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@berserk_project I know it will never be the complete vision Miura had in mind but I am very happy to see someone that was very close to him take over and is doing the best job possible givin the circumstances. Keep up the great work Studia Gaga and thank you so much for keeping Berserk alive

2023-09-27 04:19:59
ちりちり @chirii_chirii

@berserk_project 42巻買います!! 森先生、スタッフのみなさん、編集部のみなさん、ありがとうございます ぐわっ! やー とぁー みたいなやり取りだったんですね、泣けてきます

2023-09-27 08:48:40
前へ 1 ・・ 6 7