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Juliet @julietcap16

Must remember to brush your teeth everyone... cavities are NOT good... Even if your feeling verrry sleepy http://twitpic.com/1n0cr8

2010-05-12 06:46:41
Juliet @julietcap16

feeling very very sleepy... cant wait to see romeo...

2010-05-12 06:51:27
Juliet @julietcap16

Not much to go now... bed is calling. Wish i wasn't sleeping alone... not for long eh? http://twitpic.com/1n0eo9

2010-05-12 06:55:42
Juliet @julietcap16

Warm milk at bedtime... gets you to sleep better than anything. Last swig and I'll deffo be in wonderland... http://twitpic.com/1n0fif

2010-05-12 06:59:42
Juliet @julietcap16

@romeo_mo You are my earth, my sky, my sun, my moon, my stars and my one true love.

2010-05-12 07:03:04
Juliet @julietcap16

@Romeo_mo Like my Mum always used to say... "everything will be ok tomorrow"... xxxxxx

2010-05-12 07:04:49
Laurence Friar @LaurenceFriar

Life is a constant oscillation between the sharp horns of dilemmas... http://bit.ly/bg4hR8 or to sleep?

2010-05-12 07:56:58
Jago Mosca @jago_klepto

Photo: been enjoying @julietcap16’s tour of Larry’s poxy little flat, have you? The kitchen, the living room,... http://tumblr.com/xv19rqh7o

2010-05-12 08:41:58
Jago Mosca @jago_klepto

aww ok I'll tell you - I *did* see him tonight. He’s been sleeping rough in the country park a couple of... http://tumblr.com/xv19rreuz

2010-05-12 09:00:09
Jago Mosca @jago_klepto

srsly any1 go any KISS tickets they wanna sell me?

2010-05-12 09:01:30
Romeo @romeo_mo

WTF!!Gorgeous girl stop!!Let me know when you read this don’t do anything stupid! I had to turn my phone off,I’m sorry I left you!

2010-05-12 13:32:10
Romeo @romeo_mo

@julietcap16 WE CAN STILL DO ALL THOSE THINGS! I want to do all those things with you Baby!!xxxxxx

2010-05-12 13:35:40
Romeo @romeo_mo

@julietcap16 I'm coming to find you.Im so sorry, I should never have left you Juliet! xxx

2010-05-12 13:40:45
Romeo @romeo_mo

Those pics are deffinatly Friars flat!! Please Somebody ring the flat and talk to her! 441212884809

2010-05-12 13:42:37
Romeo @romeo_mo

@laurencefriar I had my phone off!How could I have met you!?What did you leave Juliet alone in the flat with!? Go back to the flat ASAP!

2010-05-12 13:46:25
Romeo @romeo_mo

@julietcap16 The police are everywhere! Just don't take any more of that white stuff, i will be with you soon xxxxxx

2010-05-12 14:20:04
Romeo @romeo_mo

I cannot find a way past the police. Im sure they recognise me!

2010-05-12 14:40:19
Romeo @romeo_mo

In these last few days Love has fought away sleep,hunger and cold but now it feeds my Fear..

2010-05-12 14:57:56
Romeo @romeo_mo

A copper has just walked behind where I am hiding. Not only are they keeping an eye outside the flat,they are patroling the area!!

2010-05-12 15:07:10
Romeo @romeo_mo

!! I alway have to remind Larry to lock the toilet window at the back..seeing as I've not been around....!

2010-05-12 15:15:29
Romeo @romeo_mo

I drove you to this.I am so so so sorry.My heart is eternally yours, my eternally gorgeous girl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2010-05-12 15:39:11
Romeo @romeo_mo

Noone come or call for help!!If ANYONE comes to separate me from Juliet,I will tear them joint by joint.I wil NOT leave her side.not again.

2010-05-12 15:50:29
Romeo @romeo_mo

@mercuteio what do i do merc everything has turned to death.I brought death to juliet,her family and to you.TELL ME WHAT TO DO MERCUTIO!!!!!

2010-05-12 15:56:20
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