
【質問】 GDIって何?

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Higurashi🎌 @naotoaitai

駐アフガン米兵による最悪の犯罪の1つである「カンダハールの虐殺」。2012年3月11日の深夜に犯人は単独で基地を抜け出しM4等で民間人16名を殺害した。遺族の証言では子どもの口内への発砲、遺体への放火、女性を何度も壁に叩きつける等の行為があったという。 犯人は動機を明らかにせず終身刑が確定。

2023-06-06 09:37:57
Higurashi🎌 @naotoaitai

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kandahar_… 英語版のwikiでは文献が100近く。信憑性はそれぞれの判断としても読む価値はあるかと。 bbc.com/news/world-asi… タリバンは現地を訪問したアフガン政府の代表団を攻撃したがこれは事件直後に宣言していた報復行為か。

2023-06-06 09:37:57
Higurashi🎌 @naotoaitai

「これが米国人が言う支援部隊なのか。彼らは野獣で人間性のかけらもない。タリバンの方がまだましだ」 ↓スレッド頭の内容はロイターの記事から reuters.com/article/tk0754…

2023-06-06 09:37:58
graphy29 @graphy291

@naotoaitai GDIという言葉すら知りませんでした。貴重な視点と情報感謝。この、General Directorate of Intelligenceという名前がすごく旧ソ連的で、この名前は自ら名乗っているのでしょうか。それとも西側が便宜的につけた名称なのかな。

2022-11-03 02:10:14
Higurashi🎌 @naotoaitai

@graphy291 欧米メディアからは"Taliban intelligence" という風に呼ばれる事もありますが、人権団体の報告等では"General Directorate of Intelligence" と示したりしますね。 首長国系では "GDI" という名称を重視している節もあります。

2022-11-05 08:33:33
かけそば @8kfpHCWyMg9E4NZ

@naotoaitai パキスタンのISIとの関係性が気になるところ

2022-11-02 23:52:30


The South Asia Times @thesouthasiatim

KABUL: Afghan Taliban intelligence arrested Mobin Khan known as General Mobin after his controversial remarks against Pakistan that caused tension between two countries, according to source pic.twitter.com/YxmUZejIwl

2023-01-05 02:12:54
Syed Zabiullah Langari @syed2000

JUST IN: Former head of Afghan intelligence agency Rahmatullah Nabil announces the formation of a new anti-Taliban political front- Afghanistan National Liberation Party. #Afghanistan #ANLP @RahmatullahN pic.twitter.com/sNTVQnn5Ls

2023-01-17 01:35:24
Tabdeeli @Tabdeeli_

3.#GDI (Afghan Intelligence agency) briefed Pakistani delegation and accepted the problem of terrorism originating from Afghanistan soil. They also presented details of the solution but was found unsatisfactory / lacking in addressing the key security concerns of Pakistan. (3/9) pic.twitter.com/LAzYLbXYOP

2023-02-24 00:20:21
Pakistan Lead @PakistanLead1

ISLAMABAD/KABUL: On Monday, reports said an Afghan Taliban delegation of intelligence and security officials covertly visited Islamabad to discuss addressing Pakistan's worries about the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. #intelligence #pakistan #security #afghan #intelligence pic.twitter.com/n8vyrlzK6M

2023-03-22 14:00:00
Duran (Tracey) @TraceyDura22785

The intelligence forces of the Afghan Taliban are the army that is successful in killing Daish. Taliban say they have eliminated this group. pic.twitter.com/NHjo7yquFa

2023-04-10 13:34:45

Taliban commands to kill opposition in Europe : Ex-spokesperson of the Taliban for Kabul province, Qari Saeed Khosty, ordered members of the Taliban living in the West to "kill with knives" Afghans who are against the Taliban. He in a tweet stated : the Taliban intelligence… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… pic.twitter.com/4gJILuWEXO

2023-05-03 02:15:54
The Pakistan Telegraph @TelegraphPak

#Terrorism_News:- In a latest move, the Afghan intelligence confirmed the death of a senior #ISKP commander, Turabi Bajauri. pic.twitter.com/MWVmvM02KW

2023-06-02 22:47:51
Soviet -Afghan Wars Samurai 1980 @Samurai19801

According to pro Taliban account Tawab Abdullah: Taliban Intelligence GDI arrested Gen. Mobin for making anti Iranian video clips two weeks ago. On separate issue Hamid Khorasani a Taliban commander from Panjshir is in hospital for alleged poisoning case. pic.twitter.com/JkMVr7xeu7

2023-06-06 04:32:03