水木聖來つぶやきまとめ2023年1月9日 #SfC予選C



kkk @k33kkkk

ようやくWD1.4Aベースを試してみた 前のAnyベースのに比べると目の打率は上がったのに前髪の打率は結構下がって(.2~3ぐらい?)るんだけどSD2.0系は初めてだからどっち方向に悪いのか分からん そもそも聖來さんの前髪をなんて表現すればいいのかも分からん 雰囲気でAIをやっている pic.twitter.com/FxoG04Ufkq

2023-01-09 23:10:17
タキ@ニコニコ @taki_niconico

デレステ、飛躍の年に大願成就ガシャ。 (無料10連 8日目分) 青淵封筒からSRが3枚!(内、NEW1枚) そしてまさかの NEWの子だけピンポイントで 登場時のスクショ撮影に失敗する失態。 #デレステ #デレステ10連ガシャ無料 #長富蓮実 #神谷奈緒 #水木聖來 pic.twitter.com/FhH2pryftT

2023-01-09 00:11:35
底良野he111 @he111sokorano


2023-01-09 00:23:52
コロロン @Coloron_iMas

[TwiPla] 【MoIW2023のぼり企画】菊地真、水木聖來、舞浜歩、牙崎漣、芹沢あさひにのぼりを贈りたい【祝!S.H.Figuarts決定】 twipla.jp/events/541963

2023-01-09 01:15:28
kkk @k33kkkk


2023-01-09 01:52:13
ゆいてんひろりんちょ @0s8D3aEsGRgcbqe

今日は握手会に行ってもらってます 営業中のムービー?っていうのかな? 動きが凝ってるからいつまでもみてられます(楽しい、かわいい) デレステこういうところ大好き ミラージュフォレスト 水木聖來 荒木比奈 梅木音葉 #SfC予選C pic.twitter.com/HIRt4JZJdU

2023-01-09 07:45:05
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

Today's introduction is to the confident dancer, Seira Mizuki! With her quick steps and her passionate heart, she'll stand on the greatest stages possible! 🐕 #StageforCinderella #デレステ #SfC予選C pic.twitter.com/I05J8hj6Id

2023-01-09 08:20:55
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

🐕 Basic Data - 23 years old - born April 27th (Taurus) - born in Ibaraki - Blood type B - Enjoys dog walking pic.twitter.com/masRavgpuy

2023-01-09 08:20:55
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

🐕 Main Information The Producer first meets Seira on the street at night. She's with a group of other girls, seemingly doing a dance practice together. Seira's giving it her all, but her "friends" seem unenthusiastic, seeing no point in overexerting with nobody will see it.

2023-01-09 08:20:55
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

The group decides to stop the practice, saying that they're going to go out for drinks. They invite Seira to come along, but she says she's fine, deciding to stay behind. Once the group is gone, Seira laments how her places to dance seriously are vanishing by the moment.

2023-01-09 08:20:56
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

The Producer overhears her saying this and approaches Seira. While she's cold at first, when he asks to see her dance, Seira brightens, commenting that it's been a long time since she's had anybody ask her to do that. She explains how she started dancing in high school.

2023-01-09 08:20:56
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

She loved doing performances for everyone, but since becoming an adult, she's lost many of the chances she had to show off her dances. While she dances on the street on days off, her friends are losing interest and they don't want to do any stage performances. pic.twitter.com/MTPw712XCu

2023-01-09 08:20:56
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

Already 23, Seira questions if it would just be better to give up. The Producer asks if she wants to stand on stage. Seira says of course, but is confused as to what he's implying. The Producer asks for Seira to follow him, and she does.

2023-01-09 08:20:56
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

He brings her to a small stage, and Seira senses what the Producer is trying to imply. Reinvigorated with hope from the meeting, Seira reaffirms her wish to stand on stage and dance, refusing to give up her dream; becoming an idol so that she can fulfill it. pic.twitter.com/1FICDQlbv5

2023-01-09 08:20:56
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

Seira is a friendly, fun, and energetic young woman. She's playful and easygoing, amiable and social. She's very dedicated to the art of dancing and has experience in a wide variety of styles, always eager to learn more about the ones she's not completely familiar with. pic.twitter.com/xXPInCTDdQ

2023-01-09 08:20:57
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

Seira has a very youthful energy about her. She's absolutely capable of being serious, but her playful nature makes it so people often see her as younger than she is. She wants to be seen as mature to some degree, but keeps her childlike spirit nonetheless. pic.twitter.com/669SYZLsZT

2023-01-09 08:20:57
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

Her cool and stylish aura is noticeable to many and is a highlight of her performances, but in truth, it seems that she's incredibly weak to getting embarrassed or flustered. When she's caught off guard, it's practically impossible for her to keep a straight face. pic.twitter.com/NUvpvoAWUP

2023-01-09 08:20:57
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

She's also actually a very thoughtful and considerate person, as well. While some her age may see her as immature, she has a "big sister"-aura about her, so many of the younger idols look up to her and listen to her advice, but she's still able to be playful with them. pic.twitter.com/KbclmHPSTk

2023-01-09 08:20:58
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

One notable thing about Seira is how you'll often see her accompanied by a golden retriever; her dog, Wanko. Friendly and surprisingly smart, he's a very loyal companion to Seira. His name, which just means "doggy", is actually because she never got around to properly naming him. pic.twitter.com/9y9VOBL7NN

2023-01-09 08:20:58
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

Simple name aside, the two of them are extremely close, and she treasures Wanko's friendship just like she would any human friend. When separated, she always finds herself missing him- and is distraught when he picks Sarina with a treat over herself. pic.twitter.com/qQerHdQZa8

2023-01-09 08:20:58
unvoiced girls daily @dailyunvoiceds

Seira is, generally, very confident in her dancing skills, but she's been shown to be somewhat prone to getting caught up in her worries, and has admitted before she felt insecure and unsure about getting a role she worked very hard to receive.

2023-01-09 08:20:58
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