Adam Lambert Twitter Party (September 13, 2009 JST)

September 13, 2009 11:36 to 13:10 JST (UTC+9) (Click "残りを読む(37)" button at the end of the tweets to read more.) Adam Lambert Twitter Parties Main Page:
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@xoswimmonkeyox: r u done with meet and greats for the rest of the tour? No! I just dont want to get anyone sick & i need to rest the voice.

2009-09-13 12:44:07
Rachel @rachelanne_

@adamlambert are you done with meet and greats for the rest of the tour?

2009-09-13 12:42:55
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@rezanakaasle: define love please. : I think that if you can define it, its not really love.

2009-09-13 12:41:41
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@iAdamGlambert Johnny Depp Or Orlando Bloom ? def Depp. Can't wait to see Burton's Wonderland

2009-09-13 12:39:07
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@BarbP11 @ Have you decided on a title for your album? not yet... What do you think i should call it? :)

2009-09-13 12:26:52
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@jennyfur91 are u a true romantic or a synic? I'm a litttle bit of both. I fight to hold on to my romantic side though. Makes me happier.

2009-09-13 12:20:59

@adamlambert are u a true romantic or a synic?

2009-09-13 12:19:11
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@luvsFOB Are you a fan of fall out boy? Whats your favorite song? "This Aint a Scene..."

2009-09-13 12:18:58
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@Pacomarj Is the 2012 song your single or will you have a separate single? My first single will be from my album. 2012 song is for the film.

2009-09-13 12:15:33
Marjorie @Pacomarj

@adamlambert Is the 2012 song your single or will you have a separate single?

2009-09-13 12:12:40
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@notagroupie Did you get the boots you posted the picture of? Nope... been a lil busy. Someone wanna give them to me as a gift? Size 11 HA!

2009-09-13 12:09:24
Been to Ghost Town @AdamsRaleighfan

@adamlambert Did you get the boots you posted the picture of?

2009-09-13 12:06:21
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@jollyrancher482 if you couldve picked one more song to sing on tour what would it be? Prob woulda done RING OF FIRE

2009-09-13 12:08:00
Kelly Wright @kelly_noel1

@adamlambert if you couldve picked one more song to sing on tour what would it be?

2009-09-13 12:06:19
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@juliaaaxquadsss: will you send me a happy bday tweet (: Happy birthday girl!!

2009-09-13 12:06:23
Julia @jquadddddd

@adamlambert will you send me a happy bday tweet (:

2009-09-13 12:01:39
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@XNikki_luvX LAdy Gaga or Katy Perry? There is NO WAY i could pick one. They are so different. I think they're both Sexy, badass bitches.

2009-09-13 12:04:56
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@LOLOMGWHAT Batman or Superman? Batman fo sho. Him and Robin are real hot together. haha

2009-09-13 12:02:42
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@tracie312 What will happen to Skingraft jacket after the tour? Thinkin bout auctioning it off for charity. Should I have it cleaned 1st? :)

2009-09-13 12:01:26
ADAM LAMBERT @adamlambert

@annchsc04: what do you think about Ellen being the new idol judge? Luv her-she'll be a GREAT addition to the show. Gonna miss Paula though.

2009-09-13 11:58:51
Cheryl Chase @annchsc04

@adamlambert what do you think about Ellen being the new idol judge??

2009-09-13 11:57:24