1753 年ジュゼッペ・サンマルティーノ「ヴェールに包まれたキリスト」の紹介。あまりの巧みに錬金術を疑われたとか。コメントはほとんど省略しました、現代にこのような匠がいない(少ない)のは、他の手段があるからでは、と。

Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.


Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

"The Veiled Christ" is a marble sculpture so lifelike that the artist who produced it was accused of alchemy. Sculpted by Giuseppe Sanmartino in 1753, the delicate, translucent veil over the body of Christ is so remarkable that it's hard to believe human hands could have shaped it from stone. At the time of its completion, there were popular claims that it must have been created by draping a veil over the figure and using alchemy to turn it to stone. Alongside his contemporary Antonio Corradini, Sanmartino was one of the few artists to ever sculpt such intricate folds, rivalling the earlier Renaissance and Baroque masters like Michelangelo and Bernini. The layered effect of the marble is so precise that every feature of Christ, from his eyelids to his earlobes, is easily discernible through the veil, which appears to sit weightlessly over his body - it is one of the most impossible feats ever achieved in sculpture. Corradini was originally commissioned for the sculpture by Raimondo di Sangro, the Prince of Sansevero. Corradini died before the work began, so Sanmartino stepped in to create what became his magnum opus. The work still lives at the Chapel of Sansevero in Naples to this day, where it is housed alongside several other miraculous creations like Corradini's famous masterpiece, "Modesty" (1752).

2023-08-25 07:00:27


1753 年にジュゼッペ サンマルティーノによって彫刻されたキリストの体を覆う繊細で半透明のベールは、人間の手で石から形作られたとは信じられないほど驚くべきものです。完成当時、この像はベールで覆われ、錬金術を使って石に変えて作られたに違いないという主張が一般的でした。

サンマルティーノは、同時代のアントニオ コッラディーニと並んで、このような複雑なひだを彫刻した数少ない芸術家の一人であり、ミケランジェロやベルニーニのような初期のルネサンスやバロックの巨匠に匹敵します。

大理石の層状の効果は非常に正確であるため、まぶたから耳たぶに至るまで、キリストのあらゆる特徴が、無重力で彼の体の上に乗っているように見えるベールを通して容易に識別できます。これは、彫刻においてこれまでに達成された最も不可能な偉業の 1 つです。 。

コッラディーニはもともと、サンセヴェーロ公ライモンド ディ サングロからこの彫刻の依頼を受けました。コッラディーニはこの作品が始まる前に亡くなったため、サンマルティーノが彼の代表作となる作品の制作に携わりました。


Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

@dustinthedad Nobody comes close to this level of precision today.

2023-08-25 07:10:24
Today in History @HistoryNutOTD

@Culture_Crit It is an incredible piece. The 18th century sculptor Antonio Canova tried to acquire the work. He said he'd give ten years of his life to have produced something of similar quality!

2023-08-25 07:10:02
Culture Critic @Culture_Crit

@HistoryNutOTD This is true - the fact that even masters like Canova revered it so highly is telling.

2023-08-25 07:17:50