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年越しにおすすめ?/#ミンサガリマスター 発売にあわせて語られた、知られざるマルディアスの歴史を紐解く河津秋敏氏の連続ツイート集

『ロマサガ』の自由度と難度が高い理由。『ミンサガ リマスター』河津秋敏氏動画インタビューの内容を全編書き起こし | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com https://www.famitsu.com/news/202211/12282591.html 【マルディアス】 - サガ用語辞典 Wiki* https://wikiwiki.jp/sagadic/%E3%80%90%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AB%E3%83%87%E3%82%A3%E3%82%A2%E3%82%B9%E3%80%91
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河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered Fall of Estamir! Shock spreads around the world. Especially, it was a big shock to the knight order who had a deep connection with the Kingdom of Estamir. They quickly fortify Copper Pass.

2022-12-17 15:44:53
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered Kjaraht advances further east with the momentum that caused Estamir to fall. They clash with Rosaria near Altours. At that time, the leader of Rosaria was King Karl I, a great general.

2022-12-18 10:42:47
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered King Karl was already a legend in his time. When he was crown prince, the Bafal Empire invaded Rosalia. Imperial forces allied with Yovil’s anti-Rosalian faction laid siege to the Isthmus Castle.

2022-12-19 12:54:14
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered Prince Karl defeats the imperial army that has landed on Yovil. And then he makes peace with the people of Yovil, recognizing Yovil’s autonomy. He immediately makes his way to Isthmus and breaks the siege.

2022-12-20 09:16:59
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered King Karl has transformed the Rosalian army completely into the cavalry-based army. And Rosalia faces the decisive battle with Kjaraht at Altours. The battle ends in a perfect victory for Rosalia.

2022-12-21 09:51:03
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered It was a heavy damage for Kjaraht losing at Altours. However, Kjaraht moves her capital to Estamir and soon recovers from the damage. They give up on advancing eastward and aim for Knight Order.

2022-12-22 10:34:46
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered The Knight Order are in danger! The forts of Copper Pass were under heavy attack from Kjaraht. The Knights requested all countries they once helped to help them. Only King Karl responded to the request.

2022-12-23 16:34:38
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered The Rosalian army crosses the sea and lands at Mirsabourg. However, there were few ships that could carry horses, so the main force had to be infantry. The knights welcomed King Karl and give him the title.

2022-12-24 10:37:09
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered The Kjaraht army finally broke through the Copper Pass and rushed to Mirsabourg. But it was Karl’s plan. The Kjaraht army sieged Mirsabourg. From behind, the allied forces of Rosalia and the knights attacked.

2022-12-25 09:24:43
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered King Karl defeated Kjaraht again. But he couldn’t see his own victory. A young Kjar shot an arrow blessed by Shuilong. The arrow pierced Karl’s armor and took his life. The shooter also died in the battle.

2022-12-26 09:03:14
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered Kjaraht lost many soldiers and Rosaria lost a king. Both nations enter a period of internal affairs. Let us turn again to the empire. There was a dragon. She told Elore, want to be a human especially a pirate.

2022-12-27 16:28:28
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered Elore grants the dragon’s wish and tell her “After enjoying the life of a pirate, I hope you will also listen to my wish.” The dragon plagues the Coral Sea as Pirate Silver.

2022-12-28 16:22:25
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered One day Silver listened to a minstrel singing. A ballad of Opal of the wind that is an imperial treasure. Silver robs Opal from the Empire. It is her greatest treasure. Elore appears in front of Silver.

2022-12-29 12:02:59
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered Elore said, “You have enjoyed a pirate life. You must grant my wish. You will guard your precious treasure by yourself ever.” Silver reverts to Dragon. And for a long time she was to protect her treasure.

2022-12-30 11:15:33
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered Other Destiny Stones also have their own stories. How did Wei Qu Bin get the Emerald? When and Why did Flama and Freele guard the stones? Who put the Moonstone in the shrine of Two Moons?

2022-12-31 11:42:29
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#romancingsaga #minstrelsong Romancing SaGa -Minstrel Song- Remastered And now, new heroes retrieve the Destiny Stones. Could they save the world from Saruin? I travel with them and see their lives. Someday may I tell you their stories. Elore bless you. Thank you. Good night.

2023-01-01 09:30:06


河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

運営からのお便り -2022年11月-【11/18 追記】 #新ロマサガRS #ロマサガRS info.rs.aktsk.jp/info/detail/15… この RS-TYPE ムズ過ぎだろう!

2022-11-19 09:30:48
toshi @a2toshi

原作ロマサガ1モニカの「2どめはゆるさない〜」は誰が考えはったんでしょうか…。 サルーインも七英雄も魔貴族も及ばない“強制リセット”という全サガ世界最強の必殺技…。 #ロマサガ #ミンサガ #ミンサガリマスター twitter.com/SaGa30kawazu/s…

2022-11-13 21:57:59
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#ロマサガ #ミンサガ #ミンサガリマスター 実はロマサガ3のモニカの名前を決める時、どこかで聞いた事があるなーと思ってました。吉川晃司だろうとか思ってたら1で使ってました。 ミンサガのモニカのデザインは、キャラデザの鈴木君が気を効かせて3のモニカ風にデザインしてくれたんです。

2022-11-11 20:30:39
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

@a2toshi もちろん自分が考えて自分が実装しました。ゲームの中の人の言葉の重みを表現しておきたかったので。

2022-11-13 23:28:56
ギュスターヴ @wn9np

暫くロマサガ休もうか考え中 マンネリ化ってかモチベが上がらない やる事がもう無いんだよね 幻闘も終わったし、エッグとかも 周回も飽きてきて 昔もこんな感じで暫く経ってまたやり始めたけど、また休もうかな #新ロマサガRS

2022-11-14 20:31:55
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

@wn9np RSを休んだからと言ってサガファンじゃなくなるわけでもないので、ゆっくり休んで下さい。その間に #ミンサガリマスター やって下さい!

2022-11-14 22:16:53
河津秋敏 @SaGa30kawazu

#ロマサガRS 本日11/26 18:00より生放送です! いつもの放送より開始時間が早くなってます! youtu.be/KA2t-cXV06U

2022-11-26 11:44:09
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