【質問】 揚陸潜水艦について教えてください.

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ストロー=クーゲルスタインちゃん @straw2nd

@DreadTie_tw 大丈夫?強襲揚陸潜水艦使う? ゆっくりで語る珍兵器 第34回【強襲揚陸潜水艦特集(ソ連)】 youtu.be/Y_pJfsYNH2Q

2023-04-20 12:20:37
岡部いさく @Mossie633

ソ連海軍が1960年代末に計画した、揚陸原潜っていうか原子力潜水LST?プロイェクト717「TSKB-16ヴォルナ」ですって。北極の氷の下を通って北米大陸に上陸することを考えてたとか。以下スレッドに推定要目と顛末。 twitter.com/Saturnax1/stat…

2023-01-04 23:50:50
Saturnax 🇸🇰🇪🇺🇺🇦 @Saturnax1

#Submarines #ColdWar 1. In the late 60s, Soviet submarine design bureau "TSKB-16 Volna" began designing a large nuclear-powered amphibious transport submarine, Project 717. The idea was for the submarine to travel hidden under the Arctic ice & unload troops & equipment... pic.twitter.com/aN4HQjomSF

2023-01-04 03:25:55
岡部いさく @Mossie633

プロイェクト717の概念設計は1971年に出来て、排水量18000トン(水中?)、全長190m、原子炉2基、海軍歩兵約500人と装甲車両最大20両を搭載。 twitter.com/Saturnax1/stat…

2023-01-04 23:53:03
Saturnax 🇸🇰🇪🇺🇺🇦 @Saturnax1

@CovertShores @Capt_Navy @RSS_40 @TayfunOzberk @FORONAVAL @IBallantyn @The_Lookout_N @CislakJaroslaw @USN_Submariner @R_P_one 2. on the North American coast. The preliminary design was completed in 1971 - powered by two nuclear reactors & enough internal space to accommodate nearly 500 marines and ~20 armoured personnel carriers. Proposed length of the submarine was 190 m, displacement 18.000 t... pic.twitter.com/ibXVmLzKMM

2023-01-04 03:26:22
Saturnax 🇸🇰🇪🇺🇺🇦 @Saturnax1

Pensate Profunde. All things submarines! Digital Naval Photo Gallery (165k photos) | Naval News | Contributor @thewarzonewire


Saturnax 🇸🇰🇪🇺🇺🇦 @Saturnax1

#Submarines #ColdWar 1. In the late 60s, Soviet submarine design bureau "TSKB-16 Volna" began designing a large nuclear-powered amphibious transport submarine, Project 717. The idea was for the submarine to travel hidden under the Arctic ice & unload troops & equipment... pic.twitter.com/aN4HQjomSF

2023-01-04 03:25:55
Saturnax 🇸🇰🇪🇺🇺🇦 @Saturnax1

@CovertShores @Capt_Navy @RSS_40 @TayfunOzberk @FORONAVAL @IBallantyn @The_Lookout_N @CislakJaroslaw @USN_Submariner @R_P_one 2. on the North American coast. The preliminary design was completed in 1971 - powered by two nuclear reactors & enough internal space to accommodate nearly 500 marines and ~20 armoured personnel carriers. Proposed length of the submarine was 190 m, displacement 18.000 t... pic.twitter.com/ibXVmLzKMM

2023-01-04 03:26:22
Saturnax 🇸🇰🇪🇺🇺🇦 @Saturnax1

@CovertShores @Capt_Navy @RSS_40 @TayfunOzberk @FORONAVAL @IBallantyn @The_Lookout_N @CislakJaroslaw @USN_Submariner @R_P_one 3. maximum diving depth ~300 m and maximum speed 18 knots. Submarine was planned to have six 533 mm torpedo tubes and two retractable A-21 cannons installed at the base of the sail. Designers also included a mine-laying capacity with onboard store of 250 mines. pic.twitter.com/TZaANaRCek

2023-01-04 03:26:42
Saturnax 🇸🇰🇪🇺🇺🇦 @Saturnax1

@CovertShores @Capt_Navy @RSS_40 @TayfunOzberk @FORONAVAL @IBallantyn @The_Lookout_N @CislakJaroslaw @USN_Submariner @R_P_one 4. Design was approved in the early 1972 & handed over to the SEVMASH Shipbuilding. Frequent design changes postponed the project until 1977, when SEVMASH was already busy with building giant Project 941 Akula/Typhoon class SSBNs. Project 717 was cancelled in the late 1977. pic.twitter.com/ZFK0gUjz5X

2023-01-04 03:26:57
Saturnax 🇸🇰🇪🇺🇺🇦 @Saturnax1

@CovertShores @Capt_Navy @RSS_40 @TayfunOzberk @FORONAVAL @IBallantyn @The_Lookout_N @CislakJaroslaw @USN_Submariner @R_P_one 5. One of the additional requirements that postponed the project was the ability of Project 717 submarine to rescue sailors from a sunken submarine with DSRVs and a rescue chamber. pic.twitter.com/IXZW4p9JGw

2023-01-04 03:27:14
Saturnax 🇸🇰🇪🇺🇺🇦 @Saturnax1

@CovertShores @Capt_Navy @RSS_40 @TayfunOzberk @FORONAVAL @IBallantyn @The_Lookout_N @CislakJaroslaw @USN_Submariner @R_P_one 6. In 1974, design bureau "TSKB-16 Volna" responsible for the Project 717 design & specifications was incorporated into the famous design bureau "Malakhit" in St. Petersburg. Photos by @fotoflota & Malakhit. Adding a CGI showing the equipment unloading. pic.twitter.com/flpTDscPQp

2023-01-04 03:27:53
Marcin @Marcin42657129

@Saturnax1 @CovertShores @Capt_Navy @RSS_40 @TayfunOzberk @FORONAVAL @IBallantyn @The_Lookout_N @CislakJaroslaw @USN_Submariner @R_P_one What would even be the point? With no sustainment capability This entire force would have maybe 2-3 days of fighting in it.

2023-01-04 10:08:41
Saturnax 🇸🇰🇪🇺🇺🇦 @Saturnax1

@Marcin42657129 @CovertShores @Capt_Navy @RSS_40 @TayfunOzberk @FORONAVAL @IBallantyn @The_Lookout_N @CislakJaroslaw @USN_Submariner @R_P_one Well, it was a concept that never made it to construction. The submarine, however, was meant to be a part of a larger invasion force including massive fleet of amphibious surface ships. The force it carried wouldn't last long if left on its own, but that wasn't the plan.

2023-01-04 15:14:17