ジャーナリストが伝えるバンコク(5月19日 Part 2 -- リーダーの投降後)

19日のバンコクの様子、午後に赤シャツ抗議デモのリーダーが軍に投降したあとの、主に西洋人ジャーナリストとタイのNationのジャーナリストによるtweetsです。 実際、赤シャツ抗議デモ隊の拠点に軍が突入し、デモ隊が解散したあとのバンコク市内の状況は、その前よりも荒れているようです。数時間にわたって、市内各所から「炎上している」との報告が相次いでいます(証券取引所、大規模なショッピングセンターなど)。停電も報告されています。 当局は今晩から明日朝にかけて、外出禁止令を出しています。 続きを読む
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tulsathit @tulsathit

"This is not our day," Nuttawut said. "We can't fight this cruelty."

2010-05-19 16:05:20
tulsathit @tulsathit

Now, either there will b pockets of violence which will fade away, or there might be uncontrolled, widespread violence.

2010-05-19 16:06:43
Terry Fredrickson @terryfrd

Starting to get disburbing reports from Udorn. @Doug_Udon is there.

2010-05-19 16:06:59
tulsathit @tulsathit

From what we've seen, though, it should be the former, as troops and police seem to b working in full gear and in unison.

2010-05-19 16:07:09
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

We are getting reports that Central World and Platinum Mall are on fire BUT this is not confirmed.

2010-05-19 16:07:35
tulsathit @tulsathit

Sources say there could be more names announced for the financial blacklist.

2010-05-19 16:07:51
Michael Yon: Callsign BIG HONEY 6 @Michael_Yon

Full spectrum image from Lumpini park. Please click "View Full Image" to see it large. http://bit.ly/bFaMfl

2010-05-19 16:08:38
Terry Fredrickson @terryfrd

NBT is anxiously reporting arson attempts at Central World. More than 100 involved. Not yet a big fire, but explosions are continuing.

2010-05-19 16:08:52
Carl Doherty @Fester_LiveUdon

@terryfrd going to pic kids up from school before it is too late to, total chaos will keep informed.

2010-05-19 16:08:55
tulsathit @tulsathit

Urgent: Reported suspected arson attempts at Central World. Awaiting confirmation.

2010-05-19 16:09:58
Patrick Winn @pwinn5

Photo: Black smoke dominates the central Bangkok skyline. http://twitpic.com/1p2rnp

2010-05-19 16:11:06
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

RT @terryfrd: NBT is reporting arson attempts at Central World. More than 100 involved. Not yet a big fire

2010-05-19 16:11:06
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

RT @Angkut: Traffic on Sukhumwit road toward Samut prakarn is congested and tail back further than the Naval Academy.

2010-05-19 16:11:30
tulsathit @tulsathit

RT @veen_NT: Tense situation at CentralWorld.Glass broken & loud noise of firecrakers. fire is spotted at a corner of CTW. #Nation TV

2010-05-19 16:11:32
tulsathit @tulsathit

Rioting reported in Din Daeng now.

2010-05-19 16:12:17
Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

RT @BKKApologist: Photo: Black smoke dominates the central Bangkok skyline. http://twitpic.com/1p2rnp

2010-05-19 16:12:22
tulsathit @tulsathit

Smoke seen billowing from a few spots including buildings around Rajprasong.

2010-05-19 16:13:14
Terry Fredrickson @terryfrd

Arson attempts, riots, grenades, etc. may wipe Nattawud & Jatuporn surrender speeches off front pages. Not good for reds or Puea Thai.

2010-05-19 16:13:50
tulsathit @tulsathit

Protesters trying to mobilize themselves, saying they should converge at Victory Monument.

2010-05-19 16:13:52
tulsathit @tulsathit

Vandalism, arsons and rioting reported around Rajprasong. Smoke seen rising at various spots.

2010-05-19 16:14:31
tulsathit @tulsathit

This is not looking good. Protesters asking each other to destroy properties.

2010-05-19 16:15:07
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