
EPIC2011のログ #epic2011
Julie Norvaisas @jnorvaisas

Social world and technology worlds co-evolve; focus at Intel is on flux (dynamic nuance), not product roadmaps #epic2011 Ken Anderson

2011-09-20 02:31:16
John Payne @jeanphony

RT @luisarnal: A list is not a model, Hugh Dubberly #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:30:40
Arvind Venkataramani has sigh yes an m handle @_arvind

@kxande "ethnography hasn't evolved in its application in last 15 years". Amen! (and look for some ideas in my #epic2011 pecha kucha talk)

2011-09-20 02:30:05
Julie Norvaisas @jnorvaisas

Our practice is to foster a shift in organizations, but the inputs we offer look awfully familiar year over year... #epic2011 Ken Anderson

2011-09-20 02:29:20
Lyn Jeffery @LynJ

#epic2011 How about social research for beyond-business needs: social change, education, public services, community needs?

2011-09-20 02:29:02
Irish Malig @Exaptation

Ken Anderson, Intel: create social knowledge #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:27:41
andrew hyde @unicorn

headed down to #epic2011 which just looks damn interesting. Something I expect to see @caseorganic at.

2011-09-20 02:27:41
Mark Interrante @interrante

RT @marycwalker: Talk by Hugh Dubberly (ex Apple design guru): how design can adapt to modern experiential products & prod dev ecosystems. #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:26:54
eliana martella 🇺🇦 @elimarte

@smithjd oh, me neither (> i wouldn't have hired myself) however i'm willing to nourish & mentor good potentials #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:25:41
Emma Rose @emmarosephd

Speaking of hiring, we are! Come find me during the conference if you want to chat about our open position (http://t.co/w3paETDm) #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:25:21
Sailaja N. Joshi 🦹🏽‍♀️ @sailajanjoshi

Evolution of Sai: Supply Chain --> Product Management--> Anthropology Student--> Consumer Anthropoligist...now what? #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:25:02
Hiroshi Tamura @tamdai99

続いて大御所、ken andersonによる"Flux: Changing Social Values and their Value for Business" #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:24:11
Sailaja N. Joshi 🦹🏽‍♀️ @sailajanjoshi

How can we continue to evolve and nurture the next generation? Through mentoring. I'm looking for a mentor, any takers #epic2011?

2011-09-20 02:23:10
John David Smith @smithjd

As a manager I wouldn't hire me (as I was when I started, after school) now. #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:22:28
eliana martella 🇺🇦 @elimarte

networking of ideas, semantic networks and juxtaposition to produce #innovation in practice ...#waitingandlookingforward #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:22:27
Hiroshi Tamura @tamdai99

「状況的学習」がオフィスで起こること、そしてそのメンタリングをシニアメンバーが担うことが持続的なanthrodesignの進化につながる。 #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:22:12
Martin Ortlieb @uxprivacy

@kxande2 #epic2011 isn't it more about the "failure to transfer" form research to design & engineering than #fail of models?

2011-09-20 02:21:38
Arvind Venkataramani has sigh yes an m handle @_arvind

#epic2011 my own evolution: I only call myself a design researcher 'professionally' but think of myself as a participation designer. Hm..

2011-09-20 02:21:15
Samantha Gottlieb, PhD, MHS @sdgottlieb

last year went to Burning Man instead of EPIC. Sorry I missed last year but happy to be in Boulder. Oddly climate isn't dissimilar #epic2011

2011-09-20 02:21:06