
2021年9月26日頃発生した柊碧華さん(暗鳴ニュイ/Anna Nyuiの中の人)による、まとめ主に対して行った行為の一連の経緯と終着点、およびまとめ主目線での説明を備忘録として残します。 こちらについての問い合わせは代理人までお願いいたします。
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

最後までツイートをご覧いただきありがとうございました。 長くてめんどくさいなと自分でも相当思います。でももうこれで終わりです。終わって本当に良かったです。

2022-04-28 22:18:59
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry


2022-04-28 22:21:04
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

I forgave her because she accepted the conditions listed on the above site.

2022-04-28 22:29:49
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

There is no need to share this information with anyone who does not know about this trouble.

2022-04-28 22:31:43
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

However, if anyone still perceives me as the perpetrator, could you please deny this by presenting the URL ? Unfortunately, Aoka did not cooperate in making this known to her followers, even though she had promised to do so through DM with me.

2022-04-28 22:34:18
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

I have forbidden Aoka from making any mention of this trouble and from harassing me and those around me. I trust she will not break it, but in the unlikely event you find it, please provide me with a screenshot of the tweet and with the URL.

2022-04-28 22:36:40
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

I have no intention of getting involved in any way, such as monitoring her after the trouble is over, as I have spent several hundred thousand yen in legal fees to try to resolve the issue.

2022-04-28 22:38:37
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

I have a favor to ask. Do not believe unsubstantiated information. Always consider whether there is evidence and whether the claims are justified.

2022-04-28 22:40:12
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

For example, video comments on niconico cannot easily identify who posted them. Furthermore, after reading the explanation, do you get the idea that I really did it? I hope the same thing will not be repeated.

2022-04-28 22:41:29
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

Dear users of her UTAU characters My opinion has not changed. When you use my characters with her characters, I will see and hear them and will introduce them in a tweet. twitter.com/sweeper_ms/sta…

2022-04-28 22:43:40
ms @sweeper_ms

Shiogama @shiogama_merry does not want their VBs to become unused because of this incident, so please continue to work freely with your favorite VBs and characters as before.

2021-10-02 23:26:57
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

Thank you for your concern for me. I am back here again. I will wait for a few days for the timeline to settle down and then I will go about my normal activities.

2022-04-28 22:44:09
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry

Twitter上のトラブルで弁護士を入れた人間によるライフハック|塩釜 #note note.com/brainy_ixia737…

2022-05-01 00:39:58
塩釜🌟メリ誕祭でした! @shiogama_merry


2022-04-28 20:02:04