#コロナ詐欺 を犯行した連中を糾弾すべし 49

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Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🔵 January - @Axl_Satellite has been launched. Satellite is Axelar’s decentralized, cross-chain asset transfer app allowing users to transfer assets they hold on a source chain to an address on a different destination chain. Try it now: satellite.money

2022-12-28 03:48:49
Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🔵 February - Axelar has begun its Mainnet rollout: adding additional validator sets, running continuous updates and tests w/ partners, finalizing the first (of many) Asset Transfer dApps built using Axelar as the underlying infrastructure.

2022-12-28 03:48:49
Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🔵 March - Axelar has submitted a proposal to become the primary bridge for @osmosiszone. - Axelar Token Sale on @CoinList. - Axelar's $2.5M developer grant program.

2022-12-28 03:49:13
Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🟢 April - General message passing has just gone to testnet. - Cross-chain grant program: 18 teams building the Web3 super app. - Audit contest with @code4rena for Axelar's smart contracts. There were $50k in rewards that were paid out fully.

2022-12-28 03:49:14
Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🟢 May - General Message Passing was launched on the mainnet. With its implementation users can: call any function on any connected chain and have one-click access to all of #Web3.

2022-12-28 03:49:14
Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🟢 June - @MystikoNetwork’s integration with Axelar Network is a pioneering cross-chain private transaction scenario between different blockchain layers and will provide cross-chain private transaction features.

2022-12-28 03:49:15
Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🟡 August - Axelar was bringing secure cross-chain communication to @NEARProtocol via @trisolarislabs, the largest DEX on @auroraisnear, w/ help from @aurigami_PLY & @0xsquid_. - Cross-chain Axelar Robot #NFT collection in partnership with @mintdao_io.

2022-12-28 03:49:16
Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🟡 September - $AXL Token was launched. - Axelar partnered with @LongHashVC to launch their first global, cross-chain accelerator program. - Axelar implemented quadratic voting, a step forward for cross-chain and proof-of-stake security.

2022-12-28 03:49:17
Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🟠 October - Axelar partnered with @0xPolygon to deliver secure cross-chain communication to Polygon Supernets. - Announced the @Interop_Summit, powered by Axelar. This event is hosting the ecosystems, applications, and builders at the forefront of the interchain future.

2022-12-28 03:49:17
Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🟠 November - Airdrops were announced. - The proposal to expand the validator set and update inflation has passed. - Fresh liquidity has been added to @CurveFinance pools on @avalancheavax and @0xPolygon.

2022-12-28 03:49:18
Maria | Everstake @MariaEverstake

🟠 December - Axelar launched a $60M Ecosystem Startup Funding Program. - The Satellite Winter Fly-By airdrop was held. - Axelar partnered with @CeloOrg. Satellite users can now transfer assets from any connected chain to Celo, while developers can tap into dApp ecosystem.

2022-12-28 03:49:18
Mykhailo Fedorov @FedorovMykhailo

As I wrote earlier, technologies will be key component of 🇺🇦victory. Today, the Innovation Development Fund is transferred under supervision of the Ministry of Digital Transformation. This will help us to unite miltech ecosystem & systematically develop new products. Stay tuned✌️ twitter.com/FedorovMykhail…

2022-12-28 04:40:58
Mykhailo Fedorov @FedorovMykhailo

We will defeat 🇷🇺 in the technology war. The enemy has been preparing for full-fledged war for 20 years. We made a technological leap in 10 months. And we have a clear understanding that all innovations are ahead. All this possible thanks to the heroism of 🇺🇦 army.

2022-12-26 18:30:06
Binance @binance

Learn all about support /\/\ /\ __/\ /\ / \/\/ \/\/ \/ and resistance in this blog. academy.binance.com/en/articles/th…

2022-12-28 05:00:14
UNITED24 Media @United24media

The Moskva missile cruiser ship is the pride of the Russian naval fleet. Or, rather....it *was* the pride. In April, two Ukrainian Neptune missiles sent the ship underwater. But as it turns out, nature itself helped sink the vessel. Here's how. pic.twitter.com/8gxBjpZaXJ

2022-12-28 05:02:32
everstake.eth (💙,💛) @eth_everstake

Just to add to @tokenterminal observation: in December @LidoFinance secured silver🥈place among top-3 fees dApps, while OpenSea and Uniswap have ~150x and ~125x more DAUs respectively. Lido is 3rd in the past 90d, and 6th on the year chart. Great pace 🚀 twitter.com/tokenterminal/… pic.twitter.com/uJK7NS019l

2022-12-28 06:00:51
Token Terminal @tokenterminal

Lido generates more fees than Uniswap, with ~100x less daily active users 🤯 pic.twitter.com/xPoHpnkKlx

2022-12-21 02:44:56
Binance @binance

1.5m views ✅ You guys really do love #Bitcoin. How about 2.5m by EOY? twitter.com/binance/status…

2022-12-28 07:00:31
ZOZOTOWN @zozojp

ムートンブーツもう買ったよね?👢 まだなキミはココ↓から豊富なラインナップをご覧あれ✨ zozo.jp/fashionnews/my…

2022-12-28 07:00:31
Yahoo!ショッピング@LYPプレミアム会員ならPayPayポイント毎日7% @yahoo_shopping

【先着順】 本日の日替わりクーポンは / テレワーク、オフィス家具が 最大25%OFF✨ \ 2023年の仕事始めに向けて テレワークグッズを新調してみませんか❓ ▼クーポンはこちら yahoo.jp/R3qL5U pic.twitter.com/PlXXZv00Wk

2022-12-28 07:02:00
Daria F | Everstake 🇺🇦 @DariaEverstake

Hello, my #Mina friends! Now I want to share with you the results of @everstake_pool hard work for 2022. Check the thread 👇🏼 pic.twitter.com/7Bnh1HIlUM

2022-12-28 07:39:09
Daria F | Everstake 🇺🇦 @DariaEverstake

1/5 It was the year when over 150 holders of $MINA trusted @everstake_pool and chose us as their validator. Thus we sent over 4,5k transactions of rewards to our delegators. pic.twitter.com/uRNFYWt62l

2022-12-28 07:39:11
Daria F | Everstake 🇺🇦 @DariaEverstake

2/5 As we have already said, +151 newcomers! Just look at this beautiful growing line.. 🫶🏻 Thank you for your trust! pic.twitter.com/Yh7PuLOSQS

2022-12-28 07:39:15
Daria F | Everstake 🇺🇦 @DariaEverstake

3/5 Here is an analysis of @MinaProtocol accounts, delegated to @everstake_pool: 1% - more than 1 mln MINA 3% - 100k - 1 mln 2% - 10k - 100k 17% - 1k - 10k 78% - 1 - 1k Not bad, what do you think? 😏 pic.twitter.com/cz0EiQFPxG

2022-12-28 07:39:17
Daria F | Everstake 🇺🇦 @DariaEverstake

4/5 Here is the tendency line of our stake during this year. We started from 259,376 #MINA And now we have 12,619,212 $MINA @everstake_pool is an experienced validator and active block producer. pic.twitter.com/2BINdomMQi

2022-12-28 07:39:19
Daria F | Everstake 🇺🇦 @DariaEverstake

Thank you, guys! It was a cool year and the next will be even better! pic.twitter.com/EKZry0wTgA

2022-12-28 07:39:21
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