「ヒト型ロボット」が働き始めていると海外で話題に! 米Amazonがヒト型ロボットと人間が共に倉庫で働く様子を公開

Rowan Cheung @rowancheung

@alex_valaitis Imagine what work will look like in 5 years

2023-10-05 02:31:30
Rossen @RossToTheFuture

@rowancheung This thing can f u up Black mirror confirmed

2023-10-05 01:23:15
Rowan Cheung @rowancheung

@RossToTheFuture Ngl, life is starting to look closer to Black Mirror more and more everyday

2023-10-05 02:35:09
Alex Northstar @NorthstarBrain

@rowancheung The balancing is INCREDIBLE! Yet you see humans falling everyday from Segways lol

2023-10-05 01:04:45
AIMarketingHub @AI_MarketingHub

@rowancheung Robots joining the workforce - a glimpse into the future! 🤖

2023-10-05 18:53:21
Paul Couvert @itsPaulAi

@rowancheung Of course it's German haha! The balance is truly impressive.

2023-10-05 03:37:30
Farhan @mhdfaran

@rowancheung Well, AI never ceases to amaze us, does it? Cheers to the Germans for their innovation though!

2023-10-05 06:02:11
emil - builder & ai dev @emilthemaker

@rowancheung Cannot wait for Americans to bring this to market.

2023-10-05 02:21:28
Automation Party @PaytonDrake15

@rowancheung Are there plans for this type of worker to be sent out on a large scale yet? This could revolutionize several industries!

2023-10-06 13:54:29
Jatin @jatinagrawal31

@rowancheung This is probably the best design i have seen! I'm shocked at how good it is at balancing. Would love to read more on how the weight distribution works

2023-10-09 04:01:39
Ai Buzz @AiBuzzNews

@rowancheung I, as a German, do not know if I should be offended or take this as a compliment.😅 Considering the growing worker shortage, this might be a good solution.

2023-10-05 01:08:50


ツバメインダストリ(株)/Tsubame Industries Co.,Ltd. @Tsubame_HI

4.5m 3.5tの搭乗型ロボット「アーカックス」を作っている会社です。自走式,変形,電気駆動 開発記録は「#アーカックス」 We are a company developing a piloted robot #Archax.


ツバメインダストリ(株)/Tsubame Industries Co.,Ltd. @Tsubame_HI

Archax 3rd PV 「Dynamic Viewing」を公開しました。 AIを用いた最新の撮影技法NeRFを使用しました。 全編はYoutubeにてご覧ください! The PV was created using NeRF, the latest photography technique using AI. Ple check the full video on Youtube! youtu.be/zPZRaXVxcqw pic.twitter.com/eBMXvtbMVD

2023-10-19 18:36:16
ナマケ・モノ @namakemono3ba_v


2023-10-11 12:38:33
spacewalkerrr @Spacewalker819

@Tsubame_HI これが究極の“造ってみた!” ですね🤖

2023-10-14 13:03:18
蓮華 @19M3310

@Tsubame_HI 男子の夢が詰まってて最高ですჱ̒ ー̀֊ー́ )

2023-10-01 10:41:27
かてんホニィ @perrotsan

@Tsubame_HI 起動画面が最高にわかってる人のデザインだ…!

2023-10-19 19:49:34
まとめ 「仕事の時間だ」ツバメインダストリ社製搭乗操作型可変四脚機体『アーカックス』出撃、脳を焼かれた独立傭兵の姿もちらほら.. ジャパンモビリティショー2023 2023年10月26日(木)~11月5日(日) ※一般公開は28日から 21237 pv 48 1