
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

Congrats!! RT @glaforge: Looks like #gpars 0.9-beta-1 is out! Concurrency, parallelism, distribution fun with #groovy!

2009-12-04 20:12:22
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

Are those dependencies correct? Grab("org.codehaus.gpars:gpars:0.9-beta-1") is failed. #groovy

2009-12-04 20:17:01
Václav Pech @vaclav_pech

@nobeans Until codehaus propagates the change into maven central ( you need to configure codehaus repo for grape

2009-12-04 21:10:18
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

@vaclav_pech With codehaus repo, unresolved dependencies occurs:[org.grails#grails-docs;1.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT,org.jboss.netty#netty;3.1.5.GA]

2009-12-04 21:37:51
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

@vaclav_pech Maybe the two products are not released version.

2009-12-04 21:40:32
Václav Pech @vaclav_pech

org.grails#grails-docs; and org.jboss.netty are compile-time only GPars dependencies, you shouldn't need them in your dependency list

2009-12-04 23:01:28
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

@vaclav_pech Thanks! I found org.jboss.netty in jboss repository. When I added jboss repo to grapeConfig.xml, it had resolved successfully.

2009-12-04 23:16:34
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

@vaclav_pech But I can't find grails-doc#1.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT, yet. Isn't it in codehaus repo? Other versions is there.

2009-12-04 23:19:45
Václav Pech @vaclav_pech

@nobeans But I still wonder why you need to include those to use GPars. They are only needed to compile GPars. I'll have to have a look

2009-12-05 00:51:10
Václav Pech @vaclav_pech

@nobeans BTW, GPars has already been propagated into maven central

2009-12-05 00:51:58
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

@vaclav_pech Great! When I added the snapshots codehaus repo, I succeeded in running my script.

2009-12-05 00:59:40
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

@vaclav_pech Because I want to prepare execution environments for my scripts including GPars library by using Grape .

2009-12-05 01:02:28
Václav Pech @vaclav_pech

@nobeans Would you mind sending me the GPars-related part of the Grape config? I'd like to share it with other GPars users.

2009-12-05 01:12:19
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

@vaclav_pech Scopes of dependencies are rightly "compile" in pom.xml. But Grape make resolving the dependencies at runtime of my scirpts...

2009-12-05 01:12:48
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

@vaclav_pech I seem grails-doc should be "provided" scope. grails-doc and org.netty is necessary at runtime?

2009-12-05 01:30:12
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans


2009-12-05 01:31:37
Yasuharu Nakano @nobeans

@vaclav_pech Now it's too late at night in Japan. So I go to sleep. Thank you for your help. nite! zzz...

2009-12-05 01:47:02
Václav Pech @vaclav_pech

@nobeans Awesome! Many thanks, I've updated the GPars integration page accordingly. I need to figure out how to specify "provided" in gradle

2009-12-05 03:00:08
Václav Pech @vaclav_pech

@nobeans We will definitely need to get rid of the grails-doc dependency in 0.9 final

2009-12-05 03:00:43