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XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより 23年12月前半

Chris Kozak 🇺🇦 @tokyosax

"Every single person who died in Vietnam — and all who died in Laos and Cambodia, as well as all who died in the aftermath, like the Cambodian genocide their destabilization set into motion — died because of Henry Kissinger." rollingstone.com/politics/polit…

2023-11-30 15:23:04
Dr. William J. Ripple @WilliamJRipple

Should we keep shopping or is it likely that we cannot decouple emissions from GDP growth? Is post-growth thinking needed?doi.org/10.1093/biosci… pic.twitter.com/HFd6q6wh7Z

2023-11-30 14:16:48
おると🦴整形外科医 @Ortho_FL

検死でたまに遭遇してましたが、入浴時に亡くなる方は多く、実は12〜2月の3か月間に全体の半数が集中します! ✔︎十分な水分補給 ✔︎脱衣所、浴室も暖めておく ✔︎湯船の前にシャワー ✔︎高温風呂はさける ✔︎湯船からゆっくり立つ ✔︎酒飲んだら入るな マジ危険⚠️ ktv.jp/news/articles/…

2023-11-30 14:12:39
Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau

Heat pumps are an efficient, affordable, and clean way to heat and cool your home. They’re also better for your wallet and for our environment. And that’s exactly why we’re helping you make the switch from home heating oil. More on that here: pic.twitter.com/Fkrk0zNaex

2023-11-30 03:56:41
しんぶん赤旗日曜版🕊 @nitiyoutwitt

【スクープ続報】 自民党5派閥のパーティー券収入の不記載問題。岸田首相は、販売額を合計しなかった事務的ミスと弁明。しかし不記載だった政治団体の複数の担当者らが編集部の取材に「毎回、派閥と金額を確認し合っていた」と証言しています。首相のウソを覆す“決定的証拠”です=赤旗日曜版12月3日号 pic.twitter.com/WG0yTWoOHT

2023-11-29 17:52:21
Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

Climate crisis and energy costs fuel £600 rise in UK household food bill, analysis finds The media endlessly fails to make clear to the public what is going to happen as emissions drive us to 2C. It means two things: 1. An ever greater cost of living as extreme weather events destroy food production and critical infrastructure. 2. An ever greater decline in social services as states run out of money due to the costs of no 1. juststopoil.org rogerhallam.com theguardian.com/business/2023/…

2023-11-29 05:02:27
Extinction Rebellion Ireland @ExtinctRebelsIE

So where was our "leadership" while social institutions failed and the streets of Dublin burned? Why, sucking up to private multinationals of course! We couldn't let Minister Coveney's greenwashing speech at the Data Centre convention go uninterrupted... #NoMoreDataCentres pic.twitter.com/2SRBk2tPJj

2023-11-29 04:15:42
Roger Hallam @RogerHallamCS21

Labour denies abandoning £28bn green pledge "They stressed that Labour's fiscal rules were more important than any policy." Translation: "Fiscal rules": the interests of the elites "Any policy": stopping our children from starving juststopoil.org rogerhallam.com bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi…

2023-11-29 02:59:04
Akira Kawasaki 川崎哲 @kawasaki_akira

赤道ギニアの代表が、日本について「核兵器の非人道性を語るのなら、なぜ核抑止という政策をとり、国連総会における投票行動でも核兵器国と同じ行動をとっているのか?」と質問🙋 pic.twitter.com/DQ76TZH1eR

2023-11-29 02:51:06
The Goose @The_Goose_Media

LEAKED Big Oil video is surprisingly honest about sabotaging the latest climate summit #COP28 #COP28UAE #ClimateCrisis pic.twitter.com/MdzeplmsB4

2023-11-29 02:41:18
Janeese Lewis George @Janeese4DC

More than 82,000 DC residents do not have stable housing. We need to consider every available strategy to address affordability, and the #GreenNewDealForHousing brings new solutions to the table. Listen to the hearing today at 1 PM: dccouncil.gov/room-500/ pic.twitter.com/3bovd6nJhF

2023-11-29 01:34:40
Flight Free UK @FlightFreeUK

"Virgin’s latest flight is a smoke-and-mirrors exercise to convince governments that SAF will enable aviation to continue its relentless growth on a sustainable basis – and in this, it is succeeding." theconversation.com/why-the-worlds…

2023-11-29 01:14:08
WaterBear @wbnofficial

🌎Feeling anxious about #climatecrisis with #COP28 around the corner? It's not just you! 👉5 tips from #climatejustice activist @toritsui can help to navigate #ecoanxiety while taking positive action for (environ)#mentalhealth Read it on @imagine5_real 🔗waterbe.ar/3sAHaXH pic.twitter.com/dlGjnbIvjM

2023-11-29 01:00:01
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

JUST STOP OIL SUPPORTERS RELEASED FROM COURT Callum, Margaret and Arainn were released from court today after being arrested for marching yesterday. This was Callum's 8th time being arrested over the last few weeks, and they continue to be released on bail despite telling the Judge they will continue marching. Margaret gave a speech to the Judge, telling the court it's her "moral duty to march again". Despite this, Margaret was released on a GPS tag rather than being remanded to prison. The climate criminals responsible for new oil and gas should be charged with genocide. Join us this Saturday, 12pm, New Scotland Yard — actionnetwork.org/forms/march-wi…

2023-11-29 00:47:50
おきさやか(Sayaka OKI) @okisayaka

何のための国立大?“稼げる大学法案”で学問の自由が失われる…第2の学術会議問題になる可能性 nikkan-gendai.com/articles/view/… 「法案は財界と経産省の意向をくみ、官邸主導で“だまし討ち”のように進められた」「国立大学協会の会長も、閣議決定まで改正案の中身を知らなかったそうです」(文科省関係者)

2023-11-28 23:33:39
Fern @Fern_NGO

Resilient forests will protect foresters and other citizens from the climate and biodiversity crises' impacts. This is why we call on EU policymakers to fight for the #NatureRestoration Law! #RestoreNature pic.twitter.com/sWj3kc1s38

2023-11-28 22:57:55
KoichiroKOKUBUN國分功一郎 @lethal_notion


2023-11-28 22:15:35
Hemmi Tatsuo @camomille0206


2023-11-28 22:07:04
Hemmi Tatsuo @camomille0206

欧州の現地に住んでえられたご知見は貴重なものでしょうが、私の意見は異なり、下に書き留めておきます。極右勢力の台頭のような複雑な現象を、もっぱら移民・難民の受入数の増大に帰する見方は適切さを欠くと考えております。そう考える理由は次の通りです。 第1に、欧州における極右政党の台 twitter.com/May_Roma/statu…

2023-11-28 22:06:59
May_Roma めいろま 谷本真由美 @May_Roma

ではもっと説得力がある理由をご説明下さい。現地に住んで何十年も納税している人らからすると、政府が高価なホテルやマンションを借り上げ13万人を超える難民申請者が無料で済むのは納得がいかないのです。光熱費は数年前の倍、年金給料上がらず皆生活がうんときつい。 twitter.com/camomille0206/…

2023-11-28 06:18:58
せき のりかず @kotonoha_s

電車沿線の日中の自動車交通減少が(時間帯別の動向はともかく)昔から言われる「渋滞は1割程度の通行量減少で概ね緩和」とされている見本通りの数値で、ホントに何もかも出来過ぎてるな宇都宮LRTは… 宇都宮のLRT開業3カ月 車交通量1割減、バス利用者は増える|毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20231…

2023-11-28 22:00:56
k@h2021 @kzhrn2021

@pDyvhzFJAIAJe90 @MMT20191 これには本当に怒りしか。 パー券で稼ぐからバクチはやらない、と。国民にはバクチで小銭を稼げと声かけ運動。 #自民党政治を終わらせよう #岸田政権が日本を滅ぼす twitter.com/kzhrn2021/stat…

2023-11-28 21:00:06
k@h2021 @kzhrn2021

@Bruce_SUNNY バクチをお勧めする政治は狂ってます。

2023-11-25 22:10:33
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

@metpoliceuk Free our political prisoners. Jail the real criminals. March with us this Saturday, 12pm, New Scotland Yard — actionnetwork.org/forms/march-wi…

2023-11-28 20:51:25
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

Civil resistance is necessary in the face of the deaths of millions. Rather than arresting people demanding a future, it's time @metpoliceuk charge the climate criminals responsible for new oil and gas with genocide.

2023-11-28 20:50:39
Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

BREAKING: Just Stop Oil Supporters found Not Guilty 4 people were on trial yesterday after being part of a roadblock last year. The Judge decided there was no evidence of significant disruption, and that there was a lawful excuse for the action, so found them not guilty. pic.twitter.com/JTYMyhSMLw

2023-11-28 20:49:11
コダマ @kodama1234567

山本太郎『個人が投資するのはそれぞれの勝手ですよ!でも国家が「博打に手を出せ」と大々的に煽るのは無しじゃないですか?まともじゃない!では、総理ご自身はどうなんでしょうか?』 内閣審議官『岸田総理は有価証券は保有してないものと承知しております』 山本太郎『総理ご自身は金融商品には一切手を出さずに自分の財産ちゃっかり守るんですね。そのセコさ世界一。まさに優勝です』 #れいわ新選組 #国家

2023-11-28 18:58:16