlson

Step 0⃣. Remember that today's report is only 1/3 of the sixth Assessment Report (AR6). ✅Aug '21: how the climate is changing + it's us 🌟Feb '22: what are the impacts? how can we adapt? 🔜Mar 2022: solutions to stop climate change And then it'll all be bundled up in Sep 2022

2022-02-28 22:25:34


Saleemul Huq @SaleemulHuq

IPCC Report 2021: Climate change impacts are severe and widespread climatenexus.org/climate-issues…

2022-03-27 19:44:15
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

The IPCC 2021 physical science report explained in 7.5 minutes youtu.be/1J0lCBjMgvg @YouTubeより こちらは7分半の時間でIPCC第一作業部会報告を要約したもの。昨年8月のもの。

2022-03-20 21:05:24
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

The latest IPCC report explained in under 7 minutes youtu.be/hLUtb2Q2nk0 @YouTubeより 7分間でIPCC第二作業部会報告を要約したもの。

2022-03-20 20:37:25
Jeff Goodell @jeffgoodell

“What appears in prospect like apocalypse often grows into something more like grim normality by the time it actually arrives. That isn’t a sign of progress but of a sociopathic culture-wide capacity for normalization and compartmentalization.” nymag.com/intelligencer/…

2022-03-15 21:07:48
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