memo: ガダフィ死亡

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Assia @Libyan4life

My mother is in tears. She cant stop crying. She left #Libya 38 years ago as a young bride with my father in resistance to #Gaddafi

2011-10-20 22:33:19
The Associated Press @AP

Libya's government plans a news conference in Tripoli, where the prime minister could confirm Gadhafi's death: -EF

2011-10-20 22:34:01
Jamal Dajani جمال @JamalDajani

@AP: A Libyan fighter says he saw Gadhafi get shot in his lower body, and hit Gadhafi with his shoe - a grave insult in the Arab world EF”

2011-10-20 22:34:10
shabablibya @ShababLibya

Alarabiya: Unconfirmed reports of Muttasim #Gaddafi found dead in Sirte. #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes

2011-10-20 22:35:37
shabablibya @ShababLibya

We have been waiting for this day by the second, thanks to all those all over the world who have supported the Libyan fight for freedom RT

2011-10-20 22:36:34
Jon Snow @jonsnowC4

A very convenient death, Gaddafi: Who killed him? Whose political/commercial skin does it save? Channel 4 News will eb asking at 7.00pm

2011-10-20 22:37:38
Will Yamato @willyamato

Golden gun, hiding spot, pic of camera with shot of Gadaffi from AFP photgrapher Phillippe Desmazes cc @acarvin

2011-10-20 22:37:50
deepthroat @gloomynews

米共和党マケイン上院議員がカダフィ大佐死亡について声明。「リビア革命最初の段階が終わった」 オバマ政権は未だカダフィ大佐死亡情報を確認中なのに・・・

2011-10-20 22:37:51
このアカウントでのポスト終了 @5newspaper

[毎日] リビア:「米大統領は愚か」型破り発言のカダフィ大佐 リビア中部シルトで20日拘束されたとみられるカダフィ大佐は「中東の狂犬」とも呼ばれ、その発言も「型破り」だった。その内容は、文字通り狂信ぶりを示すものから、自らの「テロ支援」…

2011-10-20 22:38:21
Bobby Ghosh @ghoshworld

Breaking News: Libya Celebrates at News of Gaddafi's Death via @TIME

2011-10-20 22:38:58
Jon Snow @jonsnowC4

Gadaffi takes many secrets to his convenient grave - many names..well beyond the LSE Board..oil bosses, current and former European leaders

2011-10-20 22:39:12
原田浩司/ Koji Harada @KOJIHARADA

イラクでも大統領宮殿から、黄金の銃が出てきたなあ。“@gohsuket: 拘束された際にガダフィが持っていたという「黄金の銃」を手に祝う人達画像“@dhdfisher: Gold gun of Gaddafi: @ggatehouse””

2011-10-20 22:40:23
Feb 17 voices @feb17voices

LPC #Sirte: Source says #Gaddafi's son Mutassim was among those killed [Seeking further confirmation] #Libya

2011-10-20 22:41:07
Al Jazeera Breaking News @AJENews

Pictures of the concrete pipe where ousted #Libyan leader Muammar #Gaddafi was allegedly captured and killed

2011-10-20 22:41:37
Mark Stone @Stone_SkyNews

This - it is claimed - is the spot where #Gaddafi was found. Warning: dead body - not Gaddafi - in the shot:

2011-10-20 22:43:00
deepthroat @gloomynews


2011-10-20 22:46:22
The Associated Press @AP

Libyan officials call for a news conference with Prime Minister Mustafa Abdul-Jalil in 15 min.: -EF #Gadhafi -EF

2011-10-20 22:46:53

PHOTOS: A look back at Gaddafi's rule |

2011-10-20 22:47:03
Evan Hill @evanhill

AJE will now show video of Gaddafi's body.

2011-10-20 22:47:04
Reuters @Reuters

FLASH: Libyan NTC vice chairman Abdul Hafiz Ghoga confirms Muammar Gaddafi killed

2011-10-20 22:47:26
Bobby Ghosh @ghoshworld

AJE showing video, supposedly of Gaddafi's body.

2011-10-20 22:47:28

RT @poniewozik: Reports: Qaddafi dead, Gadhafi wounded, Khadafi arrested, whereabouts of Gaddaffi and Qadafy unknown.

2011-10-20 22:47:38
このアカウントでのポスト終了 @5newspaper

[産経] カダフィ大佐死亡 リビア国民評議会司令官表明 42年の独裁に幕 【カイロ=大内清】リビア全土の制圧を進めている反カダフィ派部隊は20日、カダフィ派の最後の拠点である中部シルトを制圧、反カダフィ派の代表組織「国民評議会」の軍事司…

2011-10-20 22:48:21
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