XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより その63 22年6月後半

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MulindwaMoses @mulindwa_guy

If you think climate protesters are inconvenient, just wait until you find out what continuous floods, wildfires, heatwaves are going to do to your daily life. This is Bangladesh now! pic.twitter.com/IVRNJAfqCp

2022-06-29 02:24:18
杉原こうじ(NAJAT・緑の党) @kojiskojis

「「喜朗とトーマス ぼくらの東京オリンピック」というタイトルが付されていたとしても、おそらくまったく違和感はなかっただろう」 主役は森喜朗とバッハ、“五輪反対派”の描き方に大きな疑問…河瀬直美『東京2020オリンピック』が映さなかったもの (佐野亨 文春オンライン) news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/8190a…

2022-06-26 11:42:18
Bicycle Travellers @CycleTravelers

The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready. - Henry David Thoreau #bikepacking #biketour #biketouring #biketravel #cycletouring #bicycletouring #adventurecycling #touringbike #bikewander #… instagr.am/p/CfO3fMWoYfV/ pic.twitter.com/5hSTT3WXdq

2022-06-26 00:12:05
さかいとしゆき (Sakai Toshiyuki) @SakaiToshiyuki0


2022-06-25 09:51:08
ライブドアニュース @livedoornews

【海外報道】Twitterが長文投稿に対応する新機能「Twitter Notes」を今後数週間でリリースか news.livedoor.com/article/detail… 以前から機能テストが進められていることが報告されていた、Twitterで全角140文字をオーバーした長文をまとめて投稿できる機能のリリースが近いとみられている。 pic.twitter.com/hzr3gtkzRk

2022-06-23 08:16:09
ピノ @pino_mochi


2022-06-20 07:08:30
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya

一番わかり易くまとめられているのはこの書籍の「選択の限界」の章。 (6月20日中まで割引されているようだ) 理性の限界 不可能性・不確定性・不完全性 限界シリーズ (講談社現代新書) amzn.to/3HIhL1q via @amazon

2022-06-19 16:10:01
Takaya Suzuki MD, PhD @suzuki_takaya


2022-06-19 16:10:00
小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

ピーター・グリュック ”このグラフは、将来のエイリアン考古学の教科書『惑星文明の興亡 』の中の『ホモ・サピエンス種の終焉』の章に掲載される予定です。 図のキャプションはこうなる。「彼らは知っていたが、権力欲の強い政治家は何もしなかった」” twitter.com/PeterGleick/st…

2022-06-19 07:02:00
Peter Gleick 🇺🇸 @PeterGleick

This graph will appear in the chapter "The End of the Homo Sapien Species" in the future alien archeology textbook on "The Rise and Fall of Planetary Civilizations." The figure caption will read: "They knew and still their power-hungry politicians didn't do anything." pic.twitter.com/bNttrLmcYn

2022-06-10 01:43:52
Real Peter Gleick💧 @PeterGleick

This graph will appear in the chapter "The End of the Homo Sapien Species" in the future alien archeology textbook on "The Rise and Fall of Planetary Civilizations." The figure caption will read: "They knew and still their power-hungry politicians didn't do anything." pic.twitter.com/bNttrLmcYn

2022-06-10 01:43:52
イタリアでゆる〜く🇮🇹 @333mimina


2022-06-18 17:59:59

XRの人びと People of XR

小倉 正(XR四国)⏳→@togura04@spore.social @togura04

Stephen Fry in support of Extinction Rebellion: 'Something has to be done' youtu.be/Ws1HTvWCjCM @YouTubeより

2022-06-29 23:14:13
Christian Climate Action @CClimateAction

You can read more information on the protest in the media, such as this piece in the Express: express.co.uk/news/politics/…

2022-06-28 03:04:45
Christian Climate Action @CClimateAction

Members of CCA supported the protest and paved the way for the action by holding a vigil outside of parliament for 24 hours prior. If we want to be proud of our country, it is vital that we keep our promises and take responsibility for the suffering we cause to others. pic.twitter.com/ZY8dm5Xp5l

2022-06-28 02:40:14
Christian Climate Action @CClimateAction

*BREAKING NEWS* G7 countries are breaking their promises & are refusing to pay their climate debts to those nations already suffering from climate damage. So today people occupied Parliament lobby with a banner reading ‘G7: PAY YOUR CLIMATE DEBT’ pic.twitter.com/9Yn2i0Epah

2022-06-28 02:40:11
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

Our supporters have been on the pickets with the criminal barristers today. More government incompetence. More injustice. Go and show them some solidarity ♥️ #barristerstrike twitter.com/anniemannion/s…

2022-06-27 21:10:32
Anne Mannion @anniemannion

Supporting criminal barristers today. If you care about justice you should be here too. #oldbailey #justice #criminalbar pic.twitter.com/Xk5UN1EbND

2022-06-27 17:45:22
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

It is our duty at this time to engage in #CivilResistance. twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2022-06-27 00:23:05
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

”We are approaching the precipice and I would strongly suggest that all of those who have not yet been greenwashed out of our senses to stand our ground. Do you not let them drag us another inch closer to the edge. Right now is where we stand our ground.” Thank you Glastonbury! pic.twitter.com/1AN44Ff8hG

2022-06-26 07:09:29
XR South East UK @XrSouthEastUK

A tiny white coffin was interred in the @exxonmobil pipeline construction site signifying the loss of #OurChildrensFuture and the loss of the children of the world who are dying now in #MAPA countries because of #ClimateChaos; who have never taken a flight. @ExtinctionR pic.twitter.com/HMGfDfzu7s

2022-06-25 19:09:08
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRケンブリッジ ”挑戦すべきは、緩和でも、適応でも、ドローダウンでもありません。そのすべてです。” twitter.com/xr_cambridge/s…

2022-06-26 06:30:57
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

The challenge is not mitigation, adaptation, or draw down. It's all of it

2022-06-24 21:08:28
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

The challenge is not mitigation, adaptation, or draw down. It's all of it

2022-06-24 21:08:28
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

XRケンブリッジ ”破滅的な未来を阻止するために、私たちは右の欄(年次排出量)に対処しなければなりません。しかし安全な気候に戻すには、左側の欄(累積排出量)に対処しなければなりません。現在の大気中の重荷は、非常に悪いことをしつづけるには十分すぎるほどあります。” twitter.com/xr_cambridge/s…

2022-06-26 06:29:51
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

To stop a catastrophic future we have to deal with the right column. To get anywhere back to a safe climate we have to deal with the left column. The existing atmospheric burden is more than enough to keep doing very bad things. pic.twitter.com/nwcQqPzYqs

2022-06-24 21:07:07
XR Cambridge @xr_cambridge

To stop a catastrophic future we have to deal with the right column. To get anywhere back to a safe climate we have to deal with the left column. The existing atmospheric burden is more than enough to keep doing very bad things. pic.twitter.com/nwcQqPzYqs

2022-06-24 21:07:07
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