Historic Vids氏による、性器露出で悪魔を退散させる図の紹介。寓意は何?

James @irishzorro2010

@historyinmemes First transgender portrait 🤷🏻‍♂️

2023-09-26 04:59:57
Mahadev Prasad @ImMahadev18

There are various stories present in the European folklore telling how women are capable of defeating even the satan himself. A popular tale about the devil getting married and subsequently running away from his horrible wife was used in the sixteenth century by Niccolò Machiavelli in his novella “Belfagor arcidiavolo”; further versions circulated in the European literature for the next few centuries. A very interesting example is a poem “Mrs. Twardowski” by Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz: in this story the devil was challenged by Mr. Twardowski to complete various tasks (including taking a bath in the holy water) and he almost succeeded, but finally failed to accomplish the last one, which was spending one year as a husband of Twardowski’s wife, Mrs. Twardowski. When the devil saw the lady he decided he’d rather run away…

2023-09-26 04:50:21
Marlon Brandon @RealMarlonB

@CreativeOliverr @historyinmemes Yes the devil is gay. It is written that his Vicar on Earth will have no use for a woman.

2023-09-26 05:25:01
Avata @avta_99

@historyinmemes Devil wasn't ready for that thing.

2023-09-26 06:54:36
Paul Stephens @PaulStephensWMO

@historyinmemes So would this work for that swimmer, dude/chick Lea Thomas.? She/him/it/them, apparently terrifies gals in the locker room with the mess under her culottes pic.twitter.com/redAlI4Xzc

2023-09-26 06:12:44
87 thoughts. @t87

@historyinmemes Probably a massive bush and not the moo-moo itself. 😆 pic.twitter.com/g77qos62je

2023-09-26 04:50:28
Pawan Shukla @Shukla9_

The 1762 illustration you mentioned is certainly a fascinating and unusual depiction of a story from Jean de la Fontaine's "The Devil of Pope Fig Island." It's intriguing how folklore and literature often incorporate creative and symbolic elements to convey their narratives. This particular story appears to use humor and surprise to outsmart the devil, ultimately resulting in the devil's retreat due to the unexpected and unconventional response from Perretta. It's a testament to the diversity and creativity of storytelling throughout history.

2023-09-26 04:49:18