【スターシチズン】CitizenCon 2952 みんなの反応まとめ!



moni @moni26142568

楽しみ! 私的には新しい星系のパイロと新しい船が気になりますね… 違う星系まではジャンプゲート的なものが出来るのでしょうか…そのような事も含めて気になります…😆 twitter.com/RobertsSpaceIn…

2022-10-03 01:20:37
crysisjake @crysisjake


2022-10-03 02:37:56
Aie𝕏iaकƖ ıʑ̸̀ᒐक🐧🍥 @_AieXia

Citconの記念品が公開されています。10/8にバッカー全員に無料で配布されます。 ・クルセイダーのクジラのぬいぐるみパーティーバージョン。 ・ツナギ ・グレネードランチャー(!?) いまならまだまにあうかも? #StarCitizen #スターシチズン robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/commu… pic.twitter.com/JNAokKig0b

2022-10-03 12:13:38
Luke @rx_luke

日本時間10/9(日) 00:00からCitizenConです! Q. CitizenConって何? A. 運営・開発による、今年の成果と今後のコンテンツが語られるイベントです! SC Japan Communityでは、SCをプレイしたり、話をしながら視聴を行う予定です discord.gg/Wa99tKE48e #StarCitizen #スターシチズン #SCJP twitter.com/RobertsSpaceIn…

2022-10-07 19:00:00
Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd

Are you ready for CitizenCon 2952 tomorrow? Make sure you're using #CitizenCon2952 during the event to join the live conversation. Show starts at 3pm UTC. For full details visit: CitizenCon.com pic.twitter.com/S9SilEOj3n

2022-10-07 21:01:36
crysisjake @crysisjake


2022-10-08 08:53:54
Aie𝕏iaकƖ ıʑ̸̀ᒐक🐧🍥 @_AieXia

CitCon直前! PCの音声をGoogle翻訳する方法の動画をYoutubeにアップしました。 Google翻訳にtwitchのライブ配信を流し込んでCitConを翻訳しながら視聴しよう! #StarCitizen #スターシチズン #夏色花梨 youtu.be/d6ZuwGXHZTU

2022-10-08 16:48:04
crysisjake @crysisjake


2022-10-08 22:24:38
Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd

Today's the Day! CitizenCon 2952 will be starting in just a few hours. Will you be attending a watch party? Watching a co-streamer? Ordering a Pizza? Let us know how you'll be watching the #CitizenCon2952 festivities today. Starting at 3pm UTC on: twitch.tv/starcitizen pic.twitter.com/q9qGwVe9sL

2022-10-08 22:28:18

CitizenCon 始まりました!

Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd

The first panel of #CitizenCon2952 is starting now! Planetary Pyro: Join us for a guided, in-engine tour through many of the Planets and Moons of the upcoming Pyro System. Watch it on: twitch.tv/starcitizen pic.twitter.com/ql0qNb3ygz

2022-10-09 00:12:18
Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd

Ready for another #CitizenCon2952 panel? 🔴 Streaming Now: Design Brief - Investigations. Explore the pitch process for a new mission archetype that leaves combat and delivery behind for mindful deduction and increased storytelling. Join us at: twitch.tv/starcitizen pic.twitter.com/Dgsm9NNi3u

2022-10-09 00:51:18
Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd

Ready to go UNDERGROUND? Take your first look at the enormous re-imagining of underground facilities and the new gameplay possibilities that will arrive with them when you watch The New Underground. Now streaming on: twitch.tv/starcitizen #CitizenCon2952 pic.twitter.com/6RNUvo1P9I

2022-10-09 01:09:19
Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd

Do you feel the need for (multiple) speeds? Learn about how Master Modes will impact the flight experience for the Persistent Universe and better define ship roles for all vehicles in Star Citizen. Now streaming on: Twitch.tv/starcitizen #CitizenCon2952 pic.twitter.com/HzP4mQEYwq

2022-10-09 01:33:20
Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd

Interested in seeing the hazy future of Lorville? We're showing it now at #CitizenCon2952! Join us at: twitch.tv/starcitizen. pic.twitter.com/KvDVj7Adlb

2022-10-09 01:55:17
武丸(死) @1126_Takemaru


2022-10-09 02:08:48
Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd

How will the upcoming Resource Management System change life in the 'verse as we know it? Find out when you watch this next #CitizenCon2952 program. Power Play will be starting in just a few moments on twitch.tv/starcitizen pic.twitter.com/sIgffClvtG

2022-10-09 02:11:19
武丸(死) @1126_Takemaru


2022-10-09 02:16:08
Star Citizen @RobertsSpaceInd

Get ready to talk ship with us! Our annual ship team presentation for #CitizenCon2952 will be starting soon on twitch.tv/starcitizen pic.twitter.com/HbDhGA0HAj

2022-10-09 02:31:02