


BuzzFeed @BuzzFeed

last one but in true cevans stan twitter™ fashion: @ChrisEvans feel free to 'like' this tweet if you're ever down to do a puppy interview 🐶 this offer exists in perpetuity ♾ & our DMs are open 💙 ok gbye pic.twitter.com/srRGuAyfmR

2021-04-29 04:35:03


Chris Evans @ChrisEvans

@BuzzFeed I don’t know what a puppy interview is but I like the sound of it

2021-04-29 05:21:31


BuzzFeed @BuzzFeed

@ChrisEvans just regained consciousness but we've reached out! 💙

2021-04-29 07:38:43




Chris Evans @ChrisEvans

Beginning, middle, and end of dragging out the question, ‘Do you....wanna go....to the DOG PARK??’ pic.twitter.com/WNPsu6Ok3Y

2021-05-17 03:24:11
Chris Evans @ChrisEvans

Happy Halloween!! (He hated every second of it) pic.twitter.com/12wHHOExE1

2020-11-01 04:00:31
Chris Evans @ChrisEvans

There’s a slight chance that I might have the best dog in the world. And he doesn’t even know it. It’s such a clean dynamic. What did we do to deserve dogs?

2020-10-17 13:01:43
Chris Evans @ChrisEvans

“I’ve been watching you sleep for the last hour trying to organize my thoughts. I’m not sure how to say this so I’m just gonna come right out with it. Why the f*ck do we never go to the dog park anymore??? Also wake the hell up, I’m starving” pic.twitter.com/Ix8Yw61Vit

2020-04-12 21:57:16
Chris Evans @ChrisEvans

For #NationalPetDay I thought I would give a little love to my first pet. I always said that as soon as I had my own place, the first thing on the list would be to get a dog. East was that dog. We had 12 good years. He was a champ. pic.twitter.com/nLGHZ5BKfA

2019-04-12 03:39:20



𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞@不定期 @MCU_beginner

これってもしかしてプチバズだったりしますか…? 特に宣伝することは無いのですが、彼が声優を務める映画「バズ・ライトイヤー」が7/1(金)公開です!是非観てください🙏 #バズ #バズライトイヤー #BuzzLightyear twitter.com/mcu_beginner/s…

2022-06-20 18:11:31
𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞@不定期 @MCU_beginner

犬と戯れてインタビューにまともに答えられないクリス・エヴァンス pic.twitter.com/XC9cjtu8wU

2022-06-19 21:00:02
リンク ディズニー公式 バズ・ライトイヤー|映画|ディズニー公式 2022年7月1日(金)公開『バズ・ライトイヤー』(原題: Lightyear)映画公式サイト。世界で最も有名なスペース・レンジャー〈バズ・ライトイヤー〉誕生の秘密を描く─。ディズニー&ピクサーが贈る「トイ・ストーリー」シリーズ最新作。映画作品の予告映像やプレゼントキャンペーンなど、お得な情報が満載!ディズニー公式 Disney.jp 2 users 79