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Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative @fossiltreaty

[Live Tweet] Join our us at the #PeoplesForum! @MaryMoeonoKolio @mitzijonelle @Tzeporah @lnacpil @alexraf Ayisha Siddiqa, Kalo Afeaki, Andrés Gomez, @chilledasad10 discuss strategies for a fair transition away from coal, oil and gas💪🏽 #Stockholm50: fossilfueltreaty.org/events/peoplef… pic.twitter.com/3iT4vT2Kvt

2022-05-31 15:20:12
Kosuke Hatta 八田浩輔 @kskhatta

書きました。いま改めて読みたいストックホルム宣言。現在のSDGsや気候対策の源流にある50年前の重要文書です。 その内容は色あせないばかりか、気候危機の時代にますます重みを増しているように思います。 mainichi.jp/articles/20220…

2022-05-31 10:10:27
Fridays For Future MAPA @FFFMAPA

This systemic injustice is part of what makes important climate conferences so inaccessible to those most affected by the climate crisis. Climate justice will never be attained if Global South activists, especially from Africa, cannot even be in the rooms where decisions are made twitter.com/Fridays4future…

2022-05-30 20:08:55
Fridays For Future @Fridays4future

Our fellow African activists have for the past weeks trying to get visas through @VFSglobal for #Stockholm50 but are facing systemic discrimination even after @swemfa stated that they should be prioritized. The VFS has still not processing their visas

2022-05-30 20:05:01
Fridays For Future Sweden @FFF_Sweden

Long and complicated visa processes lead to the exclusion of many of the most affected people and areas from conferences such as @StockholmPlus50 This is unacceptable from the organising governments and UN agencies. @VFSGlobal @SweMFA @UNEP @AnnLinde @strandhall twitter.com/fridays_kenya/…

2022-05-30 19:56:45
Fridays For Future Kenya Official @fridays_kenya

Despite the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stating that activists travelling for the upcoming @StockholmPlus50 #Stockholm50 conference should have their visas prioritized, the reality is that @VFSGlobal continues to make it extremely difficult for Africans to get an appointment 🧵 pic.twitter.com/hSELBB2XqB

2022-05-29 23:07:57
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative @fossiltreaty

Climate change disrupts livelihoods w those least responsible suffering most. Fossil fuels undermine the entire sustainable dvlpmt agenda #SDGs Hear from experts @Fred_Daley @1TeresaAnderson @SvitlanaRomanko @AndrewSimms_uk @lnacpil @harjeet11 Register: fossilfueltreaty.org/events/fuellin… pic.twitter.com/YYbhQaT37z

2022-05-30 18:57:17
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