
翻訳はほぼDEEPL頼みです。 ツイートの直後に翻訳文を貼り込んでいるので見かけ上の収録ツイート数がほぼ倍に増えています。
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Mac! @macdyne73

@andiksusilo @MSFT365Status Update: Can open in Sharepoint app, can open in Word app, cannot open in browsers. Only affecting Word, Excel PowerPoint works fine

2022-07-21 12:03:29


Wordのみ影響あり、Excel PowerPointは問題なく動作」

aarony @_aarony

@MSFT365Status So... DNS? Or did someone forget to renew a pesky expiring cert again...?

2022-07-21 11:35:25

「ということは・・・DNS? それともまた誰かが厄介な期限切れ証明書の更新を忘れたのか...?」


Kiwi Cam @kiwi_cam

@lilbuddy230116 @MSFT365Status So is that "small island" off the east coast (New Zealand)

2022-07-21 11:00:43

「あの東海岸の “小さな島” もそうだ(ニュージーランド)」


sohan sharma @SohanSharma90

@MSFT365Status Seems like a global issue as my all my team members (India, Japan, US) not able to access teams

2022-07-21 11:05:13





Kasun Niroshana @niroshana_k

@MSFT365Status Further more it seems that we are unable to access admin portal also…

2022-07-21 11:09:46


France Young @daddyoben

@MSFT365Status The Philippines, too. Me and my colleagues are having problems signing in and sending and receiving messages.

2022-07-21 11:01:40




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